View Full Version : Felix my new pal
10-18-2021, 11:10 AM
My friend called me and had me get a baby squirrel from her house because she knows my love for animals. I’ve had her 3 days and I’ve been researching a lot, but I’d like reassurance that she is healthy and that I’m doing good with her. I think she’s about 5 weeks old. Her eyes are open, bottom teeth are in, and top teeth can be felt. She just sleeps ALL THE TIME and I have to wake her for feedings that’s she falls asleep during. She’s going potty on her own. I have pics of her too. She will only eat about 2.5mL before going to sleep and no longer being interested in eating.319933
Hi Krista,
I am new to the board as I have had the same thing happen!
My little boy squirrel looks like yours but still has his eyes closed. We found him (and his two deceased siblings) in our driveway under a very tall sycamore tree - no sign of a nest either) I've also done a lot of research and also fed him Pedialyte the first 2 days then introduced Esbilac/pedialyte mixture - but all we could find was canned Esbilac.
Today I found the powdered and it is mixed (small amount) and in the fridge for 2 hours or longer.
He has some diarrhea that I am now only giving him Pedialyte for - I think it came about from the canned Esbilac!! after reading a lot here.
I keep him bathed off and he is sleeping between feedings and staying warm and cozy in his crate (I made the standard one from plastic bin, heating pad underneath.
I am so worried about this diarrhea and hope when I weigh him again he is not losing weight. I want to introduce the new powdered Esbilac soon - and would love to get advice from the rehabbers here. He is so healthy and there was not one scratch or even a bit of dirt on him when we found him. Amazing.
He loves his feeding time - I follow instructions on how to feed and he is doing great. He sometimes does fall asleep at the end of the 3ML syringe but also sometimes tries to crawl away up my arm quickly! He's very strong also.
Thanks for any feedback and lets keep in touch with these two - and their progress.
10-18-2021, 03:09 PM
Hi Denise, I’m sure the liquid Esbilac did cause the diarrhea. It always does. Hopefully the powdered puppy Esbilac will resolve the problem.
:Welcome to The Squirrel Board
10-18-2021, 03:26 PM
Do not mix the powdered Esbilac with pedialyte. Mix it with very warm water. If you th8nk hydration is in order because of the diarrhea hydrate BETWEEN feedings, not in place of feedings.
10-18-2021, 04:56 PM
Thank you so much for your reply - I've been running back and forth to the laptop today to see if anyone was out there for me!
I have been using Pedialyte since last night at 9 pm and saw steadily less diarrhea - and stopped the canned Esbilac altogether last night at 6 pm.
So today I fed him the powdered Esbilac mixed 1 part Esbilac (mixed prior to this with water 1:2 ) and 2 parts warm water at 4 pm. He is 77 grams now (started at 83 grams on Saturday when I first weighed him). He has a little runny poop on his private area and a little dot or two in his bed -
I usually feed him about 3 hours apart and skip more during the night when I am sleeping - I do get up to check on his warmth/heating pad and water bottle situation though.
i'm wondering how I should continue with the formula/pedialyte tonight.
Thanks again for all the information I am finding on this board - it is overwhelming! Good for me though!
10-18-2021, 05:36 PM
Here is a baby squirrel guide that will be helpful. It’s 6 pages long.
Normally a baby that size wouldn’t need feeding through the night. Because of the diarrhea you might do it tonight to stabilize him and then discontinue night feedings when stable. I usually feed a baby that size late before going to bed and then get up early for the AM feeding. During the day you can do 4 hr intervals. Are the eyes open?
I wouldn’t feed formula every 3 hrs. You want the formula to move from the stomach before new formula is added. Too frequent feedings can cause bloat. If you want to give Pedialyte between feedings you can do that.
We will need a pic of your baby. :grin2
10-18-2021, 05:40 PM
10-18-2021, 07:06 PM
I feel better about the schedule now - and will space out to 4 hours gladly! So far after his first feeding of formula since I got the POWDERED Esbelic instead of liquid at 4:00 pm no sign of any diarrhea and he is resting and happy and warm(of course).
I will give him 5ml of formula (he weighs 77 grams now) at 8:00 pm then again at midnight.
Kristen - I feel like I have hijacked your thread! I will start a new one for Felix tomorrow.
Tried to post a pic but it never loaded - maybe because I am new I can't post pictures yet?
Thanks again for the great advice!
10-18-2021, 07:34 PM
ADMIN… please move ddhall posts to a new thread. Denise, what would you like for a title for your new thread?
10-18-2021, 08:04 PM
Done... sent dd a PM with the URL. We can rename it if she'd like (post the new name).
Edit: Updated thread title as requested... :thumbsup
10-19-2021, 02:58 PM
HERE is a photo of my little Felix - taken today before his noon feeding.
Today his eyes are open! Last night his right eye only was open - he can see me now!
Today he is feeling better - no more diarrhea and he is eating a little more Esbilac/water at each feeding.
He is really sleeping a lot and when it's feeding time he is eating like he's starved - he's in such a hurry!
If I slow him down he looks around and gets distracted. I keep him wrapped in a microfiber towel snugly while feeding.
He seems to really like being like that - he makes all kinds of happy sounds while eating - so so cute!
Any feedback is very welcomed! Thank you, Denise
10-19-2021, 03:58 PM
Just precious. :serene
10-21-2021, 03:09 PM
Update and a few questions about my Pal Felix,
Felix and I are still working together to make his life as easy as possible - finding our way although sometime a little rocky.
He continues to learn to eat his formula and today was a breakthrough - he is really sucking and swallowing his Esbelic/water very efficiently. He was not really eating much and falling to sleep during feeding up until today. This caused him to eat less than I wanted him too of course - 4 ml. usually and sometimes 5 or 6. He weighed 70 grams yesterday and I was getting concerned. He also has not had a solid poop since Monday - its yellowish and gel like.
Today his poops are further apart and his weight is 75 Grams - eating very well (5-6ml. at each feeding 4 hours apart).
He is drinking water with a drop of honey (2 or 3 Ml.) about an hour after his feeding because I read somewhere that that would help in digestion of the Esbelic. I'm not sure I like Esbelic but I am waiting for the Henry's 20/50 to arrive (supposedly saturday from Amazon )
He is fluffier, stronger, more playful but still sleeps in between feedings quite a lot. He startles a little when I open his cage top now. His tail is curling up over his back now and it is bushier!!
I bought some goats milk today - should I alternate feeding him this ? I am worried that he is not getting calcium -
Thanks for feedback!!
10-21-2021, 03:29 PM
Felix is right on target for formula intake. We feed 5-7% of the body weight per feeding. At 75g that would be between 3.75-5.25 mL per feeding. Of course as they get older they will take greater than the 7%. That is normal. The extra water is not necessary unless he is showing signs of dehydration. When they are dehydrated you will see tenting of the skin when it is pinched up on the shoulders.
They do sleep a lot when young. They basically eat, sleep and poop just like a human baby. :)
As long as Felix is taking formula, calcium is not a concern (unless the formula is defective). Don’t get me started on that. :peace It’s when they stop formula that calcium is a bigger concern.
I personally don’t like Esbilac either but many are using it. I prefer the FoxValley 20:50. When it arrives we will help you incrementally transition to the FV. You really can’t switch back and forth between formulas. This will cause diarrhea. I’m not sure how you can use the goat milk without causing problems. You can try adding a tiny bit to the formula. It is highly digestible but watch for loose poop. I would discontinue the sugar water.
10-23-2021, 09:01 PM
Felix is growing and seems to be very happy with his environment (a plastic bin with warm clean cloths and a covered water bottle :
Today my Fox Valley Day One 20/50 arrived. I need to know the best way to transition from the Esbelic formula he is eating now. So excited to get this and hope it helps him grow and thrive as well as I have read it will.
Thanks everyone on this board for all the valuable information I have found while being a new member here. It is helping me so much gain knowledge and confidence for taking care of Felix.
So my question is - How do I transition from the Esbelic to Fox Valley tomorrow? Should I mix it up the way it says on the package and refrigerate it for use tomorrow?
10-24-2021, 07:46 AM
Mix the Esbilac per the instructions. (2 parts water to 1 scoop of powder.) CONTAINER #1
Mix the Fox Valley per the instructions. (2 parts water to 1 scoop of powder). CONTAINER #2
Mix 75% Esbilac with 25% FV, feed a couple feedings.
Mix 50% Esbilac with 50% FV, feed a couple feedings.
Mix 25% Esbilac with 75% FV, feed a couple feedings.
100% Fox Valley and the transition is complete.
If the stool becomes loose or diarrhea starts at any point slow down the transition. They usually do well with the transition so I don’t expect any problems.
Yes, I would let the initial Formulas sit for at least 4 hours before using.
10-25-2021, 08:06 AM
Felix is growing and very strong! He wants out!
Thank you HRT4SQRLS for the transition instructions - I did find them Saturday night on a great thread and began his transition at the last feeding of the night (midnight). He is now at the 1/2 each formula point - loose poops but getting better.
I will upload a few pics later today when I have a break - he is growing so much! Weighs 97 grams!
We are building his next container cage and starting on his soft release - even though it is weeks away.
Thanks to all of you for your threads and pictures that are getting me through this the best way possible!!
Denise and Felix
10-26-2021, 09:40 PM
So it's a roller coaster ride - this baby squirrel mothering...
Today Felix only had 2 ml. Fox Valley 20/50 for his last two meals. He drank 6 milligrams at his breakfast time and 5 at the next but the afternoon and dinner feeding at only 2 syringes (2 mls) and absolutely was not interested in eating anymore. He wanted to explore and then go back to napping in his new large crate.
He doesn't act any differently - like he's sick - seems perfectly strong and healthy - climbing and loving his baths after eating. I'm wondering if now that the Fox Valley is full strength - that he doesn't like it. Or - am I not heating it up enough with the hot water bath.
Is this normal? I, of course, am worried.
By the way - he weighed 109 grams this morning - he has been steadily gaining weight. I surely hope he isn't going on a hunger strike!
Should I be introducing fruits and vegetables? He could be 5 weeks old going on 6 at the end of this week-
10-27-2021, 07:23 AM
How often are you feeding? It might be time to space the feedings a little further apart. I do think FV is richer than Esbilac so it may be keeping him full longer.
If he’s 6 weeks old now is the time to introduce a rodent block. He should be eating a rodent block very well before any other foods are introduced. Most squirrels love Henrys Picky Eater or Hazelnut blocks. Or you can purchase another type hard extruded block like Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018 or Mazuri rodent block. If you offer Henrys I would cut it in half or quarters until you see him actually eating it. There will be less waste that way.
10-27-2021, 07:39 AM
I get very concerned when a young baby squirrel decreases the intake of formula. I can overlook ONE day but if that continues today, it is a red flag. I doubt he doesn’t like the FV. It is a bit more filling than the Esbilac so maybe it’s that. Pick Felix up and put him next to your ear like a phone. Listen very closely for a clicking sound. Clicking (even faint) is a sign of aspiration pneumonia. He would need to be treated ASAP. I’m hopeful your next post is that he was perfectly normal today with a hardy appetite. Just to be on the safe side it’s good to have an antibiotic on hand in case it’s needed. See what you can find. It only takes one pill. We can dose it if needed. Most people have a few random antibiotics left over.
Wait until he is taking his formula well, then give him either Henry’s Health block or a commercial rodent block. Block should be the first solid food. After that I would give veggies like kale, broccoli or sugar snap peas.
10-27-2021, 07:50 AM
I get very concerned when a young baby squirrel decreases the intake of formula. I can overlook ONE day but if that continues today, it is a red flag. I doubt he doesn’t like the FV. It is a bit more filling than the Esbilac so maybe it’s that. Pick Felix up and put him next to your ear like a phone. Listen very closely for a clicking sound. Clicking (even faint) is a sign of aspiration pneumonia. He would need to be treated ASAP. I’m hopeful your next post is that he was perfectly normal today with a hardy appetite. Just to be on the safe side it’s good to have an antibiotic on hand in case it’s needed. See what you can find. It only takes one pill. We can dose it if needed. Most people have a few random antibiotics left over.
Wait until he is taking his formula well, then give him either Henry’s Health block or a commercial rodent block. Block should be the first solid food. After that I would give veggies like kale, broccoli or sugar snap peas.
Well - Felix decided at his 11:30 pm feeding that he would return to his 5-6 ML formula intake - he was hungry and ready to eat!
I was so worried after that second time of taking only 2 syringes of formula. He really is so strong and building up his legs and active when awake - I don't know why he wasn't interested - except I do think the food (which I keep mixed in the fridge) wasn't quite warm enough - I probably didn't warm it in the water bath long enough before feeding. This last feeding it was very warm.
Its time right now to feed him - I will report back if he doesn't take at least 5. He has never taken more than 7 and that is rare - usually 5 or 6.
Many many thanks HRTs4SQRLS
10-27-2021, 12:07 PM
How often are you feeding? It might be time to space the feedings a little further apart. I do think FV is richer than Esbilac so it may be keeping him full longer.
If he’s 6 weeks old now is the time to introduce a rodent block. He should be eating a rodent block very well before any other foods are introduced. Most squirrels love Henrys Picky Eater or Hazelnut blocks. Or you can purchase another type hard extruded block like Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018 or Mazuri rodent block. If you offer Henrys I would cut it in half or quarters until you see him actually eating it. There will be less waste that way.
I really do think he was 4 weeks when we found him since his eyes were still closed but they opened after 3 days. He is chewing on the leaves (oak and turned brown now and crunchy) in his cage sometime. I have rodent block but not any of those brands - order from Henrys. He just ate 5 1/2 ML at his noon feeding and is snoozing away after a big play around his crate (plastic bin- ha) He loves his new space -so big compared to the first one.
PS - my husband has started building his 6 foot tall release cage already! I hope he will be able to use it instead of wintering over in captivity.
thanks again!
10-27-2021, 11:40 PM
Felix has not been interested in eating very much the last two feedings - 8 pm and I bumped up his last of the day to 11 pm since he didn't eat at all at 8 . Maybe I am not insistent enough but I can't push it into his mouth more than enough to push out a drop - I do not want to force feed or accidentally aspirate.
He ate about 2 MLs at his 11 pm feeding. He wanted to snuggle up and sleep wrapped in his little blanket the way I always feed him. I did try to feed him standing without the blanket but he ws squirmy, not interested at all. I checked to make sure the formula was warm enough and I think it was. I cap the vials and keep them in warm water or put them in a foldover heating pad set on medium.
On the other hand - he is gaining weight really well - today he weighs 117 grams (yesterday he weighed 109 grams. I just hope he doesn't lose it from skipping meals.
I am wondering if he is trying to wean himself? Surely not!
He is not clicking - definitely have listened up close to his chest many times during the day today and yesterday. No other signs of AP either.
10-28-2021, 08:14 AM
Go to 6 hr intervals. Do not let him wean. At 117g he should be enthusiastically taking 10mL easily. As they get older they take more and more. You usually have to cut them off or they will overeat.
If he doesn’t increase his intake I would remove the branches and leaves from his bin. Is it possible that you’re feeding too slowly and he is getting frustrated? IDK, just a thought. What type of nipple are you using? How are you mixing the formula? 2 water to 1 powder, right?
10-28-2021, 08:46 AM
Denise, I noticed in another thread you mentioned using cherry wood in a potty box. I don’t know of anyone else that has used cherry wood so I looked it up. I’m sure there are many types of cherry wood. I’m particularly fond of real cherry wood furniture. :) One thing I noted is that most parts of the tree are toxic to animals. Again, I’m not sure what type of cherry wood were talking about here BUT out of an abundance of caution I would remove the cherry wood chips. In my research I found that ‘real’ cherry trees produce hydrogen cyanide as a natural pesticide to protect themselves. Even the leaves are toxic.
Because Felix is displaying some ‘issues’ with his appetite let’s remove a variable to be safe. I would rather err on the side of caution. :thumbsup
10-28-2021, 08:32 PM
Denise, I noticed in another thread you mentioned using cherry wood in a potty box. I don’t know of anyone else that has used cherry wood so I looked it up. I’m sure there are many types of cherry wood. I’m particularly fond of real cherry wood furniture. :) One thing I noted is that most parts of the tree are toxic to animals. Again, I’m not sure what type of cherry wood were talking about here BUT out of an abundance of caution I would remove the cherry wood chips. In my research I found that ‘real’ cherry trees produce hydrogen cyanide as a natural pesticide to protect themselves. Even the leaves are toxic.
Because Felix is displaying some ‘issues’ with his appetite let’s remove a variable to be safe. I would rather err on the side of caution. :thumbsup
I have just been able to get online to check in with a few questions and report some good news about Felix and his eating habits. HRT4SQRLS, I removed the cherry wood chips this morning and had not even seen this post! I decided that I didn't like it - it was fragrant and I know that is a bad thing to start with - now this would really be horrible if he had begun eating them!! The idea of him using it for litter was not well thought out.
I am so glad I decided to redo his crate this morning and take out the leaves, litter and turn it back into cloths on the bottom that can be washed as he soils them. He seems happier without the leaves especially - there will be plenty of time for outdoor environments :)
Today Felix ate 5 to 6 MLs at every feeding - we will see how his last one at 11:30 pm goes. I am so glad that he did. I did a few things differently and made sure it was very calm and quiet around him, used a heating pad to keep the formula filled syringes warm - I really think the food has not been warm enough when he rejects the syringe! That won't be happening again. I warm the formula first in a small glass jar sitting in a hot water bath. I then fill 6 1ML syringes with the warmed formula , place them between a folded over heating pad set on warm and as I feed just pull the next one out.
Today Felix is weighing at 122 grams. He was at 70 grams at his lowest weight the day after we found him (October 16)
His claws are actually hurting me when he tries to crawl around on my arms and play - he's very strong and as much as I hate to wear a glove on both hands I think I might have to tomorrow -
I am a little concerned with the back legs and the way he sort of slides them along sometime. My daughter asked if I though he had a problem. I am not sure - maybe it is normal until he learns to leap or climb. He uses his legs to scratch, curl up in a ball, run around the cage and up and down my arm. I do have a video but don't know if I can post videos here.
I will update my album and maybe attach a picture of him today in the next post.
All in all - today was a great day for Felix
10-28-2021, 08:52 PM
Go to 6 hr intervals. Do not let him wean. At 117g he should be enthusiastically taking 10mL easily. As they get older they take more and more. You usually have to cut them off or they will overeat.
If he doesn’t increase his intake I would remove the branches and leaves from his bin. Is it possible that you’re feeding too slowly and he is getting frustrated? IDK, just a thought. What type of nipple are you using? How are you mixing the formula? 2 water to 1 powder, right?
I don't think I'm feeding too slowly - i push the syringe about every second and he sucks it down quickly - the only down time is when I grab the next syringe. I am off and on using a nipple with a long actual nipple that I had to redo the hole in the end. It still doesn't let the formula out quickly enough. I may order the mini from Henry's. I've been looking at them thinking I need to.
I wish he would stay with it long enough to drink 10 ML - I can't imagine it! He shakes his head back and forth and absolutely refuses after 5 or 6 - sometimes he eats 7 but that is rare. I am trying and any advice is welcome. This part is stressful for me also. He likes to be wrapped up in a microfiber cloth to keep warm while I feed him - I've tried just letting him stand on the table (with a cloth)and he can't focus and be still to eat. I wish he would!
The formula is mixed 1 part powder to 2 parts warm water the night before and refrigerated . I use it within 24 hours. (Fox Valley 20/50) He loves it.
Thank you for any and all ideas, recommendations, etc. very very much!
10-28-2021, 09:00 PM
I’m happy that things went well for you and Felix today. :dance
In order to post a video you first have to download it to somewhere like YouTube and then copy the link to your post. A video would be helpful if you really think he isn’t using his rear legs correctly.
I’m glad you removed the wood chips and leaves. I’ve never had a problem with squirrels making a nest out of leaves when they’re released in spite of having fleece in their cage. I provide cut fleece squares for my yard squirrel nest boxes, too and they seem to like it.
Some squirrels are very particular about formula temperature. I’m glad you figured that out about Felix. He’s still eating on the low end of amounts. I hope he will gradually begin to eat a little more for you.
10-28-2021, 09:11 PM
Thank you - I will upload the movie to my youtube and leave the link here.
I do hope he will keep increasing his intake of formula - today was much better than yesterday so there is hope that he continues to increase a little day by day. i will not let him wean until he is supposed to.
The felt is a great idea - I have it in my dog crates and I will cut some for using in Felix's crate tomorrow.
He is really a great little squirrel - I just want to do everything I can to prepare him for living outside eventually.
10-29-2021, 06:22 AM
I don't think I'm feeding too slowly - i push the syringe about every second and he sucks it down quickly - the only down time is when I grab the next syringe. I am off and on using a nipple with a long actual nipple that I had to redo the hole in the end. It still doesn't let the formula out quickly enough. I may order the mini from Henry's. I've been looking at them thinking I need to.
I wouldn’t order the mini Miracle nipple. He would hate it. It is much too short for a big boy like Felix. The regular Miracle nipple would be perfect. They look very long but baby squirrels seem to love them.
Amazon sells fingerless gloves that help save your hands.
10-29-2021, 09:14 AM
This is the link to my youtube video of Felix walking around his new crate today. Thank you for viewing!
10-29-2021, 09:36 AM
Ughh, that is not a normal baby squirrel walk. It looks like a Metabolic Bone Disease walk.
How long has he been on Fox Valley? Let’s review a few things. How long have you had him? I know he was on Esbilac.
Has he always had this ‘shuffle’ walk?
10-29-2021, 10:05 AM
Ughh, that is not a normal baby squirrel walk. It looks like a Metabolic Bone Disease walk.
How long has he been on Fox Valley? Let’s review a few things. How long have you had him? I know he was on Esbilac.
Has he always had this ‘shuffle’ walk?
I have had him since October 15 - found him on the concrete driveway and assumed he fell from the oak tree beside driveway - branches hang over the driveway pretty high up. His brother and sister also fell or were put there by something within the next day - deceased when we found them both - no blood or apparent injuries - very strange. Felix was alive and dehydrated but easily hydrated again. There was a little blood around one nostril but that was all.
I think he always sort of shuffled - but he is so on the move now and can crawl up to the top of that little stool we put in his crate - maybe he was injured with the fall but he never cried or seemed in pain except the first day he did cry for his mom a few times.
He was on Esbelic powder (dated after Oct 2021) for about a week before the Fox Valley arrived - he also drank Esbelic canned the first 2 days we had him and that is when his diarrhea started and I joined the squirrel board and became educated.
If he already had MBD at the age of 3 weeks (his eyes were closed when he was found) that would be strange wouldn't it??
10-29-2021, 10:23 AM
I have had him since October 15 - found him on the concrete driveway and assumed he fell from the oak tree beside driveway - branches hang over the driveway pretty high up. His brother and sister also fell or were put there by something within the next day - deceased when we found them both - no blood or apparent injuries - very strange. Felix was alive and dehydrated but easily hydrated again. There was a little blood around one nostril but that was all.
I think he always sort of shuffled - but he is so on the move now and can crawl up to the top of that little stool we put in his crate - maybe he was injured with the fall but he never cried or seemed in pain except the first day he did cry for his mom a few times.
He was on Esbelic powder (dated after Oct 2021) for about a week before the Fox Valley arrived - he also drank Esbelic canned the first 2 days we had him and that is when his diarrhea started and I joined the squirrel board and became educated.
If he already had MBD at the age of 3 weeks (his eyes were closed when he was found) that would be strange wouldn't it??
He wouldn’t have had MBD with his mother. This is not something they get in nature. I just wanted to make sure this wasn’t an Esbilac ‘issue’. He wouldn’t be calcium deficient in 7-9 days even if the Esbilac was suspect. This is probably due to an injury. Let’s see if the rehabbers think he might benefit from prednisone. I wanted to make sure as prednisone would be contraindicated for MBD. I’ve asked some rehabbers to watch the video.
Pocket Full of Posy
10-29-2021, 12:35 PM
That slipper makes such a nice nest! So cute!
My little one would refuse and shake her head when she was done with formula, no convincing her otherwise. But she preferred no nipple at all, rather early on, and would lap it up drop by drop, rather than suck on it much.
10-29-2021, 12:38 PM
Here is another video of him grooming and using his back legs. He was just climbing in the crate effortlessly but a little clumsy like I would think a baby squirrel would climb
10-29-2021, 03:22 PM
Looks fairly normal in that last video :dono
Here is another video of him grooming and using his back legs. He was just climbing in the crate effortlessly but a little clumsy like I would think a baby squirrel would climb
10-29-2021, 05:56 PM
Looks fairly normal in that last video :dono
He does look much better in this video.
10-30-2021, 12:54 PM
Here is a video of Felix playing after his noon feeding. After an AP scare on my part, I no longer think I hear clicking. I have a stethoscope that my daughter left here and listened to him breathing and his heart rate. I did not hear clicking.
10-31-2021, 10:26 AM
Happy Halloween everyone!
A little report on Felix's progress. I think he is doing great!
He is eating more at his feedings - at least 6 Mls and sometimes like this morning first thing - 9! He was hungry from all night long without a feeding. I have noticed that he is playing more now - exploring his crate and finding things - like a branch to climb up on and most importantly - his water bottle.
He plays and drinks from the water bottle a lot - I am happy that he's getting water because as I have read - it helps with digestion of the formula. loves that water bottle and probably the little noise it makes when he licks the dispenser ball.
I do not hear any clicking and he is strong and active as well as so sweet when I carry him from his crate and wash him and play with him a little. I do not let him run free anywhere yet - still trying to figure out the place I will do that with him. A bathroom is my best choice so he doesn't get lost or under something I may not be able to get him out of!
Just a little update with no paranoid worries from me! He is doing great and I am so happy about it!
10-31-2021, 07:33 PM
The Water Bottle
Felix seems to be completely smitten with his water bottle. I hear it a little too often and now - I think it might be interfering with his already sketchy formula intake:tap
He drank only 3 Mls twice today (not in a row) but drank 9 Mls for his first feeding of the day (after 8 hours of me sleeping). He already is unpredictable with his feeding - loses interest and wants to get away while feeding sometime and I am thinking he is getting his tummy full sometime with the water.
His tummy is not tight but it is full usually - but soft. He is urinating and pooping normally as far as I can tell - he has his own little litter container that I put him in after he eats and sometimes in between times during the day. I can see when he goes there.
Am I wrong to take away the water bottle at all? Should I take it out certain times of the day and then put it back?
Just a reminder - he is eating every 4- 4 1/2 hours except at night - from 12 to 7 am or so. Eating Fox Valley 20/50 formula and there is a block in the crate that he sometimes is chewing a little - he has sharp teeth right now that he tests out on me also! This is a rodent block I got at a pet store but I am going to order Henry's Picky eater block I think next.
Thanks for any advice!
11-02-2021, 02:32 PM
Felix is 6 weeks old today!
He looks great - weighs 152 grams, is eating fairly well (some feedings 8 or 9 ml. and some 3 ml.) Today he was in a big hurry eating and became messy - I think since his teeth are in he is having trouble latching Ono to the syringe and/or just in a hurry.
Now I KNOW that he aspirated milk at his last feeding - he stopped sneezed a couple times and I saw a little milk around his nose. I immediately turned him upside down and patted his back consistently checking now and then for more milk. I saw it a couple more times but never a lot of milk. Still - this to me is aspirating - correct?
I have a stethoscope and am checking him on the hour for any sounds like clicking. I have not heard anything yet.
Is there anything else I can do?? when will I know that he is out of the woods - I am also looking for the other signs - lethargy, loss of appetite.
Thank you in advance for any advice!
11-03-2021, 02:31 PM
Just keep watching for the signs of AP. Just because he blows milk out of his nose does not mean he aspirated into his lungs. Just watch. Are you still feeding with 1 cc syringe?
11-03-2021, 07:16 PM
Just keep watching for the signs of AP. Just because he blows milk out of his nose does not mean he aspirated into his lungs. Just watch. Are you still feeding with 1 cc syringe?
so far it's going well - Felix is rambunctious and eating like he's starved every feeding - I have spaced his feedings out to every 5 hours and that must be the reason. He also shows no signs of AP - thankfully - I have a stethoscope and listen often. So far so good. He loves his out of crate time also and runs around a little - mostly though - he wants to climb my leg and sit in my lap.
The Tekland block came today so I gave him one in his crate - he immediately started nibbling on it. His teeth are in - he play bites me and that is how I know.
He eats from a 3cc sometime and I also use the 1cc still -no problems with either one except he is a little messy now - used to be slow and neat.
Thank you for your help!
11-04-2021, 07:54 AM
It sounds like Felix is doing well. That makes me happy. :w00t How is he walking? Is he using the back legs better? I would love to hear that he is doing less of the shuffle walk.
11-04-2021, 11:24 AM
It sounds like Felix is doing well. That makes me happy. :w00t How is he walking? Is he using the back legs better? I would love to hear that he is doing less of the shuffle walk.
Felix is hanging by his toes from the little branch I suspended in the top of his crate!He also is very active after his meal time in his crate as well as when he has running around time - loves to climb my legs and sit in my lap and play with my fingers as I rub him. He's seemingly very happy.
The Tekland block is his favorite thing to gnaw on - those teeth! Sometimes I think he's older than I thought - but I still judge his age by the fact that his eyes were closed to almost two days after we got him - then they opened overnight and in front of me!!
He is completely different now about eating - cannot get it fast enough and stands on his back legs to eat. I still support his upper body by holding it as he eats. He's messy now and loves his bath afterward. I am a little concerned because I don't see him pooping a lot - his tummy is soft and doesn't seem at all constipated?
Thanks for the request for an update - he is getting older and smarter all the time!
The outdoor cage is ready - only it will be an indoor/garage by a window cage for the winter. He will not be released until spring. My studio (I am a painter) is above the garage so I will see him all the time.
Im confused about weaning - when to start and what foods - starting to read about all that since next week he will be 7 weeks!
11-04-2021, 12:20 PM
We let them decide when they want to wean from formula. As he begins to eat more block and veggies he will naturally cut down on his formula consumption. It’s best to let him decide.
At 7 weeks he should be eating some block, which you said is Harlan Block. You can begin to add some veggies to his cage. I’d begin with kale and broccoli. Here’s the healthy diet link:
Does he walk better than he did?
11-04-2021, 12:52 PM
We let them decide when they want to wean from formula. As he begins to eat more block and veggies he will naturally cut down on his formula consumption. It’s best to let him decide.
At 7 weeks he should be eating some block, which you said is Harlan Block. You can begin to add some veggies to his cage. I’d begin with kale and broccoli. Here’s the healthy diet link:
Does he walk better than he did?
Your question about his walking - I observe him and see him stand up to walk but a lot of times he is staying low - maybe because he can't go very far. In the jacuzzi (which is our indoor one we don't really use anymore) I have some towels for traction for him. He hops around in there but still is careful and stays sort of low.
He climbs up my legs while I am sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi and has no problem. He also sits up to eat. I will watch him more carefully when he is covering some ground walking in the jacuzzi next time. I think I will put him on the floor of the bathroom next and see if he is comfortable enough to run around without hiding.
Also - thank you for the diet link - I do already have that saved and will start next week - he is going to love it!! Eating veggies - I can already tell!
My grandson is in another town and so far I have taken Felix with me the last two times I have visited - he needs to get weaned so I can leave him at home in his new cage and my husband can stay behind to feed him. Right now - I am the only one feeding him until he is weaned. :grin3
11-13-2021, 07:01 AM
I just wanted to update and share a couple of photos of Felix!
He has grown so much and continues to thrive, weighing 236 grams now and beginning to self wean.
Felix enjoys his Mazuri block and is also learning to like kale and broccoli. I’m still trying to feed him his formula every 5 or 6 hours but he sometimes skips a whole feeding.
He loves his water bottle and also loves chewing on wood
I have introduced him to his release cage for exercise and play time. He seems to really love it but comes to me when I tell him it’s time to go back inside.
When he has free out of cage time he just wants to crawl all over me and sit on my shoulder and play with my hair. Sometimes nibbling on my ear!
Needless to say. Felix is so lovable and here are a few pics of him now.
Our journey continues happily!
11-13-2021, 07:07 AM
I hope I posted the photo this time!
03-03-2022, 10:40 AM
Is it time to release Felix?
I am in a quandary about when to move Felix outside and start the soft release process. He was born in October, fell out of a tree and we rescued him from the driveway on October 15th. He has been thriving and growing very well since then. He was put into his large release cage in December and has been living in our garage going out and in (rolling cage) as the weather has permitted as well as time out of that cage in the garage area with supervision by me of course.
We live in Eastern North Carolina and the weather the past few weeks has been really warming up. There are no leaves on the large trees yet but our flowering trees are starting to bud and even bloom (some cherry trees and pear trees almost to bud out.) He has been eating all of them as I put branches in his cage every day so he knows all the wild stuff in his yard. We have a rural acre along a river and he has lots of oaks, poplars, sweetgum, maples and yards all around with nice bushes and ornamental trees.
We want to roll him out to a small garden house with an overhang - we can roll him out halfway so that it will rain into his cage when we want it to. Also we can put his extra nest box nearby on the side of a couple of nearby trees -
I just don't know when to start - do I watch the 10 day forecast for consistent warmer weather - that is already happening? Or do I wait for more leaf show? I am just nervous about this.
03-03-2022, 10:51 AM
Is it time to release Felix? We live in Eastern North Carolina and the weather the past few weeks has been really warming up. There are no leaves on the large trees yet but our flowering trees are starting to bud and even bloom (some cherry trees and pear trees almost to bud out.) He has been eating all of them as I put branches in his cage every day so he knows all the wild stuff in his yard. We have a rural acre along a river and he has lots of oaks, poplars, sweetgum, maples and yards all around with nice bushes and ornamental trees.
We want to roll him out to a small garden house with an overhang - we can roll him out halfway so that it will rain into his cage when we want it to. Also we can put his extra nest box nearby on the side of a couple of nearby trees -
I live very near where NC/GA/SC all come together (Lake Hartwell area).
Now is a good time to place him into his release cage. I will be preparing to open the portal for my over-winters (they spent the winter in the outdoor release cage) in 7 - 10 days from now. As you say this is a rolling cage, you need to make sure it is "racoon proof". And is it rigged with a small portal... about 3" square / round which a squirrel can pass through but not raccoons and the like? Make sure the next box(es) inside are not located near the portal... you do not want raccoons reaching into the cage and being able to get to the nest boxes.
You want a 3 or more day window when it will not be extremely cold, extremely wet and no thunderstorms... at least that is my standard OP.
03-03-2022, 11:41 AM
I have a roof that completely covers my release cage and I have siding on portions of it because I have to run sprinklers in my yard. My released squirrels have done fine when released without ever having been rained on while in the RC. I would be concerned about them getting wet and chilled if there’s no way for them to get out of the rain in your RC. Squirrels really don’t like getting wet. :grin2
03-03-2022, 11:53 AM
I have a roof that completely covers my release cage and I have siding on portions of it because I have to run sprinklers in my yard. My released squirrels have done fine when released without ever having been rained on while in the RC. I would be concerned about them getting wet and chilled if there’s no way for them to get out of the rain in your RC. Squirrels really don’t like getting wet. :grin2
Hi Mel,
Thanks for the reply!
Our release cage will go under an overhang porch (small porch) leading into the garden house - and can be rolled completely out into the sun or completely under the awning - I am pretty sure my husband will place a piece of something on top if needed to keep the rain out. He has never been rained on - shouldn't we leave it partially out in the elements the first 2 weeks? I was thinking the first 2 weeks that the little opening should stay closed also.
I need to reply to Spanky too - with a couple questions.
Thank you so much for all your continued help! I could not have done it without you all!!
03-03-2022, 12:04 PM
I live very near where NC/GA/SC all come together (Lake Hartwell area).
Now is a good time to place him into his release cage. I will be preparing to open the portal for my over-winters (they spent the winter in the outdoor release cage) in 7 - 10 days from now. As you say this is a rolling cage, you need to make sure it is "racoon proof". And is it rigged with a small portal... about 3" square / round which a squirrel can pass through but not raccoons and the like? Make sure the next box(es) inside are not located near the portal... you do not want raccoons reaching into the cage and being able to get to the nest boxes.
You want a 3 or more day window when it will not be extremely cold, extremely wet and no thunderstorms... at least that is my standard OP.
Hi Spanky,
So I thought that "leaves visible on the trees" was very important - ours are barely budding and look bare (the large trees) Of course there are squirrels everywhere in our yard and neighborhood - but they are not raised in captivity! ha.
We did have an owl kill a squirrel in our yard a few weeks ago and I was traumatized thinking of innocent Felix - we also have a couple of stray cats that wander through at night - no way to get them moved either.
What time of night do you go out and shut the little door opening? Right now Felix goes to bed in his box before nightfall - like around 5:30 or 6 pm - he's also gotten sort of fat! Too much avocado I think.
Felix has never had a nut on a regular basis - a couple of pecans (out of shell) and maybe an almond. Of course his main diet is Henry's Picky Blocks and a few Wild Blocks, with Mazuri blocks. Also he eats wild branches, pansies (his favorite), dandelion leaves and flowers, lettuces, celery and avocado, etc. My husband thinks I need to give him about 5 or 6 sunflower seeds at a time plus some nuts assorted in the shell right away. He will have 2 sunflower feeders to climb and eat on if he knows about sunflower seeds. Any advice?
Thank you again for all your help!!
03-03-2022, 12:27 PM
So I thought that "leaves visible on the trees" was very important - ours are barely budding and look bare (the large trees) Of course there are squirrels everywhere in our yard and neighborhood - but they are not raised in captivity! ha.
The tree canopy to provide cover is good, but so are the multitude of other squirrels... makes it more difficult for a predator to go unnoticed. And if you place Felix out now... for three weeks (24/7) before opening the portal ("soft release") there will be a canopy by mid March. Especially if you have poplars.
What time of night do you go out and shut the little door opening?
Once the portal is opened, it is left open. How large is the release cage you are using?
The first few evenings I like to go out and make sure anyone returning can find their way back into the cage. The first few days can be stressful, as a lot of them spend the first couple days on the ground exploring... The ones that take to the trees right away I worry less about.
- a couple of pecans (out of shell) and maybe an almond. Of course his main diet is Henry's Picky Blocks and a few Wild Blocks, with Mazuri blocks. Also he eats wild branches, pansies (his favorite), dandelion leaves and flowers, lettuces, celery and avocado, etc. My husband thinks I need to give him about 5 or 6 sunflower seeds at a time plus some nuts assorted in the shell right away. He will have 2 sunflower feeders to climb and eat on if he knows about sunflower seeds. Any advice?
Don't change his diet.. continue to feed him what you have been feeding him in the cage. What he finds outside exploring... nuts, seeds, sprouts, whatever... great! As a singleton he may stick around for a long while and beg treats from you. Be careful about that if you have neighbors because he may pester them. As a male, he may not stay around long or he may even disappear for days/weeks/months only to show back up occasionally.
03-03-2022, 03:34 PM
The tree canopy to provide cover is good, but so are the multitude of other squirrels... makes it more difficult for a predator to go unnoticed. And if you place Felix out now... for three weeks (24/7) before opening the portal ("soft release") there will be a canopy by mid March. Especially if you have poplars.
**Good news - thanks! And... I will put him out in a few days - there may be one more cold night in the next 3 days. I did not know that you aren't supposed to shut the opening at night during soft release - I thought you continued to shut them in overnight for the first 2 weeks after the 3 weeks of acclamation in the beginning. I will do what you suggested then. (she says sheepishly)
Once the portal is opened, it is left open. How large is the release cage you are using?
The release cage is 2 ft. x 4 feet x 7 ft (tall)
The first few evenings I like to go out and make sure anyone returning can find their way back into the cage. The first few days can be stressful, as a lot of them spend the first couple days on the ground exploring... The ones that take to the trees right away I worry less about.
Don't change his diet.. continue to feed him what you have been feeding him in the cage. What he finds outside exploring... nuts, seeds, sprouts, whatever... great! As a singleton he may stick around for a long while and beg treats from you. Be careful about that if you have neighbors because he may pester them. As a male, he may not stay around long or he may even disappear for days/weeks/months only to show back up occasionally.
Yes, I have heard most of this on the board - and I worry about what he will do of course - I also wish there were some way to know who he is - he has no outstanding markings that make him stand out - good for him but not easy for me to identify him. I'm sure if a squirrel runs up and lands on my shoulder I will know it's him.
03-03-2022, 05:01 PM
Hi Spanky,
So I thought that "leaves visible on the trees" was very important - ours are barely budding and look bare (the large trees) Of course there are squirrels everywhere in our yard and neighborhood - but they are not raised in captivity! ha.
We did have an owl kill a squirrel in our yard a few weeks ago and I was traumatized thinking of innocent Felix - we also have a couple of stray cats that wander through at night - no way to get them moved either.
What time of night do you go out and shut the little door opening? Right now Felix goes to bed in his box before nightfall - like around 5:30 or 6 pm - he's also gotten sort of fat! Too much avocado I think.
Felix has never had a nut on a regular basis - a couple of pecans (out of shell) and maybe an almond. Of course his main diet is Henry's Picky Blocks and a few Wild Blocks, with Mazuri blocks. Also he eats wild branches, pansies (his favorite), dandelion leaves and flowers, lettuces, celery and avocado, etc. My husband thinks I need to give him about 5 or 6 sunflower seeds at a time plus some nuts assorted in the shell right away. He will have 2 sunflower feeders to climb and eat on if he knows about sunflower seeds. Any advice?
Thank you again for all your help!!
Spray the cats with a super soaker water gun when you see them. An air horn like what is carried on a boat for distress is a good tool to have close by to use to startle any owls or hawks. They can actually feel the air waves if you point it at them.
03-03-2022, 05:19 PM
Also probiotics help with regulating when they are switched. Even if you use a person capsule, break it open and just put a tiny pinch in the formula. I tried a different goats milk formula than usual while waiting for the fv by mail. By the next day I was not seeing it work well. As soon as I went to the simple formula I added extra probiotics and we were clear in 24 hours. I know yogurt has it but a pinch of extra is good when digestion is off for understandable reasons.
03-03-2022, 05:33 PM
Just to be more clear, a tiny pinch in the full amount of formula you mix to feed for 24+hours.
03-03-2022, 07:23 PM
Also probiotics help with regulating when they are switched. Even if you use a person capsule, break it open and just put a tiny pinch in the formula. I tried a different goats milk formula than usual while waiting for the fv by mail. By the next day I was not seeing it work well. As soon as I went to the simple formula I added extra probiotics and we were clear in 24 hours. I know yogurt has it but a pinch of extra is good when digestion is off for understandable reasons.
This thread is about a fall 2021 that is now being readied for release, not a baby on formula... :serene
03-04-2022, 12:51 AM
Ok I see. Still figuring out how to navigate this site. 😖
03-04-2022, 12:59 AM
Yes, I have heard most of this on the board - and I worry about what he will do of course - I also wish there were some way to know who he is - he has no outstanding markings that make him stand out - good for him but not easy for me to identify him. I'm sure if a squirrel runs up and lands on my shoulder I will know it's him.
Didn't Stosh shave or clip a patch out of his most recent released babies? Yes, he did! Largo and Dorada. Check out the Costa Rica squirrel thread. Would Felix hold still long enough for you to clip out some tail hair?
03-04-2022, 07:46 AM
Being a dog groomer and doing some fancy stuff I have dog safe hair color. I thought of how cool it would be to dye my squirrels tail pink so I could see her running through the trees. In a world without predators of course lol
03-04-2022, 12:44 PM
Didn't Stosh shave or clip a patch out of his most recent released babies? Yes, he did! Largo and Dorada. Check out the Costa Rica squirrel thread. Would Felix hold still long enough for you to clip out some tail hair?
Hi Chirps,
I have not been able to grab/handle Felix for a few weeks because he tries very hard to get away and play bites a little harder at my hand. I'm afraid he has become wild enough to not trust to attack my hand. I wear these little white gloves from the 1950's that he has been familiar with since feeding him with a syringe - he recognizes them and I think that is the only reason he doesn't bite all the way through! He does respond to me through the wires of the cage and comes when I am talking to him. He will climb up my leg and briefly sit on my shoulder then runs off exploring again. I also do not let him out on a daily basis - I'm afraid he won't go back into his cage - he needs his freedom!
Answer - I don't think I'll be able to mark or cut a chunk out of his tail fur - I did think of doing that. :(
03-04-2022, 01:26 PM
So is the point just to be able to distinguish him from other squirrels? Maybe just some behavioral training. Maybe link a certain whistle or sound that he'd be very unlikely to hear elsewhere to a special treat? Consistently make the sound every time you give him his favorite treat. You may not be able to mark him but you may be able to tell who he is by his response when he hears the sound...
03-04-2022, 01:29 PM
An ocarina is a very cheap instrument that you can hang on a string around your neck and he is very unlikely to hear elsewhere. You don't have to learn how to play it just pick a note from it that you play every time he gets his most favorite thing. When you want to interact with him hang it around your neck and I doubt the other squirrels will react to it the same way he will.
03-04-2022, 08:56 PM
So is the point just to be able to distinguish him from other squirrels? Maybe just some behavioral training. Maybe link a certain whistle or sound that he'd be very unlikely to hear elsewhere to a special treat? Consistently make the sound every time you give him his favorite treat. You may not be able to mark him but you may be able to tell who he is by his response when he hears the sound...
Hi Sommer,
Thank you for taking the time to suggest some ideas - and guess what? I have always made these two little sounds while interacting with him and I call his name a lot too. He knows these sounds and I'm pretty sure he will recognize me making them and possibly come near me in the yard after he becomes free. That should be enough - and if he doesn't respond - that's OK too - I want him to be free and wild - but not hurt by other wild animals!
03-05-2022, 03:27 PM
Well if you make one specific to food or even if the ones you already have are, I would think that would make it a big difference. Many animals and mainly rodents seem to be driven by their stomachs. So if he equates it to food you might still be able to get a piece of him even if he's decided he's his own squirrel and doesn't need your companionship anymore. It's not really something that would hurt his wild it would be more like a secret only he knew lol I would just be very careful to make sure it is something he will never hear elsewhere. I know I probably sound like a doofus on here. I am well skilled in the animal department nutrition handling physical and mental rehab and behavior but I am mostly skilled on the squirrel end strictly in the area of being a good nursing mother. And that's about it. So I'll always throw my two cents in and hope someone who's specific to squirrels can curtail it with their expertise.
03-16-2022, 11:23 AM
Well, today we moved Felix's cage to the big outdoors - he will be enclosed for about 2 weeks and then we will open his door to the outside world!
He is on our patio which has a low white picket fence around it - I thought this would further protect him from the local feral cats that go through our yard at night and the fox too. If he goes out - at least when he returns to his cage it will be inside the courtyard where the cats and fox do not come.
I made sure that there are lots of new limbs with new vegetation growing on them inside his cage so he has lots to do while he gets used to his new location. He was inside the garage with the door open during the day and pulled out into the driveway until nightfall.
The leaves are popping out on all the trees and flowering trees are blooming. It's definitely time. The temperature should not be below 50 for the next 7 to 10 days also. I will take a pic and post it soon!
Felix is really chubby and loves hanging and swinging on his rope inside the cage. I hope I can make myself stop talking to him. i haven't held him in at least a month - he doesn't want me to!
03-27-2022, 02:18 PM
Hi everyone,
Felix came out of his cage today - and has been out since around 11:00 AM (EST) It's been adventuresome but as of now - he is hanging around our low fenced in courtyard where his release cage is, has started putting bedding into his nest outside the cage (in a crepe myrtle outside the courtyard but beside it, and wants to still be friends with me if I go out there.
I am worried about that last part - and am trying to just not go out there. He even came up to the back glass door and peeked in after me one time (I'm about to cry at that point).
I'll report more and hope the pics I post won't be sideways - how does that happen btw - any advice?
03-27-2022, 06:03 PM
03-27-2022, 07:16 PM
Aw, don't be worried! The very best part of being able to release on your property is the chance to remain friends. And if he gets in trouble or gets sick, he will likely seek you out for help. It's nice to have your baby living close where you can do that. He won't show the neighbors the same behavior. They know who their humans are - and aren't.
I spent many months treating a wild I named Loxie for pox some years ago. We agreed that he would show up every morning at 6:30 and I would give him his medicine hidden in yummy ground walnut and nutella balls and keep the other squirrels from beating him up and taking his goody. I was his meal ticket, doctor, and bodyguard, and when he got better he decided that we were BEST FRIENDS. Any time he saw me outside he would leap onto me, climb to my shoulder and hang out! He lived at the end of the street and I could always tell it was him coming because he would run 20 feet and then bounce straight up in the air like an antelope, then run 20 more feet and bounce. He was adorable.
One day I was out working in the yard and my neighbor was doing the same. We are both about the same height, hair color was the same, hair style mostly the same and on that day we also were dressed identically - torn up old black leggings and long sleeved black t-shirts with black muck boots. She wandered over to talk and I caught Loxie out of the corner of my eye, boinging up the street. I was very worried - OMG what if he accidentally hurled himself at my neighbor? He was coming like gangbusters and then he hit the brakes HARD. I could see the disappointment on his face - no way could he come see his BEST FRIEND with that other human there. We couldn't have looked more similar if we had tried but he wasn't fooled. He circled us for about 10 minutes until she FINALLY left and then flew into my arms. They know who their friends are. Take advantage of your situation. When they don't HAVE to like you because they are in your control and still want to be your friend it is just indescribable.
03-27-2022, 08:16 PM
Aw, don't be worried! The very best part of being able to release on your property is the chance to remain friends. And if he gets in trouble or gets sick, he will likely seek you out for help. It's nice to have your baby living close where you can do that. He won't show the neighbors the same behavior. They know who their humans are - and aren't.
I spent many months treating a wild I named Loxie for pox some years ago. We agreed that he would show up every morning at 6:30 and I would give him his medicine hidden in yummy ground walnut and nutella balls and keep the other squirrels from beating him up and taking his goody. I was his meal ticket, doctor, and bodyguard, and when he got better he decided that we were BEST FRIENDS. Any time he saw me outside he would leap onto me, climb to my shoulder and hang out! He lived at the end of the street and I could always tell it was him coming because he would run 20 feet and then bounce straight up in the air like an antelope, then run 20 more feet and bounce. He was adorable.
One day I was out working in the yard and my neighbor was doing the same. We are both about the same height, hair color was the same, hair style mostly the same and on that day we also were dressed identically - torn up old black leggings and long sleeved black t-shirts with black muck boots. She wandered over to talk and I caught Loxie out of the corner of my eye, boinging up the street. I was very worried - OMG what if he accidentally hurled himself at my neighbor? He was coming like gangbusters and then he hit the brakes HARD. I could see the disappointment on his face - no way could he come see his BEST FRIEND with that other human there. We couldn't have looked more similar if we had tried but he wasn't fooled. He circled us for about 10 minutes until she FINALLY left and then flew into my arms. They know who their friends are. Take advantage of your situation. When they don't HAVE to like you because they are in your control and still want to be your friend it is just indescribable.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this story with me - it helped me to read it since all of this is foreign territory and I really want to do it right. I am obviously a doting Mother to Felix and feel like my arm will be ripped off it we don't keep in touch. Today was , I think, successful but he is definitely attached to me, our yard and feels safe here.
He got out of the cage a couple of times this week when I was either putting food in or limbs - so he played a little before I coaxed him back into his cage those two times -but only for about 10 minutes each time.
Today he was out from 11:00 AM until 5:00 pm. and managed to find his nesting box in the crepe myrtle by the fence of his courtyard, fill it with stuff we left on a ladder beside it, and then explored the side yard and nearly left the yard chasing after another squirrel. He ended up going into our little garden house - and I couldn't find him. I had to go look for him - couldn't stand it. I was so sure that he would never find his way back before night - an tonight is supposed to get down to 31 degrees F. Well there he was sitting on the bench and he hopped down and followed me back to the courtyard climbing on me and jumping down all the way. He did try not to go in but eventually wanted some food that was in there - so he did. He has not learned how to find his 3 inch opening very well yet and had to go through the big door - but I will only let him out of the small one tomorrow morning.
So - I breathe easy tonight - tomorrow he will be free all day and it will be a whole new adventure.
We saw 4 neighborhood squirrels checking out his nesting box and all around our patio at dusk before they all have to go to their warm nests. I hope they don't push Felix out and take it over!
His favorite thing today I think was climbing real trees - he loved practicing in the courtyard on the miniature maple - and then went to the crepe myrtles. We have very large trees all around - I don't know what he will do when he discovers them!
I am going on and on. I really do appreciate your responding and encouragement. I'll try my best not to worry but it's hard!
03-28-2022, 10:45 PM
Of course, tonight will be the coldest night in March on record here in eastern NC - and Felix is out in the "non caged" nesting box for the first time. He decided to move into it and leave his release cage for the evening. He also had to fight off another very interested squirrel several times around 5 pm. I was actually proud of him ( as I watched through the window)
Today I purposefully stayed off the patio and side yard since he has really not ventured too far from there. We can't even take the dogs out anymore because we are protecting Felix - even though they are old miniature poodles they still might catch him unless he runs away fast - he has never actually seen them up close but he's heard them barking every day from where he was in the garage -
I also didn't want him to depend on me for defending him against all the squirrels he came in contact with today - he really did - and followed some into a hedge of azaleas - then ended up running back into his safe zone around the tree with the nest box.
I hope he found food because the food I left for him is in his release cage and the trap door is open.
My husband saw him go in and take a nap this afternoon while I was away.
He has lots of bedding in the nest box in the tree so I just am praying he is warm enough :Squirrel:sleep2
island rehabber
03-29-2022, 06:52 AM
He will be ok, mamma. Nature prepares them for these extremes. This cold snap (it's freaking 28* here in the Bronx CM920 and won't warm up until Thursday) can't last forever. If you are truly worried you can wrap one of those hand warmers in some fleece and stick it in the box with him. (I confess I have actually done this, years back,. :grin2)
03-30-2022, 09:46 AM
Well - we made it through the cold snap and he is going in and out of his cage and sticking around the patio mostly. I have a report about some very real concerns but for now I will post a pic of our setup on the patio - which is not working. He is not leaving!
The release cage is in the corner - open door a all times (3 inches) and he goes and comes.
We might have to move him somewhere else today due to him continually jumping on my husband and scratching - even biting him.
More in a minute - I need help with this!!
look at our setup.
03-30-2022, 10:00 AM
I'm having trouble getting this uploaded photo of our patio to post - please excuse the trial and error if it does not post!
03-30-2022, 10:35 AM
The glaring item missing from this photo are trees. Where are the trees you want him to live in? Do you have any on your property? Most squirrels are initially a little apprehensive to be out in the open and I don’t see any overhead protection for him other than the patio roof.
03-30-2022, 10:56 AM
We have many huge trees - we are in a river neighborhood with huge oaks, poplars, sweet gum, birch and beech - I just showed close ups of the patio area. Very good concern.
To get to the nearest huge tree he has got to venture off the side yard and patio area and go through an azalea hedge for the large trees in the yard next door. He seems t stop at the hedge and come back - the garden house is surrounded by large hollies, feeders too - so far he has ignored the feeder outside the patio fence - all the squirrels eat there all day long.
I will try to take a few pics and upload them with the trees
denise - working on this right now!
03-30-2022, 10:58 AM
If that’s the case, I’d consider moving his release cage over to where the trees are and place a nest box that he’s familiar with up in one of the trees. This might encourage him to hang out in the trees or even on the release cage but get him away from the patio.
03-30-2022, 11:01 AM
Here is a photo of the garden house where we want to move him - it has many trees (as does all our yard)
03-30-2022, 11:26 AM
evidence of trees in our yard as well as neighbors back yard full of big trees. He just has to go over there and find them.
He has been visited by many squirrels daily and I don't know if he is following them into the other yards or not. I just know that he is playing a lot on the patio, napping and sleeping in his release cage nest box as well as the nest box we put in the tree by the patio(crepe myrtle)
03-31-2022, 10:44 AM
This morning we moved the release cage (with Felix locked into it) and his nest box that was in the nearby tree - to the Garden house area - further away from our courtyard.
So far after much adjustment, hammering and propping up - he is happily crawling around on the ground searching for sunflower seeds and whatever else. We will see how things go.
For a few minutes - he did find his way back to the courtyard patio and searched up and down the crepe myrtle where his nest house used to be. He gave up though and when I came back to the window he had returned to the garden house area.
I am wondering if I should go out there and put food into the release cage at all anymore - i don't want him to follow me back to the house area!
03-31-2022, 11:21 AM
Where did you put his nest box? Is it somewhere he can find it? Is he returning to the release cage for food? If so then I’d continue to provide him food. It may take him a little while to adapt to his new location.
03-31-2022, 12:40 PM
Where did you put his nest box? Is it somewhere he can find it? Is he returning to the release cage for food? If so then I’d continue to provide him food. It may take him a little while to adapt to his new location.
His nest box is in a tree about 4 feet away from the release cage - I will try to get a pic - but right now I don't want him to see me anywhere near his cage because he will run up to me and go with me back toward the house.
I don't think he has found the next box in the tree yet - I put some new bedding at the entrance and it has not moved.
We saw him near the courtyard twice - once he was outside the fence digging all around hosts that are coming up - he really dug and dug too. Then he disappeared and we haven't seen him anywhere for a couple hours - I think he's back in his release cage.
I will not know if he's in his release cage unless I get right at it and peer in - it's turned so that I can't see the entrance to the box easily. I put some picky blocks and Mazuri block this morning when we moved it. He still drinks from his water bottle (and at our bird bath too) so I am going to keep it filled.
03-31-2022, 02:26 PM
You MUST close the access of the release cage at night if he is in there or he may get surprised INSIDE his cage by a predator. And that would be a disaster. Close it at night after it is dark and open first thing in the morning.
03-31-2022, 02:34 PM
Does the cage have a small 3" X 3" portal or by leaving open do you mean a large cage door?
03-31-2022, 03:09 PM
Hi you two,
Thank you for all of your concern - it means a lot to me right now especially! the opening is 3"x 3" and I have been leaving it open since opening it on Monday.
I am attaching new pics of his new location - I hope you can follow it - please ask questions or give any advice!
New development - you cannot make this stuff up: We have high winds today and it has been drizzling. Felix went up into the crepe myrtle by the courtyard looking for his missing next box, climbed up very high, and is now (as of 3 hours ago) stuck up there and refuses to move. I resorted to talking to him again (trying to quit) but he will not come down. I went out to his new box and called him because it is in full view from the crepe myrtle -
A squirrel stuck in a tree? No one but you guys would believe me or understand why I might be concerned.
I can't think of anything I can do - too much invasion of his wildness.
03-31-2022, 03:38 PM
So I forgot to send a pic of my little Felix(he's really a chunk) up a tree.
03-31-2022, 05:49 PM
After a long, windy afternoon - Felix decided to scurry down the tree slowly but successfully. He is just not an acrobat yet - and I know he was afraid of falling. Still - he did come down - as things were starting to darken up - I am really glad he decided to come down because we actually have a tornado watch and one touched down in the Raleigh RTP and mowed down trees - moving this way. It has not been this windy in at least a year.
He disappeared again while I tried to get my armor on quickly to go out and guide him back to the new area of his cage and nest box. I looked for him one more time before giving up and there he was on the patio eating succulents and chasing off another squirrel.
I went out the front door (so as not to make him want to come in the back door) and started calling him to follow me - and he came running. He climbed up on my shoulder , ran around my legs, play bit my fingers(with his favorite gloves on) all the way to the cage area. he jumped off and on to sample the dirt and sunflower seeds I had dropped earlier along the stone pathway to the garden house area.
It all went well and when we got to his cage he hesitated and was distracted but he stayed near me. I made noises on the cage so he would remember it - and then saw a pecan on the ground that I had brought out earlier.
I picked it up, put it near the 3 inch opening and he went for it! I dropped it quickly inside and instead of going in the hole he went along the outside of the cage until he got to the corner where the nut was . He tried and tried to get it - and I decided that was a good time to sneak off.
I am sure he will go in - he loves that house inside with all the bedding he prepared himself.
I left successfully - he didn't follow or come to look for me -
I feel a lot better and am so glad I don't have to worry about where he is tonight in this storm!
He was not showing any signs of fatigue or scratches from the 3 hour adventure in the tree either.
one more day of freedom for Felix!!
04-01-2022, 08:47 PM
So - I think I'm using this as the release diary now.
I am not feeling really great about Felix's situation right now - but that is because he can't communicate with me on a daily basis anymore and of course I am very worried about him.
I woke up and piddled around trying not togo out and check on him first thing this morning (8 AM) when my husband informed me that Felix was back up in the tree by the courtyard. I went to the window to look out at him and he was coming down the tree. He played around the courtyard for a little while then I left the window to do some things - for my other life - daughter's birthday in another town tomorrow for one.
We didn't see him for the next couple hours and actually went out on the courtyard to do some things like water plants, clean, etc. and he still didn't show up - we really didn't see many squirrels around at all - none at the two feeders either. The weather was beautiful - no strong winds, sunny and light breeze - but no squirrels.
I finally decided to sneak up from a different direction on the release cage and see if he was in there. I needed to check his bottle of water and see if he had eaten the blocks and nuts I had left him last night anyway.
He was in his cage - stuck his head out to show me but stayed in his nesting box (inside the cage) and I quickly put food in (dropped it) through the 3 inch hole - he came out and sat on top of his next box to see what I was doing but didn't make any sounds. I left without talking to him.
i was so relieved to see that he made it through the dark night with no moon without any visible problems.
Long story short - I think he stayed in the release cage sleeping or resting all day. He never came out - even to feed at dusk - unless I was busy and just missed it - which is very likely since the cage is not visible from the house now - it's on the other side of the garden house. There were lots of other squirrels feeding between 4:30 and 7 pm as they usually are. No Felix though.
He has to be wilding up and reserving his contact with me too - usually he would greet me and climb all around wanting to get out. After hanging on for dear life in those high winds yesterday for over 3 hours I bet he did need to rest! I am hoping that is the reason - my husband and I were worried that he is depressed and sad that we threw him off the patio and out into the yard -
This is hard - but I am confident that he is loving being FREE!!
04-16-2022, 10:44 PM
Hi everyone,
Well, Felix has not been seen at all since April 1st. Absolutely no sightings by my husband or me. We have looked off and on daily as much as anyone with a life could be looking around our yard through binoculars from certain windows that show great views of the neighbors yards beside us too.
If he is in our neighborhood - he could be in the woods near the river which is in the back yards of the houses across the street. The whole area is full of very tall, large trees and perfect environment for wildlife of all kinds. He's got it made - unless of course....predators.
I am baffled that he just abruptly disappeared, after sleeping in his release cage for a few days after being released.
What made him just vamoose like this? I just can't believe it!
I hope he is alive out there somewhere!
04-16-2022, 11:32 PM
The pain of success. :hug
04-17-2022, 12:00 AM
What made him just vamoose like this? I just can't believe it!
Kids move on and away, no matter the species or race.
I moved 6,000 miles away, with the Atlantic in-between. The grass is indeed greener on the other side. :grin2
04-17-2022, 09:55 PM
The pain of success. :hug
I actually do feel better reading this:grin2:grin2
04-17-2022, 09:58 PM
Kids move on and away, no matter the species or race.
I moved 6,000 miles away, with the Atlantic in-between. The grass is indeed greener on the other side. :grin2
But he was just 6 months old! Wagon train moving West I guess - he hitched his wagon to a star and who knows where he is - probably come home one day with a whole new family and move back into the release cage that I will probably never clean out or move!
Thanks McCarthy :blowkiss
04-17-2022, 11:15 PM
Grey squirrels are clan animals. Felix likely found a clan that accepted him. Now he has a leader and brothers and some females in one big squirrely family. He may surprise you by returning when he is older. My main guy, Jimmy, did, completely unexpected, and he stayed for the rest of his life, seven years, completely his own squirrel and leader of a pack of 8 or 9 males and three females. Grey squirrels are not loners.
05-31-2022, 07:25 AM
Hi all,
I miss this group! I have not seen my Felix at all since the last time I posted here. I think my last time with him was April 1st. We have so many squirrels in our neighborhood but I mostly see the same 4 or 5 families in my yard every day. Not my Felix.
I still hope that he is just a few yards up or in the woods along the river which is across the street and behind the houses across the street.
I drop in to see the new babies people are posting about and I thank you all again for the work you do to save squirrel lives.
See you again soon!
05-31-2022, 12:35 PM
We have so many squirrels in our neighborhood but I mostly see the same 4 or 5 families in my yard every day. Not my Felix.
Maybe Felix had to make a big move because of all the established squirrels around you. I so feel your pain, or longing is more like it for me. My guy over the course of the year sloowly weaned me off of seeing him thankfully. I swear he knew it was hard on me so he got me veery used to him disappearing for long stretches, then popping in for a week or two then taking off again etc etc, so I learned not to worry. I swear he returned after this winter once or twice; he had no discerning marks but acted like a wilder version of himself, so I just pretend it was him. I miss just having him sit in my palm soo much. Even after he wilded up (veery fiercely), I'd stick my hands out the slider door with my "play" gloves on and he'd stay there all day if possible. I even stole a few kisses and whifs of his back I'm in Co and would give anything to visit someone that has a NR or even has a wild that you can touch. There don't seem to be many members around here but if there are, please feel free to dm me if you want to show off your wildlife friends or just talk squirrel. Tina
05-31-2022, 03:33 PM
I even stole a few kisses and whifs of his back I'm in Co and would give anything to visit someone that has a NR or even has a wild that you can touch. There don't seem to be many members around here but if there are, please feel free to dm me if you want to show off your wildlife friends or just talk squirrel. Tina
Try to bond with some local and wild greys in a park. You know my story. If you invest enough time on a very regular basis, they will become 100% tame and let you sniff and handle them.
05-31-2022, 08:30 PM
Maybe Felix had to make a big move because of all the established squirrels around you. I so feel your pain, or longing is more like it for me. My guy over the course of the year sloowly weaned me off of seeing him thankfully. I swear he knew it was hard on me so he got me veery used to him disappearing for long stretches, then popping in for a week or two then taking off again etc etc, so I learned not to worry. I swear he returned after this winter once or twice; he had no discerning marks but acted like a wilder version of himself, so I just pretend it was him. I miss just having him sit in my palm soo much. Even after he wilded up (veery fiercely), I'd stick my hands out the slider door with my "play" gloves on and he'd stay there all day if possible. I even stole a few kisses and whifs of his back I'm in Co and would give anything to visit someone that has a NR or even has a wild that you can touch. There don't seem to be many members around here but if there are, please feel free to dm me if you want to show off your wildlife friends or just talk squirrel. Tina
I can relate to all you've said here - even though I've not had the same exact experiences - all of ours are unique and different - yet we have the common thread of being fortunate enough to have had a bonding experience raising a wild animal and releasing them back to the wild - where they belong.
Because my Felix has not been back (or I think I know what he looks like and acts like and haven't seen him) I had to get used to this cold turkey. I also worry that an owl got him the first few days he was gone - no basis except we had an owl scoop up a squirrel in our yard once this year - devastating! Felix was still a baby in his inside crib. I still have that image in my mind though and know that we have owls along the river and love them!
I watch our squirrels through my windows that overlook my side yard and neighbors back where all the tall oaks and poplars are all times of the day when I can - it's my favorite pastime. I know who is related to who - and they all come to our yard to the feeders full of sunflower seeds (and sometimes argue)
McCarthy - I think you're the king of making friends successfully with wild squirrels - please keep posting pics for us to see! So wonderful!
If my Felix, with the bright white fur behind his ears , ever comes to visit me again - you guys will be the first to know!
05-31-2022, 08:30 PM
Grey squirrels are clan animals. Grey squirrels are not loners. I suppose I could look this up somewhere, but would rather a quick answer from anyone if they know.
So you mentioned grey squirrels. Does that mean that fox squirrels aren't included in that clan like behavior? Just curious as we have fox squirrels here, and they seem to be mostly loners from what I've observed at least.
05-31-2022, 10:32 PM
I suppose I could look this up somewhere, but would rather a quick answer from anyone if they know.
So you mentioned grey squirrels. Does that mean that fox squirrels aren't included in that clan like behavior? Just curious as we have fox squirrels here, and they seem to be mostly loners from what I've observed at least.
The ground-dwelling squirrel species are social, often living in well-developed colonies, while the tree-dwelling species are solitary.
While most squirrels live in colonies or groups, called a scurry, some like the grey squirrel, are entirely solitary creatures. They may share a den if weather gets really cold, but generally hate their guts. The only reason their territories overlap is due to high density of squirrels in most habitats.
I see it every day. They all mark me and my camper, claiming it to be their territory only, and they all fight over it. Only a mom may tolerate their offspring for a while but sooner or later she will also chase their own kids away.
Greys are especially aggressive and territorial, its the main reason why they have displaced the native squirrel population in the UK. The British hate and hunt the greys for their dominance and rather anti social behavior. In my book they are true fighters and survivors.
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