View Full Version : Help needed for wobbly balance challenged baby

09-16-2021, 12:00 AM
Hello, I am caring for an approximately 4 week old baby squirrel I've named Moe. He is my 6th rescue baby. He came to me on Sept 10th weighed 60g. He was significantly dehydrated, emaciated, and cold and a little stiff when I got him. The woman who found him by a tree near her yard also saw a dead sibling nearby and no sign of Mama. They fell from their nest and looked to have been there a little while with no sustenance.
I got the baby warmed and slowly introduced hydration fluids in small amounts as that's all he would take trying every 2 hrs. The next day, I introduced formula every other feeding he started with .5cc at 1st feeding and took in more and more with each feeding therafter. Today he is up to 4.5cc formula every 3-4 hours and 2.5cc+ of hydration fluid in between each feeding. He has gained. Today he weights 64g. That's the background. Here is the issue:
Moe is extremely clumsy and seems to have trouble balancing. He rolls over and lacks control. He looks like he's drunk. Could he have a neurological issue due to fall from tree, lack of fluids, and malnourished? Any ideas? I'm hoping he has the ability to get better and be able to survive and be released one day. I have video but not sure how to upload it. It just keeps spinning

09-16-2021, 12:10 AM
Is he otherwise energetic and happy? Any trouble eating? Is it worse when he moves around more? That could help rule out hydration and malnutrition as causes. He could have vestibular trauma (vertigo) from the fall. I've had several squirrels recover from this completely or at least nearly enough to return to the wild. One took 2 months; it can be slow improvement, but if that IS all it is, he might have a good chance with supportive care.