View Full Version : Cage Question

09-14-2021, 10:05 PM
Hello all.

First time squirrel momma here so please forgive any ignorance I may have.
I have been diligent with following all of the strict guidelines of properly raising this baby I am raising. She is about 7-8 weeks.
A few questions I have:
1. When do I move her from her current container? (she is in everything Henry’s Pet guide recommends)
2. I’ve seen there are cage phases. Could someone specify what those phases should be at what age?
3. I have located this cage. It isn’t horizontal bars which is a concern of mine. Is this a no go bc of the vertical bars?
4. Any link recommendations for cages? I know a lot of people build theirs, I do not trust my craftsmanship to do that.

Thank you all in advance!!

09-15-2021, 07:53 AM
She is probably ready to move to her first baby cage now. The cage in the pic is a great cage but it’s a little too big for a first baby cage. You need a cage that has a low profile. When they are first learning to climb they are clumsy and can fall. By minimizing the height of the cage you can lower the risk of injury. Of course you would pad the bottom of the cage with fleece for soft landings.

Vertical bars isn’t a deal breaker but yes, they climb horizontal bars better.

I’ll try to find the link to a good first baby cage but it will be later today.

09-15-2021, 08:14 AM
She is probably ready to move to her first baby cage now. The cage in the pic is a great cage but it’s a little too big for a first baby cage. You need a cage that has a low profile. When they are first learning to climb they are clumsy and can fall. By minimizing the height of the cage you can lower the risk of injury. Of course you would pad the bottom of the cage with fleece for soft landings.

Vertical bars isn’t a deal breaker but yes, they climb horizontal bars better.

I’ll try to find the link to a good first baby cage but it will be later today.

Thank you so much, HRT4SQRLS!!!

09-19-2021, 09:36 AM
She is probably ready to move to her first baby cage now. The cage in the pic is a great cage but it’s a little too big for a first baby cage. You need a cage that has a low profile. When they are first learning to climb they are clumsy and can fall. By minimizing the height of the cage you can lower the risk of injury. Of course you would pad the bottom of the cage with fleece for soft landings.

Vertical bars isn’t a deal breaker but yes, they climb horizontal bars better.

I’ll try to find the link to a good first baby cage but it will be later today.

Good Morning!! I wanted to follow up with you really quick!

09-19-2021, 11:43 AM
I’m sorry Paige. I forgot to get the link for and I’m off to work now. I’ll get it for you in the morning. I always have trouble finding it.

09-20-2021, 01:28 PM

This makes a great first baby cage. You would need to wrap where the panels come together because panel cages have pinch points on all the corners. Other than that, it’s a great cage.

09-22-2021, 07:26 PM
Thank you so much, HRT4SQRLS!!
How long do you suggest I keep her in this before moving to a multilevel cage?

09-22-2021, 08:37 PM
Thank you so much, HRT4SQRLS!!
How long do you suggest I keep her in this before moving to a multilevel cage?
She can stay in this cage while she perfects her climbing skills. The low cage allows them to climb without the risk of a dangerous deep fall. I often keep them there until they wean unless I have an unruly group of teenage hellions that are escaping and running around the house. Then it’s big boy cage time. :grin2

It shouldn’t be too big an issue with a singleton.