View Full Version : Lump

09-10-2021, 12:54 AM
I've made a few post about this little one already. Separating the post so I can get individual answers. When I first got him he did have what seemed like a little bump on neck but he had so many scabs from lice I didn't think much into quite yet. Today though, very noticible. It is hard. Does not move. Didn't seem to bother him. Does seem to "disappear" when in sleeping fetal position. Does this seem like an abcess? I do not see a opening or a scab anywhere near it. I am totally comfortable with sticking it with a needle to see if I can pull out discharge. (Have done it before on little critters I have hand reared and I am an MA.) But I also don't want to puncture it if it doesn't seem like an abcess or without having antibiotics on hand

09-10-2021, 06:40 AM
Has the lump grown on your little one. Before puncturing it, I would use a warm compress several times a day to see if it would come to a head.

09-10-2021, 07:15 AM
Also, never use a needle to do this. Needles are designed to move the threads in woven fabric apart, not to puncture through them. You want to use a sterilized x-acto knife blade or similar. They are so sharp it doesn't even hurt but they will puncture the "sack" that encloses the abscess instead of pushing it around.

Try wetting the area with water that has a tiny bit of soap in it, and push the hair aside. You want to look for pale yellow color that signifies an abscess. I would not attempt opening it until you can see this.

09-10-2021, 10:38 AM
Also, never use a needle to do this. Needles are designed to move the threads in woven fabric apart, not to puncture through them. You want to use a sterilized x-acto knife blade or similar. They are so sharp it doesn't even hurt but they will puncture the "sack" that encloses the abscess instead of pushing it around.

Try wetting the area with water that has a tiny bit of soap in it, and push the hair aside. You want to look for pale yellow color that signifies an abscess. I would not attempt opening it until you can see this.

I was talking about a syringe needle. I would use that to make sure it is indeed an abcess. Then use the x-acto. I will be on the look out for those colors and change. Thank you!

09-10-2021, 10:39 AM
Has the lump grown on your little one. Before puncturing it, I would use a warm compress several times a day to see if it would come to a head.

I will definitely do that. Thanks. Im not sure if it's more noticeable or if I'm just now noticing it. I just recently started rubbing coconut oil on his skin to help with his extreme dryness. And I found it when doing that.