View Full Version : maybe aspiration
09-24-2021, 12:57 PM
my lil dude was eating to quickly and now he's sneezing. Ive cleaned his little nose and mouth off but still the sneezing. he's about 7 weeks. is he old enough now we are out of the woods with aspiration pneumonia? little dude is grown into my heart and id hate to for anything to happen to him
09-24-2021, 01:17 PM
my lil dude was eating to quickly and now he's sneezing. Ive cleaned his little nose and mouth off but still the sneezing. he's about 7 weeks. is he old enough now we are out of the woods with aspiration pneumonia? little dude is grown into my heart and id hate to for anything to happen to him
No, you are not out of the woods for aspiration pneumonia. It does not matter the age, formula in the lungs can cause AP. I know as they age they get rather frantic and greedy about the formula. They all will suck too fast but you need to prevent that. What size syringe are you using? I never use larger than a 3cc syringe. If the syringe flows too smoothly they will suck it like a vacuum cleaner but you must stop that. If you put your finger on the side of the plunger it creates friction and drag. This is just enough to slow them down.
I’ve had many that have formula pumping out the nose but that’s a big no no. Slow em’ down mom.
09-24-2021, 01:31 PM
We use the 3ml syringes. He’s a little maniac sometimes. I’ll do better with slowing him down. Also. I’ve read about some putting yogurt out in a dish for them. What age is that ok? I feel like he will just shove his whole little face in it.
Also also. I will need to look out for the clicking for the pneumonia. What other signs?
09-24-2021, 01:45 PM
We use the 3ml syringes. He’s a little maniac sometimes. I’ll do better with slowing him down. Also. I’ve read about some putting yogurt out in a dish for them. What age is that ok? I feel like he will just shove his whole little face in it.
Also also. I will need to look out for the clicking for the pneumonia. What other signs?
Yes, they are total maniacs at that age. :grin2 Cute little maniacs!
Also yes to the yogurt. You might want to put it in the formula. You can give it in a bowl but I’ll warn you it IS messy. If he really likes it he will be swimming in it. It won’t be just his face. :grin2
The symptoms of AP are clicking, lethargy and loss of appetite.
09-24-2021, 02:39 PM
Yes, they are total maniacs at that age. :grin2 Cute little maniacs!
Also yes to the yogurt. You might want to put it in the formula. You can give it in a bowl but I’ll warn you it IS messy. If he really likes it he will be swimming in it. It won’t be just his face. :grin2
The symptoms of AP are clicking, lethargy and loss of appetite.
Last question. When would he start showing symptoms if this happened at lunch
09-24-2021, 03:05 PM
Last question. When would he start showing symptoms if this happened at lunch
It’s hard to say. Listen carefully to his chest before you go to bed tonight.
09-25-2021, 04:43 AM
The most important thing you can do now, is to have the proper antibiotic before
AP occurs. AP is very deadly but with the proper antibiotic, it is very treatable.
The best antibiotic is Baytril/ Cipro (animal/ human)
Next best Clavamox/ Augmentin “. “
you only need 1 pill or a small amount of suspension to treat.
what are you feeding your baby? Could you post a picture so we could see how cute this little is.? Is your baby a fox squirrel?
09-25-2021, 08:40 AM
The most important thing you can do now, is to have the proper antibiotic before
AP occurs. AP is very deadly but with the proper antibiotic, it is very treatable.
The best antibiotic is Baytril/ Cipro (animal/ human)
Next best Clavamox/ Augmentin “. “
you only need 1 pill or a small amount of suspension to treat.
what are you feeding your baby? Could you post a picture so we could see how cute this little is.? Is your baby a fox squirrel?
Do I need to call my vet to get that script? Like will he just give me a dose for him?
He is my first baby. I found him about a month ago under a tree and thought he was gone until I went to bury him and he wiggled
I’m feeding him the Fox valley 20/50. He’s not fond of the blocks at all. But I’ve been naughty and let him have some apple slices. I wanna try yogurt as well. He’s a red squirrel I believe.
09-25-2021, 09:01 AM
Most vets do not give meds w/out a reason and most will not see wildlife. Also most states do not allow non licensed rehabilitators to handle or save the lives of orphan or injured animals. You can trap or shoot them with out any problems. So keep your beautiful foxer a secret. Don’t allow other people to handle her. She is beautiful!
As far as meds go, ask friends and family for those meds . You just need one pill.
So glad to see you got your girl on FV 20/50. She should do great. Seems like you did your research.
Oops, I see she is a he!
09-25-2021, 09:15 AM
Cipro is a pill for humans, usually available in either 250mg or 500mg pills. Augmentin is also, available as and now usually prescribed as a generic under the name Amoxicillin/clavulanate or some variation of that - like "Amoxi-clav".
If you can get either one of those, and cipro is the most effective, you would only need one pill. If you can provide us with the size of the pill in milligrams and the weight of your squirrel, we can give you instructions to properly dilute and dose the mixture you make. You will need a 1cc syringe with clear markings to do this - the 3cc you are using to feed is too large.
09-25-2021, 09:34 AM
Ok. I have amoxicillin at home. So if I can’t find cipro I can use that? So far he’s ok. Super active this morning and ate a good breakfast. I have 1ml at home since we were using them before I bought the 3mls. Side question. Do they become more independent? He was such a cuddler and would climb on and around me. Yesterday he kept jumping back to his cage Maybe he’s mad because I have to work this weekend. Lol.
09-25-2021, 09:50 AM
Ok. I have amoxicillin at home. So if I can’t find cipro I can use that? So far he’s ok. Super active this morning and ate a good breakfast. I have 1ml at home since we were using them before I bought the 3mls. Side question. Do they become more independent? He was such a cuddler and would climb on and around me. Yesterday he kept jumping back to his cage Maybe he’s mad because I have to work this weekend. Lol.
No. Amoxicillin is not the same as Amoxicillin clavulanate. The second is a combination drug and it is the second part that gives it the ability to deal with the pneumonia.
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