View Full Version : baby flying squirrel help.

10-04-2021, 04:53 PM
Hey, guys I recently found a baby flying Florida squirrel abandoned by its parent. I kept it away from ants and waited to see if its parent would come back but, there was no sign of them after a while. I have been looking around and reading these threads and gathering info for this little guy but I have seen some conflicting info through all of my searches and just wanted some advice and information.

I saw posts saying to only use Fox Valley formula and other ones saying to absolutely not use fox valley because it was killing baby squirrels.
Which formula do I need to use the 32/40 or the 20/50?
When do I start weening it off of liquids and when do I start introducing solid food?
Is it normal for them to not pee and poop after every feed? (He's peed a lot and pooped multiple times but recently hasn't been both peeing and pooping after every feed.)
And then just any care tips and advice for someone who's kinda new at caring for them.

My baby squirrel is I think about 3 to 4 weeks old, he has fur all over his body, his ears are up, eyes are closed, and he has his bottom teeth coming in. I have been using a puppy milk alternative the pet-Ag.

10-04-2021, 07:21 PM
I would recommend that you buy FoxValley 20:50. You can purchase it from Henry’s Healthy Pets. I would also order some Picky Eater Block from them. Keep it in the freezer until you need it.

The PetAg is an inferior formula and isn’t recommended. When the FV comes, I would transition him to it.
Mix the PetAg formula per directions. Also mix the FoxValley per directions on the label.

The transition will be as follows.
75% PetAg with 25% FV, a few feedings then
50% PetAg with 50% FV, a few feedings then
25% PetAg with 75% FV, a few feedings then
100% FV 20:50

In the older literature you will read that flyers should have FV 32:40 because it has a higher protein content. They need the protein BUT due to the problems with FV 32:40, I don’t recommend it any longer. It is difficult to digest especially for babies. We don’t wean them. We let them take formula as long as they will. I have an 11 year old flyer that will still drink formula from a tiny bowl. :)

10-04-2021, 07:24 PM
I would offer 1/2 of a block a week after his eyes open. He will crumble it and waste it initially but will start consuming it.
They don’t always pee and poop with every feeding. :)

When he get a little older we can talk about their nutritional needs like protein (mealworms, Wax Worms, etc) and mushrooms for Vit. D.

10-04-2021, 10:22 PM
Your baby won’t need this now but when he is older, most flyers love running on a wheel.
This is a link to a safe wheel. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1053469668/large-rat-wheels?ref=related-4

This looks like a family business so you might want to contact them and ask if they have a vinyl coated wire mesh running track. My flyer ate the plastic mesh on his wheel and made it dangerous. It was a different company (no longer in business) but they sent a coated wire replacement track and he still uses it daily and he will soon be 9. My 11 year old never used the wheel so his brother inherited it.

10-05-2021, 05:05 AM
Thank you for all this information you’ve given me, any other advice you think I should know?

10-05-2021, 07:45 AM
I forgot the most important part. The number one cause of death of flyers in the home is drowning in the toilet. You have to do one of two things. There is a toilet ladder made of hardware cloth that you can install in your toilets (a search on the board will give pics) OR you can be super vigilant about closing the lid. Initially I had toilet ladders but because I live alone, I am totally trained to close the lid. I never leave it up. I’m sure I close the lid when in other peoples homes as well. It’s an ethical dilemma I struggle with. Should I leave it open like I found it or close it? :grin2

You have to be very careful around them if they are free range at any time. They will hide in couch cushions or get under foot. Of course, my boys aren’t free range but Tucker does like to explore the house so I have to be careful to not step on him. I also trained myself to sorta shuffle my feet. I guess these little stinkers have changed my behavior to accommodate them.

They will also sit on top of doors. Careful closing doors.

10-06-2021, 07:32 PM
[QUOTE=HRT4SQRLS;1338241 ...We don’t wean them. We let them take formula as long as they will. I have an 11 year old flyer that will still drink formula from a tiny bowl. :)[/QUOTE]

Many, many thanks! Until reading your comment I didn't know that a certain 10 wk old grey squirrel roommate of mine didn't Have To stop drinking formula, that weaning wasn't carved in stone, etc. One more Excellant source of calcium - I'll take it!

When you mentioned the 'tiny bowl'...well, That was the cherry on top, m'dear!
Merle Haggard (Lol...the young squirrel I'm raising, not the late country music legend!) just loves (Loves!) drinking his formula now in his teeny-weeny-itsy-bitsy squirrel bowl. (Lol...But if Nashville's Merle Haggard enjoyed that too once-upon-a-time...hey, it's cool - I'm not here to judge! :)

If you have a moment I'd be interested in the formula Ratio you recommend for Merle D'Squirrel :)

thx! :hug

10-06-2021, 07:53 PM
If you have a moment I'd be interested in the formula Ratio you recommend for Merle D'Squirrel :)

thx! :hug

Merle Haggard D’ Squirrel I presume. :rockin

What formula is Merle on now?
What are your plans for Merle? Is he a keeper or will he be released? It’s sorta tough giving their bottle when they are wild free adults. You know, the other squirrels will make fun. They’re mean that way. :grin

10-07-2021, 08:48 PM
Merle Haggard D’ Squirrel I presume. :rockin

What formula is Merle on now?
What are your plans for Merle? Is he a keeper or will he be released? It’s sorta
tough giving their bottle when they are wild free adults. You know, the other
squirrels will make fun. They’re mean that way. :grin

Esbilac/ powder w/ whipping cream... full strength

He will be released back into nature, in the spring. We live in Canada. About 15-20
minutes from Niagara Falls...so the seasons/weather is a constraint :)

Lol...Let 'em laugh! His heart is made of Teflon, and I taught him right off the hopper to
laugh at his own absurdities first...and Then, best of all, the absurdities of life! :w00t

10-08-2021, 07:06 AM
Esbilac/ powder w/ whipping cream... full strength

He will be released back into nature, in the spring. We live in Canada. About 15-20
minutes from Niagara Falls...so the seasons/weather is a constraint :)

Lol...Let 'em laugh! His heart is made of Teflon, and I taught him right off the hopper to
laugh at his own absurdities first...and Then, best of all, the absurdities of life! :w00t

You are aware that Little Merle can’t be released by himself, right? He must be released with other flyers in an area where there are existing colonies…preferably. A flyer released by himself is certainly a death sentence.

If your plan is to release it might be a good idea to find someone with other flyers and incorporate Merle into a group now at his young age instead of waiting till spring.

10-08-2021, 08:06 AM
You are aware that Little Merle can’t be released by himself, right? He must be released with other flyers in an area where there are existing colonies…preferably. A flyer released by himself is certainly a death sentence.

If your plan is to release it might be a good idea to find someone with other flyers and incorporate Merle into a group now at his young age instead of waiting till spring.

Mel, Merle D’Squirrel is a grey squirrel. :grin2 Merle’s posts were attached to the original thread about a baby flyer. Merle can be released as a singleton in the Spring.

For the original poster, Mel’s post applies to your baby flyer. He can’t be released alone.

10-08-2021, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the clarification. :embar:embar