View Full Version : Young squirrel with compound fracture

09-10-2021, 04:27 PM

This is my first post here. I found a young/baby squirrel that was attacked by a dog. It's front right arm/paw is broken and there's a bone sticking through the skin on the inside of it's arm right at the wrist. It's active and eating well but it's not using it's paw. Not sure how to help it.

09-10-2021, 04:31 PM
It still uses it's paw for digging around and stuff it's just not grabbing things. I saw it hanging from a tree with both paws.

09-10-2021, 05:06 PM
St. Francis Animal Hospital
Dr. Marilyn
45505 Garfield
Macomb, Mi 48044

As recently as last year, Dr. Marilyn was still taking on injured wildlife. Please give them a call to see if they can help the little one.

09-10-2021, 05:27 PM
They have an incredible pain tolerance (I suspect they process pain differently than we do), and as wild animals it's in their interest NOT to broadcast that they are injured. If he seems surprisingly unbothered by it, that's why.

If the vet cassgrimm gave you doesn't pan out, a rehabber in your area should know other vets. Or you can call vets directly and check, but its starting to get after hours now.

If you have to keep he overnight just do your best to keep him calm and somewhere quiet and dark.

09-10-2021, 05:30 PM
It's in a plastic tote with some rabbit food, bedding, nuts, watermelon, and bell pepper. It's taken some of the food and snuggled up with it under a dish towel. I've got a hamster waterer too.

09-10-2021, 06:20 PM
It's in a plastic tote with some rabbit food, bedding, nuts, watermelon, and bell pepper. It's taken some of the food and snuggled up with it under a dish towel. I've got a hamster waterer too.

It probably won't even try to eat it, but take the bell pepper out just incase. There's a food chart here (http://henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/) for some more ideas.
Really though rest and a calm environment is probably most important thing at this moment.

Godspeed finding someone to help the little one!

09-10-2021, 07:59 PM
Ok sorry to concern you guys. I didn't realize squirrels have paw pads like dogs. This particular one has white pads and I thought it was a bone. I fed it some watermelon and noticed it's got one on it's other paw. It's paw is hurt no doubt but I don't know if it's broken. It is putting weight on it's paw

09-10-2021, 08:03 PM
Michigan rehabbers that can help:


Other members have also recommended:
West Michigan Squirrel Rehab in the Grand Haven area https://www.facebook.com/MIsquirrel/?re f=page_internal

Soulshine Wildlife Center in Sparta https://www.facebook.com/SoulshineWildlife.

09-13-2021, 06:46 PM
I think it just had a sore paw because it's using it again and getting around pretty good. It's teeth are just barely growing in. It can't eat many hard foods so I've been giving it formula and soft foods. Will it be okay to release it back into the wild or will it not survive winter?

09-13-2021, 07:38 PM
Baby squirrels require a "soft release" which takes many weeks... they cannot be hard released (simply let go into the wild) as that is almost certainly a death sentence. Especially for a compromised baby like you have.

The window for fall releases closes pretty early in the northern states like Michigan... my first quarter century was in Michigan and raising squirrels is something I have only done as a Damn Yankee down South. While I release in the South very late in the year, I'd not consider releasing in MI after October... which means they have been in a release cage from about now until mid-October when the portal would be opened. Singletons have a harder time of it as well, as groups will stick together through the winter even down here in the South.

My best advice is to seek out some of the rehab places that have been listed or maybe some MI TSB members will offer better guidance.

09-13-2021, 10:24 PM
I think it just had a sore paw because it's using it again and getting around pretty good. It's teeth are just barely growing in. It can't eat many hard foods so I've been giving it formula and soft foods. Will it be okay to release it back into the wild or will it not survive winter?

Please post a picture so it's age can be assessed.
What is the formula you are feeding?

09-14-2021, 07:14 PM
Puppy formula and Pedialyte. It gets around fine now and crawls jumps and climbs easily

09-14-2021, 08:04 PM
Puppy formula and Pedialyte. It gets around fine now and crawls jumps and climbs easily

Please be specific about which puppy formula; they are not all equal or suitable for squirrels.

Formula should not be mixed with pedialyte.

Pedialyte should not be given for more than about 24 hours.

09-15-2021, 05:52 PM

09-15-2021, 06:03 PM
Please be specific about which puppy formula; they are not all equal or suitable for squirrels.

Formula should not be mixed with pedialyte.

Pedialyte should not be given for more than about 24 hours.

I read on here that you give them esbilac. I mixed 10% Pedialyte in it. Judging from the pic do you think it can be released? I've only had it for a few days. It's fun to have around but it craps everywhere.

09-15-2021, 06:14 PM
No, that squirrel is way too young to be released.

Squirrels require a "soft release" that is a long process (it requires weeks)/

Never mix Pedialyte in formula. Use only water to mix in the formula, and pedialyte should not be given for more than 24 hours (too much salt).

Is there any way you can get him to one of the rehab places that have been listed? They can help do a proper release. He would do much better with other squirrels his age, and if they are released together they will stay together through the winter... this will increase his chances for survival greatly.

As far as the pooping.. are you keeping him contained in a cage or something?

09-15-2021, 06:51 PM
Do you need help finding someone to take him? I can reach out to someone familiar with rehabbers in your area if you need someone.

Yes, he’s WAY too young for release. It would be a death sentence.

09-16-2021, 04:40 AM
No, that squirrel is way too young to be released.

Squirrels require a "soft release" that is a long process (it requires weeks)/

Never mix Pedialyte in formula. Use only water to mix in the formula, and pedialyte should not be given for more than 24 hours (too much salt).

Is there any way you can get him to one of the rehab places that have been listed? They can help do a proper release. He would do much better with other squirrels his age, and if they are released together they will stay together through the winter... this will increase his chances for survival greatly.

As far as the pooping.. are you keeping him contained in a cage or something?

No it doesn't have a cage it mostly sits on my shoulders and sleeps beside me. I make sure to feed it every 2 or 3 hours

09-16-2021, 06:15 AM
I sent you a private message with a contact number for someone that can help you with placement. Private messages are accessed from the “notifications” heading on the top of the screen.