View Full Version : Nutritional needs for 11 1/2 week old Red Fox squirrel.

10-19-2021, 04:45 PM
I have a few questions about the nutrition for my 11 1/2 week old red fox squirrel.
We found Dakota after a terrible storm, she was a few days old, thanks to all of the information on this forum, we were able to give her the best care and nutrition.
I have been feeding her 1 healthy block and 8 to 11cc 20/50 first thing in the morning 9:30am. Her second feeding 11cc 20/50 and a few thumb size portion of one the following vegetables broccoli, cauliflower, kale and avocado 3:30pm. Her evening feeding 1 healthy block and 8 to 11cc 20/50 and a small portion of one of the fruits, apple crisp apple, tangerine, and grapes 9:30pm.
Dakota loves the healthy blocks ( I warm them in a bit of her formula) She devours them. She eats vegetables and fruits without question. She has stopped nipple feeding, but still wants her formula, but doesn't always drink all that I give her, which has changed since she is eating all her other foods so well. She has antlers, apple sticks to chew on.
She potty's on her own, but occasionally I stimulate her with great sucess. Her waste has multiplied since eating solids. No problem there.

Dakota has a two story home 1st floor 4'x2'x2', 2nd floor 4'x3'x2' made of red oak, and 1/2" stainless steel wire, it has a rope and oak ramp from top to bottom, pine perch's, potty box with eco-straw wheat straw litter and a water bottle. She has a ramp from the top floor door to the room, she is very active, she is playful, loving independent, curious. She is very vocal, knows her name and comes when called most the time, lol. She is very acrobatic, we have ramps and perches through out the room for her enjoyment. Dakota is fed in her house, She is left to explore after every feeding supervised of course for as long as she wants. She naps a bit but is awake more and more as time goes on.

I am not sure if I am meeting all her nutritional needs.
Healthy blocks I am feeding 2 a day
Vegetables and fruits a small amount once a day.
Formula 20/50 8 to 11cc three times a day
Dakota drink plenty of water from her water bottle.

I am also curious if crepe myrtle branch is ok for her house?
We have as many as 20 red fox squirrels we feed daily, they enjoy the crepe myrtle trees which they do play and climb, the baby squirrels seem to use them for training climbing, jumping like a jungle gym etc., although I have not witnessed them chewing on the bark, leaves or flowers, I have read they are non-toxic. I have read threads here that they are safe, are there any changes?

Thank you for your time, we so appreciate you all.

10-19-2021, 07:12 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard Nikki1

My goodness I can’t imagine anything else you could do. Your diet is perfect. :grin2

Crepe Myrtle is safe but I don’t see squirrels in my trees too often. They seem to prefer the oaks. Like you, I have never seen them chew the bark or any other part of the tree.

We would love to see a pic of Dakota. :)

Diggie's Friend
10-19-2021, 09:05 PM
Consider placing untreated flat pine boards over the red oak floor, as red oak is higher in toxins than that of untreated pine.

Cared for a Mid Western Fox Squirrels with the approval of a rehabber. Some years after the passing of the oldest at 11 1/2 yo. , I learned that including wild foods in the diet promotes longevity, as does including organic whole foods also. In a diet study in wild rats organic diets were found to promote a healthier immune system and longevity vs. wholefoods produced conventionally, or conventional with some pesticides, which didn't vary much one from the other that didn't result in either good health or longevity.

Shell organic English Walnts and pecans and bag them up in small bags using a vacume sealer, to store them in a cool dry place for no more than 3 months that supports the prevention of accidental ingestion of toxic (alfatoxins) in fungus. NEVER store nuts in the freezer in or without the shells.

Foxers may initially accept greens and stalked veggies but their acceptance of them will likely wane during their 2nd year of life. In the wild they consume less leaves and other plant sources than Gray squirrels or Red squirrels. There is a study that gathered observational data where the Midwest Fox squirrels had been introduced to the Pacific Coastal States, that confirms that their diet is lower in leaves than that of other N.A. tree squirrels.

10-19-2021, 10:35 PM
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard Nikki1

My goodness I can’t imagine anything else you could do. Your diet is perfect. :grin2

Crepe Myrtle is safe but I don’t see squirrels in my trees too often. They seem to prefer the oaks. Like you, I have never seen them chew the bark or any other part of the tree.

We would love to see a pic of Dakota. :)

Thank you, I have learned everything right here, I read everything I can that relates to Dakota so we will be prepared, it has been enlightening learning something new everyday.
We are just concerned, that Dakota gets the best care and nutrition possible.

I am new to posting, we will post pictures asap( when I figure it all out, lol).
Thank you, I appreciate you. :serene