View Full Version : New Squirrel Mom. I've got questions.

09-09-2021, 06:40 PM
Became a squirrel mom a few days ago to what I think is a 6 to 7 week old tree squirrel. I've got Tommy on Esbolic every 4 hours at about 10 to 14 ml a feeding depending on how much he wants. I just got some Henry's blocks in the mail and he seemed to enjoy that. I've got a small bowl of water in his cage. When will he need to play with toys, should I change his formula to Fox valley and is there any rehabbers with in 10 hours drive that would take him? I live in eastern Montana. I am not experienced but have become a fast learner. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

09-09-2021, 09:21 PM
Hi, there!

What exact formula are you using?

Do you know Tommy's weight? Daily weighing is very important to calculate appropriate feeding amounts. Tommy should be getting 5% to 7% of his weight at each feeding.

Pictures of Tommy would be very helpful in order to confirm Tommy's age and assess body condition, hydration, etc.

If Tommy is not already on it, please start him on Esbilac powdered puppy formula. Do not get any other brand. Do not get the liquid. Make sure the expiration date is on or after 10/2021. Prepare according to directions: 1 part formula to 2 parts water. Mix thoroughly and it is ideal to pre-mix the day's batch the evening before to let settle in the fridge overnight otherwise it will have to settle at least a few hours prior to feeding.

If you plan to offer Tommy long-term care I recommend ordering some Fox Valley 20/50 from Henry's and slowly transitioning him onto it.

If you haven't already, please read this 6 part guide on caring for baby squirrels: https://henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/

Also, you aren't in a high-traffic thread. That may be why there has been a lack of response thus far. Unfortunately, I am unaware of the rehabber situation where you're located. Hopefully, some others can weigh in on that soon.

09-09-2021, 09:49 PM

09-09-2021, 09:53 PM
I got his weight a couple days ago. I'll check his weight in the morning again. I can't remember what it was. I am feeding esbilac and pre making it. I think I've that info on Henry's but will read it again to be sure. I do not feed him water out of the syringe, I just leave a small bowl out for him. Is that right? I've been having trouble with syringes aspurating him or choking him. I've got new ones and more coming. Any particular syringes I should get?

09-10-2021, 01:27 AM
Hi! Tommy is adorable! Since you're ordering from Henry's, get some of the miracle nipples. Meantime since you're feeding with just a syringe, you want to keep a death grip on the plunger, kind of wedge your fingers and thumb between the end of the plunger and the syringe to stop him getting hold of it and taking a big suck and getting too much in his mouth at once.

I've only done one, but it was so scary when she was taking the formula so nicely, then would suddenly take a strong hold on the end of the syringe and suck so mightily! I was sure once that she had aspirated, but was lucky and then learned how to hold the plunger to keep her from getting too much before she killed herself. If you are concerned he may have aspirated, he is in real danger of aspiration pneumonia, which will kill quickly if not treated. You can check by holding him up to your ear like an old telephone and listening to him breathe. If you hear clicking, he may have AP. If he does, hopefully an expert sees this thread and walks you through what is needed for AP.

At his age a bowl of water is probably more of a liability than an asset.

09-10-2021, 06:13 AM
I got his weight a couple days ago. I'll check his weight in the morning again. I can't remember what it was. I am feeding esbilac and pre making it. I think I've that info on Henry's but will read it again to be sure. I do not feed him water out of the syringe, I just leave a small bowl out for him. Is that right? I've been having trouble with syringes aspurating him or choking him. I've got new ones and more coming. Any particular syringes I should get?

The best syringes are the O ring syringes from Henrys, they glide much easier so be sure to hold onto the plunger as Chirp recommended.

I responded to your other thread about there being a member in Big Fork, Montana. I don’t know of anyone in any of the other states you listed.

09-10-2021, 10:15 AM
I just got some Henry's blocks in the mail and he seemed to enjoy that... I do not feed him water out of the syringe, I just leave a small bowl out for him. Is that right?

I believe you estimated that he is between 7 and 8 weeks - and I'd have to agree. This is a good time for the Henry's blocks! Did he eat any of them or is he still just shredding them up? Regardless - once you have introduced those blocks you should have water available to him. He may not be interested in it for a time, but as he begins to take a further interest in the blocks he will need more fluid than what he will be getting from the formula in order to properly digest them. I think most of us use one of the hamster bottles that attach to the sides of cages with the drip. If you keep the bowl of water in there, please make sure it is filled no more than an 1/8th of an inch until he is drinking sufficiently. Sometimes, when the little ones are figuring out how to aptly lap water, they accidently snort some of it up and can asperate themselves. Keeping a limited amount of water in the bowl helps with that. You can also place small, clean pebbles in the bowl to keep him from being able to get his whole nose submerged. Make sure the pebbles are not small enough to be swallowed.

I read that he has asperated recently? Please be very vigilant in checking to ensure that he does not start up with a 'clicking' sort of sound with each breath. They will also sometimes sound raspy with each breath or be wheezing.

AP hits hard and fast. They'll be totally fine one day and then clicking, listless, and refusing to eat the next. I recommend locating the proper antibiotic for AP treatment now instead of waiting to see if he develops symptoms. The hardest part about AP is scrambling around trying to locate medication while the little one is getting sicker and sicker. Baytril is great for AP. Bactrim (SulfaTrim; SMZ-TMP) will work as well. I know there are some others, but these are the two I'm most familiar with.

Call around to family and friends to see if anyone has any leftover antibiotics in their medicine cabinets. You only need one pill. See what you've got available to you and check back here. If you list what you have access to someone will be able to advise the best medication to get.

09-10-2021, 02:13 PM
Thanks so much. I have a miracle nipple in the mail on the way. The rocks sounds like a brilliant idea. And yes I'm pretty sure he's just shedding them up. I call Tommy a boy but I don't know its gender. I weighed him this morning..122g. I think he was around 100g when he found me. Do the miracle nippers come with holes already in them? I have several various sized nipples but none have holes, haven't been able to get a good hole poked in one.

09-10-2021, 02:16 PM
I’m guessing that Tommy is a girl. If you can’t tell, it’s always a girl. Boys are very obvious. :grin2

Yes, Miracle nipple have a hole in them.

09-10-2021, 02:19 PM
This should help. I bet Tommy is a girl. :grin2