View Full Version : Update on Hurricane Ida baby, observations and questions...

09-15-2021, 11:38 AM
Hello everyone! First off - I just want to thank all of you SO MUCH for everything you’ve done to help me along the way so far! (Long post) We are now in week three of being squirrel daddies (her name, by the way, is The Lady Templeton), I wanted to check in here with a few updates, observations, and a couple more questions.

To catch anyone up from earlier posts - I found this baby squirrel after a tree fell against our house during Hurricane Ida. Tried reuniting with momma (playing the crying video, etc.) but that never worked out so she is under our care! Have had lots of help here on the board. Anyway -- everything with Lady is going great! The city is still in quite a state of limbo after the hurricane. Mail deliveries are finally happening again, but they’re still very delayed and wacky. So we’re still waiting to get some supplies (Baytril and Fox Valley are all still on the way), but we have received the gram scale and the Miracle Nipple and LOVE it! We’re still feeding Esbilac Goat Milk Formula based on the age chart from Henry’s Pets until we receive the Fox Valley. She eats like a champ!

In regard to her growth, we’ve had big developments this week! She’s grown a lot (about 74g), is now strong enough to stand on all four legs and walk around, her tummy has white fur growing (can barely see the milk line at all anymore), her tail is getting bushy, and her eyes opened two days ago! (I actually get kind of emotional seeing her recognize my face and voice.)



A few observations and questions that I just wanted to address: after she eats and starts to get sleepy (I mean, she starts to doze off *as soon* as she’s done!), I notice that her little hands kind of tremble until I put her back in her bed. Is this something to be alarmed about? Also, she doesn’t poo after every meal. We can always get her to pee, but the poo only comes maybe every other meal. (I do find a few rogue “I-did-it-by-myself” poos in her habitat now and then.) Is this ok? Her post-feed tummy has always felt like the “soft water balloon” and not the “hard air balloon” so I don’t think she’s ever constipated.

Other questions I haven’t found definitive answers to:

1. Should we be bathing her? If so, how often and using what technique? She gets a warm water wipe down after eating, but not sure if we should be doing something more thorough.

2. She still goes back and forth between the warm side of her habitat and the cool side. (Is it weird that I find every single thing she does to be absolutely adorable?!) At what age do we no longer need the heating pad?

3. Should we be “exercising” her? Taking her out to walk around (closely monitored, of course!), say, on the bed or a soft floor? Or does she need to remain in her nest exclusively?

4. I read that food blocks should be introduced at some point after the eyes open? I think at around six weeks? I have no actual idea how close we are to that milestone - we estimate that she’s somewhere around five-six weeks old now. Maybe? Can we base the introduction of that on weight? Do you have a preferred brand?

5. When will she need access to water? Does that come after weening from formula? Or sometime before? She is always hydrated, according to the pinch test, but unsure about when she’ll start needing it.

6. Looking (far) ahead to down the road… I know she’s going to be on formula until she’s 14-16 weeks old (or longer, as I understand it, if she isn’t refusing it), at which point we can try to start weening off… But I’m starting to wonder… When we get up into the 200g+/15ml+ stage, should I be looking at a different delivery system? These syringes are only 3ml and that means it is going to take *quite a few* of them to get the job done…

I think that’s all I have for right now. Thank y’all again so much for all of the helpful information and encouragement you’ve given me!

09-15-2021, 01:25 PM
some clarifications, upon re-reading:

…based on the age chart from Henry’s Pets

…should say “weight chart”

She’s grown a lot (about 74g)

Current weight is 74g — not how much she’s gained. :rotfl

09-15-2021, 02:18 PM
Hello everyone! First off - I just want to thank all of you SO MUCH for everything you’ve done to help me along the way so far! (Long post) We are now in week three of being squirrel daddies (her name, by the way, is The Lady Templeton), I wanted to check in here with a few updates, observations, and a couple more questions.

To catch anyone up from earlier posts - I found this baby squirrel after a tree fell against our house during Hurricane Ida. Tried reuniting with momma (playing the crying video, etc.) but that never worked out so she is under our care! Have had lots of help here on the board. Anyway -- everything with Lady is going great! The city is still in quite a state of limbo after the hurricane. Mail deliveries are finally happening again, but they’re still very delayed and wacky. So we’re still waiting to get some supplies (Baytril and Fox Valley are all still on the way), but we have received the gram scale and the Miracle Nipple and LOVE it! We’re still feeding Esbilac Goat Milk Formula based on the age chart from Henry’s Pets until we receive the Fox Valley. She eats like a champ!

In regard to her growth, we’ve had big developments this week! She’s grown a lot (about 74g), is now strong enough to stand on all four legs and walk around, her tummy has white fur growing (can barely see the milk line at all anymore), her tail is getting bushy, and her eyes opened two days ago! (I actually get kind of emotional seeing her recognize my face and voice.)



A few observations and questions that I just wanted to address: after she eats and starts to get sleepy (I mean, she starts to doze off *as soon* as she’s done!), I notice that her little hands kind of tremble until I put her back in her bed. Is this something to be alarmed about? Also, she doesn’t poo after every meal. We can always get her to pee, but the poo only comes maybe every other meal. (I do find a few rogue “I-did-it-by-myself” poos in her habitat now and then.) Is this ok? Her post-feed tummy has always felt like the “soft water balloon” and not the “hard air balloon” so I don’t think she’s ever constipated.

Other questions I haven’t found definitive answers to:

1. Should we be bathing her? If so, how often and using what technique? She gets a warm water wipe down after eating, but not sure if we should be doing something more thorough.

Gosh I never gave Tuff a bath only used warm water or wet wipes. I don’t think squirrels get baths in nature. I am assuming it would be a personal thing but they don’t like perfumes or bleach js.

2. She still goes back and forth between the warm side of her habitat and the cool side. (Is it weird that I find every single thing she does to be absolutely adorable?!) At what age do we no longer need the heating pad?

Once she is fully covered in hair they should be good to go..

3. Should we be “exercising” her? Taking her out to walk around (closely monitored, of course!), say, on the bed or a soft floor? Or does she need to remain in her nest exclusively?

At 5 weeks they still are heavy headed and bumblebee so only if it is a small very padded enclosure.

4. I read that food blocks should be introduced at some point after the eyes open? I think at around six weeks? I have no actual idea how close we are to that milestone - we estimate that she’s somewhere around five-six weeks old now. Maybe? Can we base the introduction of that on weight? Do you have a preferred brand?

Telkland 2018 I order mine off of Amazon. I have two at around 7-8 weeks, I will introduce them to Henry’s healthy blocks soon.

5. When will she need access to water? Does that come after weening from formula? Or sometime before? She is always hydrated, according to the pinch test, but unsure about when she’ll start needing it.

Once their eyes are open get a glass water bottle and introduce that to them they will thank you for it.

6. Looking (far) ahead to down the road… I know she’s going to be on formula until she’s 14-16 weeks old (or longer, as I understand it, if she isn’t refusing it), at which point we can try to start weening off… But I’m starting to wonder… When we get up into the 200g+/15ml+ stage, should I be looking at a different delivery system? These syringes are only 3ml and that means it is going to take *quite a few* of them to get the job done…

I used to load 9 at a time for Tuff, twice a day. Let them self ween. I would say around 9-10 weeks they try to do it then but they need the formula past that point.

I think that’s all I have for right now. Thank y’all again so much for all of the helpful information and encouragement you’ve given me!

So with the esbilac goat milk formula..it isn’t good for their system and doesn’t give them what they need. Quite frankly no one is recommending the Esbilac at this time. They are experiencing difficulties with it again. Pray for the FV to get to you soon. You can order it and the Henry’s block from the same place if you didn’t already know but I will add the link. That’s a cute little nugget you have there. Don’t over think it. I would say at 5 weeks she needs to weigh a little more but hopefully the FV will get there soon.

Edit: my answers wound up in your post so reread your post in mine..sorry…��

09-15-2021, 02:21 PM

09-15-2021, 04:56 PM
A few observations and questions that I just wanted to address: after she eats and starts to get sleepy (I mean, she starts to doze off *as soon* as she’s done!), I notice that her little hands kind of tremble until I put her back in her bed. Is this something to be alarmed about?

No need to be alarmed, but keep an eye on her for anything usually... she is at the age where the coordinate and fine motor skills will be arriving soon.

Also, she doesn’t poo after every meal. We can always get her to pee, but the poo only comes maybe every other meal. (I do find a few rogue “I-did-it-by-myself” poos in her habitat now and then.) Is this ok? Her post-feed tummy has always felt like the “soft water balloon” and not the “hard air balloon” so I don’t think she’s ever constipated.

Yes, they start to poop on their own after eyes open, but pottying helps keep everything clean and regular.

1. Should we be bathing her? If so, how often and using what technique? She gets a warm water wipe down after eating, but not sure if we should be doing something more thorough.

No baths, no need. Yes to cleaning up feeding formula messes... some babies are really messy eaters.

2. She still goes back and forth between the warm side of her habitat and the cool side. (Is it weird that I find every single thing she does to be absolutely adorable?!) At what age do we no longer need the heating pad?

Remove the heating pad when she prefers and stays on the cooler side... should be very soon.

3. Should we be “exercising” her? Taking her out to walk around (closely monitored, of course!), say, on the bed or a soft floor? Or does she need to remain in her nest exclusively?

She can have out of cage time, but she be more ready for this in a week or so... do not acclimate to pets (cats/dogs, etc). At her age she'd be staying in her nest.

4. I read that food blocks should be introduced at some point after the eyes open? I think at around six weeks? I have no actual idea how close we are to that milestone - we estimate that she’s somewhere around five-six weeks old now. Maybe? Can we base the introduction of that on weight? Do you have a preferred brand?

Eyes open, introduce block. No other solids until she is eating (actually eating, not just shredding) the block. Henry's Healthy Block (HHB) is the best... I recommend you get the Picky Block.

5. When will she need access to water? Does that come after weening from formula? Or sometime before? She is always hydrated, according to the pinch test, but unsure about when she’ll start needing it.

Now. Introduce a water bottle.

6. Looking (far) ahead to down the road… I know she’s going to be on formula until she’s 14-16 weeks old (or longer, as I understand it, if she isn’t refusing it), at which point we can try to start weening off… But I’m starting to wonder… When we get up into the 200g+/15ml+ stage, should I be looking at a different delivery system? These syringes are only 3ml and that means it is going to take *quite a few* of them to get the job done…

The larger (200gm +) babies you can use a 5ML syringe if you are careful.

She sure is cute!