View Full Version : Chipmunk having seizures

09-24-2021, 02:22 PM

I volunteer at a wildlife center and help with birds and occasionally squirrels. I have rehabbed squirrels in the past. But we recently got in a young chipmunk (eyes open/active) my guess is maybe 5 weeks old? but it was having seizures.. it walked onto someone’s yoga mat and had a seizure and they brought it in to us. I have him at home and I have been caring for him. Sometimes the seizures happened a few in a row and it took him a while to recover. They can be very violent and he screeches.. it’s horrible to watch. Several times I thought he had died as he appeared paralyzed and frozen. But he keeps coming back! I took him to the vet and I asked for calcium assuming maybe he had MBD? She gave him an injection of calcium and sent me home with a bottle of liquid calcium gluconate 23% which I am dosing him at 0.02ml every 24 hours. He has only had one seizure that I have seen since which has been 2 days since the injection. I have since ordered (but not given) the Henry’s calcium carbonate powder.
Did the vet give me the correct calcium? Is there a difference? I am desperate to save this little guy who otherwise appears happy and healthy… is MBD a possibility or am I missing something else?

He also munches on blocks, berries, and drinks fox valley formula through a dropper. He’s a great eater.

Thank you!!

09-24-2021, 06:52 PM
He is just precious. There are so many things that could be happening. He could have taken a whack to the head. He may have been without food for some time before his yoga class and you were seeing hypoglycemia. MBD isn't that likely since he is so young and was likely taking mama's milk up until whatever happened to him happened, but it won't hurt him to up his calcium a bit. Him being a good eater will take care of that, too. The fact that he appears to be improving is wonderful.

The Henry's blocks are pretty fortified, especially with calcium so you can start ramping down additional calcium once he is eating them. Hopefully the seizures will end. It sounds like maybe they are.

If he has any more, put a couple drops of honey or syrup or even a bit of table sugar in his mouth. It will absorb through the mucous membranes. Seizures are pretty hard on them and it will help him recover.

09-24-2021, 08:34 PM
Thank you!

Is it possible he is older then I think? And is there any chance it could be something he can grow out of? I thought it could be hypoglycemia as well but he has had them over the past week even after he had been eating and drinking sufficiently.

09-25-2021, 09:10 AM
Well, he isn't an adult, certainly. Maybe a "tween"?

Have you still only seen one seizure since his vet visit? That certainly sounds like he is on the right track.

My concern is that you live far enough north that winter is an issue. He needs to have had time to tuck away a large enough food stash to last the winter and at this point he doesn't even have a wild home. Will your rehab center allow him to be overwintered, either with you or at the center, and released next spring when all of his peeps are starting to come out of their winter dens?

09-25-2021, 11:26 AM
Yes he can be overwintered. And unfortunately had two seizures today. They can be only 10 seconds or so long but then he is frozen in place for a while after…He kinda screams when they happen so I can hear him and I run out. He comes out of them after a while of being in a trance and then usually sleeps a lot but then he plays and eats and drinks again. Yes I think a tween would be a good estimate of his age.

Oh and do you know the difference between calcium gluconate and calcium carbonate and which one is correct? Thanks again!

09-26-2021, 06:54 AM
Yes he can be overwintered. And unfortunately had two seizures today. They can be only 10 seconds or so long but then he is frozen in place for a while after…He kinda screams when they happen so I can hear him and I run out. He comes out of them after a while of being in a trance and then usually sleeps a lot but then he plays and eats and drinks again. Yes I think a tween would be a good estimate of his age.

Oh and do you know the difference between calcium gluconate and calcium carbonate and which one is correct? Thanks again!

You can use either one. The calcium carbonate is JUST calcium without all of the additional ingredients.

I have another idea for the seizures. Low levels of magnesium can cause seizures and sometimes raising them can help. Rolaids are made from calcium and magnesium, which might be handy for you. Also, almonds have high levels of magnesium. I would try one of those and see if there are any changes.