View Full Version : How to start solid food

10-02-2021, 07:18 AM
Around 5 to 6 weeks old but a not starting solid food ..there is no rodent block available here but when i feed them solid food..one tries to nibble sometimes other dont even taste it..so what should i do

10-02-2021, 08:09 AM
Around 5 to 6 weeks old but a not starting solid food ..there is no rodent block available here but when i feed them solid food..one tries to nibble sometimes other dont even taste it..so what should i do

Go to this website
This is all things squirrels. Start with one veggie at a time. Small bits though as not to upset their tummies. While you are the website, go ahead and order a bag of Henry’s healthy blocks. At about 6-7 weeks introduce the rodent block, I start out with a small bit as to not upset the tummy as well. They need to be eating 2 blocks a day. The older they get the more solids you can feed them. But try one at a time. As they approach the age of weening (they ween themselves) the calcium rich veggies and the Henry’s blocks will replace the formula. It is very important that they stay on a calcium rich diet in order to not develop MBD (metabolic bone disease). There is a section on that on the website as well.
How old is your baby? What kind of formula are you using?

10-03-2021, 07:00 AM
Around 5 to 6 weeks old but a not starting solid food ..there is no rodent block available here but when i feed them solid food..one tries to nibble sometimes other dont even taste it..so what should i do

Try checking Amazon for Mazuri or Envigo Harlan Teklad rodent block. I’m pretty certain Henrys doesn’t ship to India. You want to feed a hard extruded rodent block, not something that has seeds and pretty colored pellets in it.

Continue to provide the solid foods. Are they completely weaned off formula? We like to let them decide when they want to do that, but as the formula amount decreases their interest in solid foods will increase. Rodent block is essential for their health.