View Full Version : Help. I found a baby squirrel

10-06-2021, 10:46 AM
So my dogs found a baby squirrel, I took it from them, and they have hurt its arm so it doesn't use it much, I don't think it's broken because he can still use it to hold onto things just not use it normally to eat or walk. I've had this baby about 4 days, I estimate she's between 5-6 weeks old. I have her on esbilac formula, pedialyte, and I started nuts yesterday. She's been fine this whole time, she was chugging formula and pediatlye, then yesterday I gave her her first bit of unlsated nuts, since then she's started these shaking fits every 20-40 minutes, shakes like a seizure, but she doesn't fall over, she's sitting up and foaming out the mouth when it happens and sometimes she gets this burst of hyperness when the shaking starts, and will run all over her cage. She's super sweet and doesn't bite, and has been really good up until this point. She also is pretty lethargic, she slowed down eating last night, and today doesn't want to eat formula almost at all. I'm worried for her, and I don't have any rehabbed around me, the vets made it clear that they will euthanize, because a squirrel is just not important enough to save. Im stuck. Last night also I broke up a tum into 4ths, and fed one at each feeding. I havent seen seizure like shaking yet today, but she still doesn't want to eat, and keeps falling asleep wherever, even when I'm trying to feed.

10-06-2021, 10:57 AM
First, pedialyte is only to be used for about 24 hours, and should never be mixed with the formula. If you. I would stop using that at this point. If she is still dehydrated, give her plain water in between the formula feedings.

She should not be eating ANY nuts at this point. They are for older squirrels and for occasional treats ONLY.

What are you feeding her with? A bottle? A syringe? What size? You say "chugging" - if they drink too quickly the formula can enter the windpipe and make it's way to the lungs, causing aspiration pneumonia and the lethargy you describe sound a lot like that. We feed babies with 1cc syringes - small ones - to prevent them from doing this. I hate to tell you this but it can absolutely be fatal.

They can be treated with human meds if you can find the right ones. Cipro would be exactly the right drug. I would ask friends, family, etc., if they have ANY leftover antibiotics, find out what they are and tell us.

To dose medication you MUST have a 1cc or smaller syringe with clear markings on it. We will need to know the drug name, the size in milligrams, and THE WEIGHT OF YOUR BABY. You will need a scale that weighs in grams for that. Dieters use them to weigh the food they wat - Walmart sells, you may have a friend with one.

I hate to hit you with all of this but lethargy and loss of appetite is exactly the symptoms of the pneumonia and time is of the essence if that is what it is.

10-06-2021, 09:37 PM
I feed her with a 1cc syringe. I've been super careful not to aspirated her, so I dont think that's the problem. Like I said before, this started about 2 hours after she ate the nuts, I didn't realize she was too young for them. I've been feeding her between 3-4cc of esbilac every 3-4 hours, and about 1-2 cc of water. When I say "chugging" I mean it as in, she was drinking the formula super well, and wasn't having any problems, but now she's hardly wanting to eat or suck from the syringe. She's also super lethargic and just wants to sleep constantly. I was adviced to try and give her some rodent blocks but she's not super interested. She seems super weak, and can't hold her head up or walk much so she's not able to eat the rodent blocks. I have her on a heating pad, half on half off her area, and I hold her in my shirt to keep her warm sometimes. The seizure like fits have stopped since I gave her tums yesterday.

10-07-2021, 04:15 AM
As I said earlier, regardless of your feeding method, your baby is showing just about every sign of pneumonia. It doesn't mean you fed incorrectly - that is ONE reason but not the only one. I reiterate - find antibiotics and tell us what you are able to find.