View Full Version : 5-6 week old, didn't eat as much today, restless at bedtime.

09-27-2021, 10:00 PM
Our little Reba is 131 g, over 5 weeks old, and usually eats all her milk and wants more. We've been feeding her more than the 7% recommended because of advice I've seen on here, and she's been at 11-12 cc for the last 2 days. She has rodent block, but hasn't shown much interest in it. She's normally not very active, sleeps a lot, wants to be petted and fed. Today she turned her nose up at her 3 pm feeding, sucked down her 7 pm, and only drank 4 cc's at her 10 pm. She's very active today, and was really restless after her 10pm, when she's usually settled in to sleep soundly. She was also much jumpier than normal all day. Is this just growing up, or could it be something else? Just a lot of changes in behavior in a single day, and has me worrying I'm doing something wrong.

09-27-2021, 10:42 PM
I think everything is fine. I would space the feeding out a little. She can easily go to 5hr intervals between feedings. You should see her intake increase and stabilize with the longer interval.

Welcome to TheSquirrel Board. :grin2

09-28-2021, 06:42 AM
Only ate 6cc's this morning, skittish, wants to move around but no interest in playing. She had the hiccups last night and has them again this morning. It's weird that she's jittery, she's normally calm and sweet.

09-28-2021, 06:48 AM
As they get older they are more active. Let’s hope it’s just that. Is there anything that makes you think she is sick? Is her breathing normal? No clicking, right?

What formula are you using? The decrease in formula intake is a bit concerning. It’s usually just he opposite as they want more and more.

09-28-2021, 07:27 AM
Esibilac, 2 water to 1 powder. It worries me too, she's wanted more every day. She wants to crawl around and explore rather than eat, and she acts alert and very nervous. She's not dehydrated, and she peed a lot this morning, but I had to coax her to eat what she did. She played a tiny bit, but she's not napping like normal. She did grab a piece of rat block and took it in her bed box, but didn't eat it. 6 cc's isn't a lot less than what's recommended, it's just less than she normally eats. It's been less than 24 hours since the weird behavior started, I guess I shouldn't freak out too much, but if somethings wrong I want to catch it quick.
No clicking, just occasional hiccups. Her fur doesn't seem as smooth, but that may just be all the activity.

09-28-2021, 08:03 AM
Could you post a picture?

09-28-2021, 09:59 PM
Sorry, I didn't get a pic of her today, but whatever was wrong seems to have cleared up. We switched to 5 hour feeding, 4 times a day and she drank down 12 cc's and looked for more. She's back to her usual behavior, although a bit more alert/skittish. But sleeping, wanting to be petted, playing with her stuffy. Thank you all for the advice. I want to release a healthy, happy young squirrel in the spring.

09-30-2021, 05:38 PM
Reba, doing much better, very active.

09-30-2021, 08:35 PM
Reba :Love_Icon :serene

What a little doll! Adorable.