10-12-2021, 07:42 AM
I'm from Ireland. Grey squirrels are considered pests here, so it's not easy for me to find a vet. I'd appreciate any thoughts or tips you might have.
There is this grey squirrel who visits me daily. I've known her for over 2 years now. Back in August she had what seemed to be an irritated eye. She kept the eye mostly closed and tried to scratch it every now and then. I bought an off-the-counter eye ointment called Ophtosan ( (vitamin A). Not sure if the ointment helped or not, but the eye recovered within a few days.
How her eye was closed in August: photo (, video (
10 days later: video (
Fast forward to the last couple of weeks: I've been noticing some white discharge in the same eye. Over the past couple of days, the eye isn't as open as the other one. Photo of the white discharge (
The squirrel seems to be healthy otherwise. She's energetic and eats a lot. She takes a lot of nuts in order to bury them every day. Here is a video of her eating ( earlier today. Note how the left eye isn't as open as the right one.
Not sure what I can do to help her. I've known her for a long time, and she means a lot to me. Anything I need to look out for? Any medication you recommend?
I'm from Ireland. Grey squirrels are considered pests here, so it's not easy for me to find a vet. I'd appreciate any thoughts or tips you might have.
There is this grey squirrel who visits me daily. I've known her for over 2 years now. Back in August she had what seemed to be an irritated eye. She kept the eye mostly closed and tried to scratch it every now and then. I bought an off-the-counter eye ointment called Ophtosan ( (vitamin A). Not sure if the ointment helped or not, but the eye recovered within a few days.
How her eye was closed in August: photo (, video (
10 days later: video (
Fast forward to the last couple of weeks: I've been noticing some white discharge in the same eye. Over the past couple of days, the eye isn't as open as the other one. Photo of the white discharge (
The squirrel seems to be healthy otherwise. She's energetic and eats a lot. She takes a lot of nuts in order to bury them every day. Here is a video of her eating ( earlier today. Note how the left eye isn't as open as the right one.
Not sure what I can do to help her. I've known her for a long time, and she means a lot to me. Anything I need to look out for? Any medication you recommend?