View Full Version : 1 month owner of juvenile that doesn't want to be released

10-24-2021, 04:05 PM
Hi, about a month ago I came across a squirrel smaller than any I've seen chasing nuts in front of a tree (NYC) on the ground and acting odd, not showing fear of people. I put my hand out to it and it ran right up to me and then up leg when I stood up. I didn't want it to get hit by a car or attacked by a dog so I took it and looked up what to do and decided to keep it for a while until it grew enough to climb back up it's tree and then would release it.

I tried releasing it three times now and it doesn't want to go. It will either huddle in my backpack when I bring him back and open it or he will run into my jacket and huddle on my shoulder but will resist me taking him out when we're outside. This was even with his mother a few feet away (you could tell from her teats but they seem to be getting smaller now). She also didn't seem terribly concerned when I brought him back but she was at least around.

Is this normal? Could the squirrel want to stay with me? An ideal scenario would be if it could stay with me sometimes and then hang out with his family sometimes. Is that possible? What is the least messy thing I can feed him? Thanks in advance for any help and feel free to ask me any questions.

10-24-2021, 04:31 PM
What you are attempting is referred to as a "hard release".

Squirrels require a "soft release" which is a weeks long process in which they stay in a large outdoor cage for about 3 weeks. Then a small portal is opened allowing them to some and go.. which goes on for days or even weeks.

Here is an overview of the soft release process:

10-24-2021, 06:24 PM
What she’s telling you is that she’s not ready to go. Young squirrels instinctually know when they need help which is how she came to climb your leg in the first place. Please read over the soft release process and see if you can make it work. Your little girls life might depend on it, especially with winter approaching.

10-24-2021, 09:04 PM
What is the least messy thing I can feed him? Thanks in advance for any help and feel free to ask me any questions.

For the month you've had him, what have you been feeding?
Please post a picture so we may have a better assessment of his age.