View Full Version : Young squirrel behavior question(food and random leaping)

10-13-2021, 06:49 AM
Hi all I'm new to the form but have been stalking it for a few weeks now. I have a young 11 week old fox squirrel named Maiya that my dog found when she was around 4 weeks old. She had a big gash on her face and was bleeding from her nose when I found her and I didn't think she'd make it (on a side note I really think VetRx helped her tremendously - I used this on my chickens for respitory issues and am supprisingly impressed) She perked up the next day and since then she's been on fox valley formula and recently started on rodent block in addition.
Good news she loves Henry's healthy blocks but she eats every one I put in the cage so I started limiting them to no more than 3 a day (on top of the formula she still takes, what a glutton).
On to the question - she won't eat any of the healthy veggies listed. I tried arugula, broccoli, blanched broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, mushroom. I know she's still weaning but she won't even nibble on these things. I gave her a small piece of carrot one day that she happily munched on though. Can I be giving her too much rodent block? She's not fat and has always limited her self with eating. I tried limiting the block to get her to explore the veggies but her tummy got so shrunken and she wouldn't eat milk that I didn't want to starve her

Second question - she randomly leaps onto things and flat out misses, I've had to catch her a few times leaping from my shoulder to a potted plant or her cage where she falls short by like a foot or two, is this just normal riskey young squirrel riskey behavior or should I be worried about a problem? She also made a flying leap into my dog the first time she saw him at 10 weeks old when I forgot to close the door. Luckily he's so chill but I have no idea what she was thinking
She's currently 310 grams and in a big ferret cage! Here's some pics for cuteness and introductions!319988

10-13-2021, 06:52 AM

10-13-2021, 08:38 AM
Good news she loves Henry's healthy blocks but she eats every one I put in the cage so I started limiting them to no more than 3 a day (on top of the formula she still takes, what a glutton).

On to the question - she won't eat any of the healthy veggies listed. I tried arugula, broccoli, blanched broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, mushroom. I know she's still weaning but she won't even nibble on these things. I gave her a small piece of carrot one day that she happily munched on though. Can I be giving her too much rodent block? She's not fat and has always limited her self with eating.

If I read this right, she is getting formula, Henry's Healthy Block and another rodent block. If that is accurate, please tell us what the other rodent block is being fed. In all likelihood his diet is very good and that he will not eat veggies is of little concern at this point (depending on the block). Formula is great. Henry's is a supplement, usually in addition to healthy veggies and fruit. Extruded, commercial rodent block, if used, typically needs to be 80%+ of their diet but since you are feeding formula and Henry's along with the extruded block, she has a very good diet nutritionally.

I'd give him the veggies, like carrots, that he likes and experiment with natural foods from the area he'll be released (pine cones, plants, branches, etc.) to help prepare for release.

Second question - she randomly leaps onto things and flat out misses, I've had to catch her a few times leaping from my shoulder to a potted plant or her cage where she falls short by like a foot or two, is this just normal riskey young squirrel riskey behavior or should I be worried about a problem? She also made a flying leap into my dog the first time she saw him at 10 weeks old when I forgot to close the door. Luckily he's so chill but I have no idea what she was thinking

She should not be interacting with the dog as she will lose (or really not gain) her fear of predators. Very dangerous. And even the most docile of digs can accidentally injured, maim and even kill a squirrel. It is not hard for a 50lb dog (or a 15lb, or a 150lb) to kill a 1 pound squirrel; unfortunately there are innumerable threads here on TSB of squirrels being injured, permanently disabled and killed by most trusted, gentle dogs.

Not to worry right know, but an eye on her as she is still gaining her coordination. It should improve greatly over the coming month... if not there may be an issue...

10-13-2021, 08:54 AM
Just Henry's blocks for now! Should I be feeding other roden block in addition?

10-13-2021, 10:32 AM
Just Henry's blocks for now! Should I be feeding other rodent block in addition?

I must have just misinterpreted... at 11 weeks she should be eating her veggies well. I would cut back the Henry's to no more than 2 a day for now; "2-3" is a the recommended daily amount for an adult squirrel and she's not quite that big yet.

How much and how often is she eating formula? Sometimes they do not start on their veggies because they are kept full with formula feedings, so they are not as motivated as they might otherwise be to eat veggies.

Feeding her commercial extruded block like Teklad or Mazuri is an alternative to vegetables, but not as well liked as veggies IMO. I am a fan of offering them variety.