View Full Version : New guardian of a flyer, trying to be as prepared as possible

09-11-2021, 11:32 PM
Hello everyone!

An act of cat landed a 6-7 week old Southern Flying Squirrel in my lap two nights ago (judging by weight; he was at 27 grams this morning pre-feeding), and this forum (and linked resources) have already been very helpful (thank you everyone!).

I got him from the cat, wish I knew where the cat got him so I could return him to the mother, but we're in a deeply wooded area and having a cold spell and just putting him outside and hoping for the best just seems like a cowardly way of euthanizing him at this age. Checked with a contact at DNR to see about any wildlife rehabbers in the area, but they said there weren't any that they knew of, so figure I'll do what I can for him, at least until he's at a less demanding age.

I've ordered Baytril 10% Oral Solution to have on standby in case of pneumonia, or if the cat broke skin anywhere I haven't seen and he starts showing signs of infection. Unfortunately he does have an injured front paw, can't tell if it's sprained or broken, he's still able to grip with it but is generally holding it curled up rather than putting weight on it.

Fortunately I work from home, so can meet his feeding schedule. So far he's at about 2ccs of the homemade goat milk formula every 4 hours (been a learning curve trying to keep him and the formula warm enough that he's eating enough, but seem to be getting there), starting him on the Esbilac tomorrow, waiting on the Fox Valley to arrive. He hasn't shown any interest in any solid foods yet, and his stool is hard and dry, so I've been hydrating him to the extent that he's willing to accept it in between feedings (little bits at a time). Pees on me pretty consistently and it's been getting clearer, so I know that side of things is working at least. Have a heater/humidifier coming, so hoping that will help.

He perked up and became pretty friendly after the initial trauma, but also seems to mostly be sleeping/burrowing in his blanket when I'm not actively handling him. Hoping at this age sleeping a ton, especially during the day, is normal and not a sign he's sick. Watching him like a hawk for bloat or clicking, he seems to mostly lap formula off my fingers instead of figuring out how to work his end of the syringe (3cc, got 1cc also on order, along with a couple of Miracle Nipples from Henry's), has sneezed a couple of times during feeding but I haven't noticed formula coming out the nose (still, wish that Baytril would hurry up and arrive just in case).

Basically I'm as anxious about this baby as a new parent, and while I know I won't be able to mom him as well as an actual flying squirrel mom, am hoping to do everything possible so he can thrive. I also knew exactly zero things about any of this before about 11:00 PM Thursday, so again, thank you so much for being such a great resource! Wanted to say hi, thank you, and get all his information up here in case anyone has any advice or suggestions. Have been too superstitious to name him yet, feels like if I do he's going to take a turn for the worse. He's very sweet and impossibly tiny and fragile, and since I don't know how he injured his paw, am feeling deeply guilty about that (if anyone could recommend how to dose pain relief for him, that would be appreciated hugely).

09-12-2021, 04:41 AM
Just saw the chart here for ages/weights is different than the one I was using, he might be younger than I thought. Fortunately he does seem to be able to void on his own.

09-12-2021, 07:23 AM
Since this little guy was in a cats mouth (or near it’s claws) it needs to be treated with antibiotics ASAP. The saliva of cats and entry into the squirrels body by a tiny puncture, is deadly. Call around to family and friends to see if you can locate a single antibiotic pill. I don’t think you want to wait on your Baytril. Once you find a pill post what it is and the strength and someone will help you break it down and dose it.

If you’re going to use Esbilac make sure it is the powdered version, not liquid. They are NOT the same. You might want to just keep him on the homemade goats milk formula till your Fox Valley arrives. It would be easier on his digestive system to not have so many changes.

Flying squirrels cannot be released by themselves. They must be released with others, preferably where there are already colonies.

There’s some rehabber links in this TSB thread. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?23-Complete-List-Of-Wildlife-Rehabbers

09-12-2021, 08:49 AM
Thank you so much for the advice! Unfortunately we don't have any antibiotics in-house (we've always finished the regimens), but I'll see what I can find through friends and check the rehabbers link to see if anyone can help. And yes, not planning on throwing him to the wild, know him being releasable only depends on if I can find someone with a colony to take him.

09-12-2021, 11:02 AM
Since this little guy was in a cats mouth (or near it’s claws) it needs to be treated with antibiotics ASAP. The saliva of cats and entry into the squirrels body by a tiny puncture, is deadly. Call around to family and friends to see if you can locate a single antibiotic pill. I don’t think you want to wait on your Baytril. Once you find a pill post what it is and the strength and someone will help you break it down and dose it.

If you’re going to use Esbilac make sure it is the powdered version, not liquid. They are NOT the same. You might want to just keep him on the homemade goats milk formula till your Fox Valley arrives. It would be easier on his digestive system to not have so many changes.

Flying squirrels cannot be released by themselves. They must be released with others, preferably where there are already colonies.

There’s some rehabber links in this TSB thread. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?23-Complete-List-Of-Wildlife-Rehabbers

UPDATE: Again, thank you so much for your help. Found a rehabber within a 40 minute drive who could take him, she's got him in an incubator and starting the antibiotics now (I'm just hoping it isn't too late for him, he wasn't wanting to feed much this morning and was acting bleary). She's going to get him treated and stabilized, if possible, then transfer him to a rehabber with a colony so he can be released in spring (again, knocking wood that it isn't too late for him). If he survives, it's 100% the best outcome, and a better outcome than I hoped for after DNR contact didn't have any leads.

09-12-2021, 11:32 AM
UPDATE: Again, thank you so much for your help. Found a rehabber within a 40 minute drive who could take him, she's got him in an incubator and starting the antibiotics now (I'm just hoping it isn't too late for him, he wasn't wanting to feed much this morning and was acting bleary). She's going to get him treated and stabilized, if possible, then transfer him to a rehabber with a colony so he can be released in spring (again, knocking wood that it isn't too late for him). If he survives, it's 100% the best outcome, and a better outcome than I hoped for after DNR contact didn't have any leads.

That’s great news. :dance

Interestingly, you are the second poster in 24 hours to find a baby flying squirrel in West Virginia. We don’t get a lot of posters from WV and now 2 in the same day with a similar situation.

Here is the thread from the other poster.

It sure would be nice if you could reach out to the other poster either on the thread or in a Private Message. I wonder if his little flyer could join yours at the same rehabber. It might not be feasible because I know WV is a fairly large state but it sure would be worth a try. Thanks.

09-16-2021, 10:48 AM
The baby made it, and he's been transferred to a rehabber with a bunch of other baby flyers! So now he gets a second chance to get to be a squirrel instead of being stuck being a lonely pet in a little cage. Thank you so much for being such a great resource when it was really, really needed; you all kept him alive <3

09-18-2021, 12:18 AM
Well this thread was a real treat to read! Needed the boost, thank you ALL!