View Full Version : Aspiration pneumonia getting better?

09-27-2021, 10:40 PM
Hi team! New here because I became a mom to 4 baby grey squirrels when their mom didn’t return to her nest in my backyard. They are 5.5 weeks old and I’ve had them in my care for 4 days.

I rescued Pumpkin by calling him down 2 days after the first one arrived. I heard him crying in the treetops and somehow I was able to call him all the way down the tree and he walked straight into my hands! 😭 It will be one of the highlights of my life rescuing this guy.

I’m inexperienced with feeding and all of them at one point took formula into their lungs 🤦🏻*♀️ But Pumpkin started developing a clicking sound last night (I thought it was water dripping onto the tile but it was him!) and he had a very stuffy nose that I needed to keep cleaning for him. He didn’t eat as much but was still eating. Everything I was reading told me this was extremely critical and life threatening and so I panicked.

Nobody locally could help me. No vets. Wildlife places don’t take squirrels. One place said I could come and euthanize him there. I wanted to try to save him. I would be horrible if this little guy walked into the hands that would be responsible for his death 😭

In the morning he was struggling. Barely ate. But somehow, miraculously, I went to check on him a few hours later and he was doing much better. Still sneezing but no clicking. He drank most of his formula.

I read somewhere here to add 1 tbsp of 35% cream to 1 cup of formula to provide them with more fat. I removed it this morning - did providing him with a tiny bit of cream in his formula make him sick? Did removing it make him feel better?

I also read here to provide him with colloidal silver. I did and I kept seeing him improve throughout the day. This turn around happened over a 6 hour period.

I don’t know if I’m out of the woods with him yet but I’m extremely hopeful. He drank his whole 12cc of formula this evening. If I wake up and he’s not well again I’m prepared with some bactrim though I’m going to need some help with dosage. Who can I reach out for that?

Any thoughts on what’s going on? What I can expect moving forward?

09-27-2021, 10:47 PM
What you described sure sounded like aspiration pneumonia. It’s not something they get over though without intervention. I’m not knowledgeable about colloidal silver so I can’t comment on that.

I would like to send you dosing in case he gets bad again. What is the mg of the Bactrim and what is his weight?

09-27-2021, 10:51 PM
What you described sure sounded like aspiration pneumonia. It’s not something they get over though without intervention. I’m not knowledgeable about colloidal silver so I can’t comment on that.

I would like to send you dosing in case he gets bad again. What is the mg of the Bactrim and what is his weight?

I don’t have a scale. I will have to run out tomorrow morning to buy one. I will message you around 9:30am. Fingers crossed he will keep improving 🤞🏼

09-27-2021, 11:07 PM
I don’t have a scale. I will have to run out tomorrow morning to buy one. I will message you around 9:30am. Fingers crossed he will keep improving 🤞🏼

Sounds good. I’ll check back it in the AM. The scale needs to weigh in grams. You’ll need the scale to feed proper amounts also.

09-28-2021, 08:48 AM
What you described sure sounded like aspiration pneumonia. It’s not something they get over though without intervention. I’m not knowledgeable about colloidal silver so I can’t comment on that.

I would like to send you dosing in case he gets bad again. What is the mg of the Bactrim and what is his weight?

Good morning! Pumpkin seems to be doing great though he did have a few crusties on his nose that I needed to clear away. Not sneezing as much and ate a full breakfast. No clicking at all. Do you think I should still put him on antibiotics or wait for something more severe if that were to happen?

09-28-2021, 08:57 AM
No, I wouldn’t put him on antibiotics right now. As long as he has a healthy appetite and no clicking there is no need. Sounds like good news. :grin2

09-28-2021, 09:07 AM
No, I wouldn’t put him on antibiotics right now. As long as he has a healthy appetite and no clicking there is no need. Sounds like good news. :grin2

I honestly can’t believe it. I feel like I must have an angel looking over me. This little guy was so close to having to be euthanized yesterday morning and this morning it is almost a complete turn around.

I just want to thank the community here. I have found so much useful information while it is severely lacking in the province of Quebec.

09-28-2021, 10:12 AM
I’m so happy to hear such great news. Your description of Pumpkin coming down the tree to your hands and your description of that as “one of the highlights of your life” was so touching. :Love_Icon He knew you would help him.

Let’s make sure everything else is on track. Have you been able to get proper nipples to minimize aspiration? The Miracle Nipple (regular size) is available through Henry’s Healthy Pets. I’m not sure where you source products in Canada. I know shipping is very expensive. What formula are they on?

09-28-2021, 10:23 AM
I just looked on Amazon Canada and to be honest with you, I am flabbergasted at the prices.
Fox Valley 20:50 is around $75. Esbilac is around $35. Royal Canin is $50. :eek I don’t know if they can be purchased locally but I sure HOPE they are cheaper than that. That is just ridiculous!

09-28-2021, 10:37 AM
Pictures would be very useful to evaluate your beautiful babies. Once you get a scale (please don’t wait for an emergency to get one.) you will want to weigh once a day on everyone and record their weights. Wow, you got 4:eek. If you can’t tell them apart, you might want to mark them. I will use fingernail polish and mark a toenail on a different foot for each.

What formula are you feeding?

If you need dosing, just post that and someone will dose for you.

Wonderful story about pumpkin. AP is very deadly but with proper meds, very treatable if caught in time. Absolutely no need to euthanize.

Thank you for taking this bunch on. Let us help you with every step along the way. You will need to overwinter them so eventual caging will be important.

09-28-2021, 11:30 AM
I just looked on Amazon Canada and to be honest with you, I am flabbergasted at the prices.
Fox Valley 20:50 is around $75. Esbilac is around $35. Royal Canin is $50. :eek I don’t know if they can be purchased locally but I sure HOPE they are cheaper than that. That is just ridiculous!

Oh I know!! It is crazy. For a country that has a lot of trees and squirrels I’m shocked at the lack of support and products available for the rehabbers.

I’m getting a scale after my next feeding so I’ll definitely weigh them and post pics.

Answers to questions:
Feeding them Esbilac (yes, the $55 per can version)
I feed them every 4 hours up to 12cc
The only nipples I could find were on Amazon Canada and were pretty crappy. New ones coming this week but not available on Prime. No stores carry any :(
I have a 10cc syringe with a hard plastic tip that I got from the drug store. I’m able to have better control with this one plus I’m getting the hang of it now.

I’m so happy to have the antibiotics on hand now (got them from a friend) and can act immediately if I need to.

Part two coming after I get the scale. Thanks so much all ❤️

09-28-2021, 11:37 AM
Pictures would be very useful to evaluate your beautiful babies. Once you get a scale (please don’t wait for an emergency to get one.) you will want to weigh once a day on everyone and record their weights. Wow, you got 4:eek. If you can’t tell them apart, you might want to mark them. I will use fingernail polish and mark a toenail on a different foot for each.

What formula are you feeding?

If you need dosing, just post that and someone will dose for you.

Wonderful story about pumpkin. AP is very deadly but with proper meds, very treatable if caught in time. Absolutely no need to euthanize.

Thank you for taking this bunch on. Let us help you with every step along the way. You will need to overwinter them so eventual caging will be important.

You’re so amazing. Thanks to saying this. It made me tear up. I just want to help them and knowing you folks are here makes all the difference.

Thankfully for now I can tell them apart:
Pumpkin is grey and brown.
Lucky is very small and has some patches of no fur where my dog had him in her mouth 😭😭😭 I thought I was going to lose him but he’s thriving. All he wants to do is show you his love.
Casper is my first - he is a big chubby black and brown bear. Loves to snuggle.
Lord Chestnut looks identical to Casper but is less of a chubster and has a very demanding personality. Loves to play. Always tackling his brothers.

I need to know what this overwintering thing is! Please share more details.

Thanks all 🙏

09-28-2021, 12:14 PM
Feeding them Esbilac (yes, the $55 per can version)
I feed them every 4 hours up to 12cc
The only nipples I could find were on Amazon Canada and were pretty crappy. New ones coming this week but not available on Prime. No stores carry any :(
I have a 10cc syringe with a hard plastic tip that I got from the drug store. I’m able to have better control with this one plus I’m getting the hang of it now.

I’m so happy to have the antibiotics on hand now (got them from a friend) and can act immediately if I need to.

I don’t think I could rehab in Canada. It’s much too expensive. $55 for a can of Esbilac is unbelievable. :shakehead

Do you think you could get a smaller syringe from the drug store? A 3cc would be awesome. If you can’t just be very careful with that thing. A large syringe like that increases the risk of aspiration greatly. As they get older they will suck harder making control difficult.

I’m glad we finally have some names. :grin2 Now we need pics of the crew. :)

09-28-2021, 05:23 PM
I don’t think I could rehab in Canada. It’s much too expensive. $55 for a can of Esbilac is unbelievable. :shakehead

Do you think you could get a smaller syringe from the drug store? A 3cc would be awesome. If you can’t just be very careful with that thing. A large syringe like that increases the risk of aspiration greatly. As they get older they will suck harder making control difficult.

I’m glad we finally have some names. :grin2 Now we need pics of the crew. :)

Ok so the update is that Pumpkin is completely back to normal! I attribute it to the colloidal silver, the removal of the cream, a lot of love and some desperate prayers. :serene

I got a smaller syringe and it worked so much better! They are all stronger now so they are sucking very hard on the syringes. The one I have now allows me to control the flow better. Thanks for the tip!

Pictures to follow...

09-28-2021, 05:30 PM
This is Casper


This is Pumpkin


This is Lucky


Forgot to take a picture of Lord Chestnut :grin2

09-28-2021, 09:46 PM
Your babies are beautiful. You have a mixed bunch there with some melanistic.
I have never heard of an AP baby healing with colloidal silver but it sounds like that is what happened.

But I would still get an antibiotic to have on hand in case another of those adorable babies sucks the color off the syringe again. Baytril/Cipro is the best, Clavamox/Augmentin is next.

09-29-2021, 09:53 AM
Your babies are beautiful. You have a mixed bunch there with some melanistic.
I have never heard of an AP baby healing with colloidal silver but it sounds like that is what happened.

But I would still get an antibiotic to have on hand in case another of those adorable babies sucks the color off the syringe again. Baytril/Cipro is the best, Clavamox/Augmentin is next.

It’s been a day and Pumpkin seems in top shape. He’s a little afraid of me as I’m the lady who was pulling things out of his nose which may have been uncomfortable for him. I have to build back some trust.

The antibiotic I gave on hand is Bactrim. Hoping I won’t need it but ready to ask for dosing help if I do 🤞🏼🙏