View Full Version : 8-9 week grey squirrel with lesions- started around 5 weeks
09-26-2021, 11:16 AM
Hello squirrel enthusiasts and aficionados!
Here is a head-scratcher. I have a 8-9 week old grey squirrel (female) that has developed these lesions over her body. A bit of backstory, she is paired with another squirrel early on who has not shown as lesions and another squirrel which was much older (closer to 10-12 weeks). I got the pair around 4-4.5 weeks old, the older one was about 6 weeks old. The older one has neurological issues and paired better with them. Neuro was quarantined for 72 hours before being put with anyone. About a week of living together the female had an injury on her back foot, on her toe. I figured they got too rough, put Dermalone on it 2x a day and thought nothing of it. About 24-48 hours later, the toe, foot, and leg had swollen. I put her on Clavamox (1cc 2x a day) for about 7 days which helped the swelling but not the injury itself. As time progressed, I found a lesion on her abdomen next to the injured foot. Again, figured the Neuro was picking on her, made sure everyone has plenty of food so there was no fighting until I could separate everyone. 3 days later, everyone was separated, in that time more lesions had appeared. Its been a week since the Neuro and the pair have been separated and the lesions are still spreading. I don't believe it is squirrel pox as no one else has it. I don't believe the lesions are bites from the other squirrels because the instigator is no longer housed with them. She is plateauing, not thriving. Fur is thinner than it should be but she is still perky and a fighter. I have attached photos that I could get as she is feisty. Any ideas on what it could potentially be? Thank you!!!
09-26-2021, 11:43 AM
Does this look "yeast-ish" to anyone else?
09-26-2021, 11:50 AM
Could you clarify "yeast-ish" for me?
09-26-2021, 12:04 PM
Sorry - like a topical yeast infection.
09-26-2021, 12:30 PM
I am wondering about pox? Never had a pox baby but it looks like a similar presentation.
Hope not.
09-26-2021, 02:03 PM
Sorry - like a topical yeast infection.
What could cause a topical yeast infection?
09-26-2021, 02:08 PM
I am wondering about pox? Never had a pox baby but it looks like a similar presentation.
Hope not.
I hope not too! No one else has these lesions which is why I don't think its pox. They all drink from the same nipples/syringes which will cause it to rapidly spread.
09-26-2021, 02:27 PM
What could cause a topical yeast infection?
Candida is present in the body normally. An overgrowth of it can be from many things - antibiotics can cause it, stress can cause it, general poor health can cause it... I don't KNOW this is yeast, but the one yellowish one on his tummy literally made yeast pop into my head. Give us a bit - we have lots of really bright folks on here.
I don't *think* it is pox. All of the early pox lesions I have seen look almost like the water blisters that first bubble up from a burn. This doesn't look like that.
09-26-2021, 02:32 PM
It looks yeast-ish and maybe could be pox. Could you try to post come additional pictures?
Are they all raised? I am specifically interested to know about the lesion on her muzzle.
I'd stop the dermalone and use some diluted Povidone-Iodine (betadine), 20 drops in a cup of water. Should look like weak tea. Wipe it on and leave it. Do those 4 - 5 times a day and see if it start responding... this is to treat a possible topical yeast or staph infection. If you see no improvement or any indication of worsening stop the betadine. You can get this at any drug store, the store brand is fine and inexpensive.
If this is pox, it gets way more complicate and dangerous.... maybe other will weigh in on the pox possibility. There are various treatments for Pox, my personal choice is acyclovir of vancyclovir orally. Some folks use Mexsana (powdered cornstarch).. I tried this but am unsure it made a difference... the anti-viral drugs are key in my experience.
I have treated several pox cases but I am just not certain here. Edit: Just saw CM's post and I am with her... I don't think this is pox but I cannot say with certainty.
I'd separate her form the others for now to be safe.
09-27-2021, 12:52 AM
I can’t say for sure what that is but there is something in your first post that caught my attention.
You mentioned a Clavamox dose of 1cc 2x a day. Without even knowing the concentration of your suspension, it sounds WAY high. When did they finish the Clavamox?
I have never seen pox personally and the lesions aren’t typical from what I’ve seen in pics but the progression of this sure is suspect for pox. Just because the others don’t have it (yet) doesn’t rule it out.
09-29-2021, 08:45 AM
Hi Kat.New:
How is your little Squirrel with the lesions doing? What medication(s) are you now using? And how are your other Squirrels?
09-29-2021, 11:22 PM
Hi all!
Sorry for the delayed update, I'm not getting notifications when someone has commented on a thread of mine. We are trying a new approach for treatment. My mentor and a couple other rehabilitators were able to look at the photos I posted earlier on in the thread and think it could be some sort of fungal infection, parasite, or possibly even an auto-immune disease.
Originally the Clavamox was to treat a possible infection with the injured toe. The antibiotic was used Sept. 9-14th to help with the swelling as it looked infected, but the toe has never healed, just staying scabbed over. On Sept 14th, is when I found the first lesion on her abdomen near her back left leg. Since then, the lesions have multiplied. Monday night, Sept 27th, she started showing signs of being in pain. She didn't want to be touched by anyone or anything. She was still living with her little release buddy (until I could obtain another cage to separate them) and she would yell at him if he touched her. I gave her Carprofen 12.5mg in 5cc saline solution, orally, which seemed to really help. Lesions still there but she didn't seem to be in as much pain.
Currently we're hitting whatever this is with Prednisone and Lotrimin cream. 5mg Prednisone in 5cc of saline solution, 1:1, 1x day. Lotrimin cream on the lesions except on her face as I don't want it to get in her eyes, twice a day. If it's auto-immune, the steroids will calm it down, if its fungal or parasite, the Lotrimin will knock it out. If none of those work, next step is the Betadine solution. Carprofen was only given once as it does not interact well with Prednisone.
Below are updated photos from tonight that I was able to snag while feeding her. Every time I look at her, she seems to be getting worse. While not the answer we want, the possibility of euthanasia has crossed my mind. Not to give up but if she is in pain and I can't fix it, its not fair to her to suffer and be in pain. I will continue to fight for her as long as she continues to fight.
09-29-2021, 11:25 PM
I can’t say for sure what that is but there is something in your first post that caught my attention.
You mentioned a Clavamox dose of 1cc 2x a day. Without even knowing the concentration of your suspension, it sounds WAY high. When did they finish the Clavamox?
I have never seen pox personally and the lesions aren’t typical from what I’ve seen in pics but the progression of this sure is suspect for pox. Just because the others don’t have it (yet) doesn’t rule it out.
You are correct, the dosage in my original post was incorrect. The correct dosage she received was 1/10 of a cc 2x day for 5 days.
09-30-2021, 01:16 AM
These lesions appear very similar to the lesions of concern in the current thread started by DavidDane: "Pet Grey Squirrel - Lesion under arm - Safe antibiotic?"
It may be worthwhile to both of you if you view this thread and maybe share information. I'll make the same suggestion to DD.
island rehabber
09-30-2021, 03:30 AM
Folks, I still believe this is pox, which can be reversed when caught early -- like NOW. get hold of some acyclovir or Valtrex!
It can take three weeks for pox to show on the others. Please don't waste time, for your squirrels' sake
09-30-2021, 06:48 AM
Folks, I still believe this is pox, which can be reversed when caught early -- like NOW. get hold of some acyclovir or Valtrex!
It can take three weeks for pox to show on the others. Please don't waste time, for your squirrels' sake
I now agree with you - the one on the face is classic pox. I re-iterate my offer made by PM when the first set of pics were posted.
island rehabber
09-30-2021, 07:51 AM
Pox doesn't rapidly spread. It took 2 wks for the last baby in my group to show up with it...i imMEDIATELY quarantined her BUT...10 DAYS later another baby showed signs, and within 3 weeks I had 4 with it. :(
island rehabber
09-30-2021, 08:26 AM
Forget the Pred and all the other stuff. You will need:
ACYCLOVIR also called Valtrex, for herpes in people. Many people have it at home. We can dose
NutriFeron tabs. Order online, we will help with dosing. Take some yourself, excellent immune booster.
GOLD BOND powder. Pox must be kept DRY. No neosporin, Silvadene, or petroleum jelly -- DRY.
Betadine diluted to the color of weak tea. Carefully clean each lesion with the Betadine, then coat it with the Gold Bond. We joked that my squirrels looked like chicken cutlets with feet and tails :grin2
09-30-2021, 08:53 AM
I offered acyclovir and dosing info by PM the first day that the poster came to the board, at that point "just in case" it was needed. Now I definitely think it is needed! All I need is a name and address to send it to. All at the low, low price of ZERO. If poster is wary of providing personal info, I can send it to a work addy, relative, friend, wherever... I hate this freaking disease and any time I can stomp on it I take!
09-30-2021, 09:15 AM
Folks, I still believe this is pox, which can be reversed when caught early -- like NOW. get hold of some acyclovir or Valtrex!
It can take three weeks for pox to show on the others. Please don't waste time, for your squirrels' sake
IR would you also treat the other baby that has been in with this baby with acyclovir?
island rehabber
09-30-2021, 03:05 PM
IR would you also treat the other baby that has been in with this baby with acyclovir?
10-02-2021, 10:55 AM
Hello everyone! Thank you for all of your advice and input thus far! We have a confirmed case of squirrel pox. Lilo (squirrel's name) has been put in quarantine as of Tuesday. Prednisone has been stopped. We are going to try to find the Acyclovir local. If not, CritterMom, I will DM you for more information. I am meeting with my mentor today to discuss next steps including all of the information provided by all of you amazing people.
As for Lilo, she is doing okay. Sleeps most of the day which I would expect. Still fighting. The sore on her face *looks* like it is slowly getting better however they are still spreading.
Thank you :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
10-02-2021, 12:55 PM
New update: we were able to get ahold of Acyclovir!! I will be picking it up tonight and starting our "Hail Mary pass". I will post updates as they come. Thank you again to everyone who commented offering advice and information! I cant even begin to express our grateful I am to all of you!
island rehabber
10-02-2021, 04:28 PM
If you can, try to administer the Acyclovir 4 times A-day ..that is the truly recommended dose. I couldn't do it because of work schedule ; I could only do twice A-day but the 1st time I dealt with pox many years ago I did give 4 times A-day and everything cleared up so much faster than this last time.
10-02-2021, 05:05 PM
I have sent dosing. Can you tell her where to get nutriferon?
island rehabber
10-02-2021, 06:12 PM
I have sent dosing. Can you tell her where to get nutriferon?
Best price is on Amazon:
10-08-2021, 03:31 PM
New update: we were able to get ahold of Acyclovir!! I will be picking it up tonight and starting our "Hail Mary pass". I will post updates as they come. Thank you again to everyone who commented offering advice and information! I cant even begin to express our grateful I am to all of you!
How is your Squirrel doing
10-10-2021, 12:53 AM
Hello hello!
It has been roughly 7 days on the Acyclovir and there has been a little progress. Lilo is definitely more perky than she has been in weeks. The first 5 days, as well as before starting the Acyclovir, she slept most of the day- having to be roused awake to eat. Yesterday and today she was awake and waiting for me at each feeding. The medication is going down nicely. There are more lesions appearing but that was expected to happen. With the one on her face looking better, I have hope that things will be slowing down in the next couple weeks and she can start healing from the ones she currently has. I try to keep her as stress-free as possible to avoid potentially causing a flare-up of lesions. She is definitely a little fighter. Below what her face looked like before vs now.
10-10-2021, 07:53 AM
Thanks for posting the new (and old) photos. Did your other little Squirrel develop any lesions?
10-12-2021, 02:46 PM
Hello! No one else has developed lesions or even shown signs of illness which is awesome!
We did some research on Fibroma and it mentioned that Fibroma is caused by ectoparasites and isn't necessarily contagious in the sense that it's spreadable via blood, urine, or saliva. With that being said, Lilo is still in quarantine for her own comfort and seems rather content being alone. She is definitely more perky which is a step in the right direction. The lesion on her face is no longer spreading across her face, rather growing outward. Part of me wants to mess with it, other part of me wants to wait a little longer before I start poking at her face.
I will post pictures later this week of her progress. Thank you again to everyone who provides advice, dosing, good vibes, etc. Lilo is alive and comfortable because of you 💚
10-12-2021, 03:05 PM
So glad to hear that LILO is thriving. This is a horribly nasty virus . Keep up the good work:hug
10-12-2021, 05:33 PM
Hello! No one else has developed lesions or even shown signs of illness which is awesome!
We did some research on Fibroma and it mentioned that Fibroma is caused by ectoparasites and isn't necessarily contagious in the sense that it's spreadable via blood, urine, or saliva. With that being said, Lilo is still in quarantine for her own comfort and seems rather content being alone. She is definitely more perky which is a step in the right direction. The lesion on her face is no longer spreading across her face, rather growing outward. Part of me wants to mess with it, other part of me wants to wait a little longer before I start poking at her face.
I will post pictures later this week of her progress. Thank you again to everyone who provides advice, dosing, good vibes, etc. Lilo is alive and comfortable because of you
Thanks for your update I am glad to hear that no one else has developed any lesions and are apparently healthy and that Lilo is doing better! I meant to ask in my initial inquiry as whether or not Lilo has developed any more lesions. Squirrel Fibromatosis is considered to be spread by mosquitos and fleas and there is ample observational evidence that Squirrel Fibroma can also be spread by direct contact with infected Squirrels. I too, do not find anything definitive about spread through blood, urine or saliva but that is to be expected as the condition is classically confined to the skin. Here are a few links with some general information about Squirrel Fibroma that also contain information regarding suspected means of transmission: 1) 2),4570,7-350-79136_79608_85016-27274--,00.html 3)
As far as your temptation to "mess" with the facial lesion, that is almost a universal urge when faced (pun?) with skin lesions but I would strongly suggest resisting the impulse as assuming this is truly Squirrel Pox; disturbing the lesion may result in a secondary infection and/or further spread the lesions. If, however, an abscess (a pus pocket) has already developed on Lilo's face it would most likely be the result of a secondary infections and if it does not drain spontaneously it may need to be opened. Please take the photos and post them and get the opinion of the experts here on TSB before any "messing" takes place! I wish Lilo, your other little Squirrels, and you as well; the very best!
10-18-2021, 12:27 AM
Hello all!
Lilo has been on treatment for roughly 2 weeks and continues to get better. I left the scab in her face alone and it ended up falling off on its own. Her face is still healing but looks significantly better than it did a week ago. Her fur is continuing to get fuller and fluffier as the days go on. Her toe, that started all of this fun, is still swollen and scabbed but doesn't seem to be bothering her. I assume it's not healing because she is immunocompromised from the Fibroma. Continuing to keep her calm and quiet as she continues to heal. Complete transformation from where she was two weeks ago. She's gotten faster so pictures are tricky (already tried once and they all came out as a blur). I will try to get some while she's eating or sleeping. Thank you!
10-22-2021, 08:20 PM
Hello all!
Here are some updated photos of Lilo! Her face has pretty much healed at this point along with the other lesions on her body. Her fur has grown in fuller and fluffier which makes her actually look like a squirrel rather than a drowned rat. The only thing that concerns me is her chin, and her toe. She has been rather itchy lately, could it be a side effect of the Acyclovir? Mites? I haven't seen anything crawling on her. Would it be safe to give her the Acyclovir and some sort of flea/tick topical medication?
Her toe has been a concern since Sept., this actually all started because of her toe. Nothing seems to help this poor toe heal, we have tried Dermalone and Clavamox in case it was infected, now I'm not sure what is going on. It has never gotten past this point, never shown sign of necrosis, or lack of blood flow to her toes. It doesn't seem to be bothering her but neither did the Fibroma and we all saw how that escalated quickly. Any ideas?
I appreciate all of you wonderful people. Lilo lives because of you!!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_:hug:hug:hug
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