View Full Version : Unwanted pregnancy possibility

10-05-2021, 07:44 PM
Hello all guys its been a long time since i was here again for help and here i am once again :)

For those who knew my situation from my previous thread will be more easy to understand

So here is the new deal
We now go for winter season here in greece sally and konan is here for like close a year and lately i hear strange noises from the nest and there is and movement noises too but when i get close so i can se inside they stoo whatever the do
I never heard sally make heat kinda noises
I have seen konan kinda chase sally all around the cage one morning and i was waked up from the noise
I really dont have the space yet so i can seperate them in 2 cages yet
There is a possibility that they are from the same birth and are brother and sister but cant be 100% sure and cant find out from the pet i got them
And the questions from the possibility of pregnancy are
1)What i must do to secure Sally will be ok with birth?
2)If they are really bro and sis can be an incest issue?
3)Konan gonna kill the babies to mate again?
4)Can i interfere in any time and issue?

Thank you all for your time

10-08-2021, 11:45 AM

10-08-2021, 11:55 AM
Yes, brothers and sisters WILL mate. Most of the time, genetic problems occur when this is repeated again and again, like in a lot of animal breeding. Father is bred to daughter then bred to one of daughter's offspring, etc, done to boost some trait - perfect hair, whatever. I would imagine this happens a LOT in nature so I wouldn't be too worried about that.

I WOULD separate them before she gives birth - as soon as you can tell. Males have nothing at all to do with the babies and I can see them getting up to bad, BAD behavior if even just from territorial issues. He needs his own cage.

Do they see these as pets where you are? Will a vet see them? It would be worth it to have him neutered. They could probably even live together under those circumstances, if they continue to be bonded. You never know what THEY are going to decide, though.

10-16-2021, 02:00 PM
Vets here are only for domenistic animals so i dont have that option
I have them for over a year together and all seems fine but now i have seen the male trying to mate with her but ends to argue and i dont know if they had mate and she is now pregnant she will stop mate and he will continue to try?
I really really cant seperate them now
I have see them to give effection to eachother but i am not sure if those argues getting bigger and hurt eachother
I iam planing to saparte them when i move in another house but that will happen in some months

10-19-2021, 08:15 PM

We have this situation every day now
Is it worrying?

Diggie's Friend
10-19-2021, 09:40 PM
Don't wait to separate them; do it now. Female squirrels need their own nest to support having babies undisturbed. Their species don't live with one another but only come together to mate in the wild. If you don't separate them the babies will very likely not survive.

Each squirrel needs a separate cage that is larger than the one you have provided.

Here is a link to a medical journal with data on the Persian Squirrel aka: "Caucasian Squirrel", that a vet could use to support their medical care. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?57665-Blood-Values-for-the-Persian-Squirrel-Data-Charts&highlight=Persian+Squirrel

10-19-2021, 10:57 PM
I dont know if she is pregmant yet all i know is that he trying to mate with het and she doesnt let him they are together for over a year and this behavior is for like a month if i could have 1 cage for each o would did it but i cant have 2 cages tbat large in my room in my parents apartment its allready very difficult.. in some month i am moving to my own place then they will be seperated but i will try to understand what to do for any case until then

10-20-2021, 09:34 AM
I overwintered brother Iggy and sister Arya two winters ago. In their case, she got aggressive and territorial so I had to put them in separate cages at about 6 months. When they were first released at 9 months, having been inseparate release cages next to each other, they immediately started sleeping together in the same nest box every night.

Arya had her first litter when they were just over a year old. Once she had her babies, she would not let Iggy or any other squirrel anywhere near her nest box. This went on for maybe 3 months. By the winter, however, everyone was friends again, and Arya, Iggy, and the three pups all slept together in various combinations in the four available nest boxes. In really cold weather, all five often slept in the same nest box.

I share this because I expect that Sally may well get quite aggressive with Konan and not be at all happy with him being near her pups.

Iggy, by the way, has never been aggressive with his nieces and nephews Lyle, Frick, and Frack. In fact, since Arya is so aggressive and dominates the back yard, Iggy, Lyle, Frick, and Frack have moved around to the front. And Lyle in particular is Iggy's shadow.

Another thing to consider: Arya has now had three litters, with the most recent about 8 weeks ago. With both of the first two litters, a point was eventually reached where Arya would actually chase her own children out of the yard.

So, another issue you may eventually face is that Sally may not want to share a cage with her own children.

Further details (if interested) are in this thread:


10-20-2021, 09:55 AM
Let me qualify this statement:

"Iggy, by the way, has never been aggressive with his nieces and nephews Lyle, Frick, and Frack"

I should probably phrase this as "Iggy has never been a danger to Lyle, Frick, or Frack."

As far as sharing the same space when food is not involved, Iggy, Lyle, Frick, and Frack are fine together. And when she does not have young pups to defend, Arya is also fine with the rest.

When there is food involved, there is a pretty cleat dominance hierarchy. Arya is at the top, then Iggy, and followed by the rest.

10-20-2021, 11:36 AM
Let me qualify this statement:

"Iggy, by the way, has never been aggressive with his nieces and nephews Lyle, Frick, and Frack"

I should probably phrase this as "Iggy has never been a danger to Lyle, Frick, or Frack."

As far as sharing the same space when food is not involved, Iggy, Lyle, Frick, and Frack are fine together. And when she does not have young pups to defend, Arya is also fine with the rest.

When there is food involved, there is a pretty cleat dominance hierarchy. Arya is at the top, then Iggy, and followed by the rest.

To give an example: Right this moment, Arya and Iggy are perched on my windowsill about 18" (45 cm) apart eating separate piles of sunflower seeds. If Arya finishes her pile, she will chase Iggy off.