View Full Version : Baby squirrel abandoned and rescued after Hurricane Ida

09-08-2021, 09:00 PM
Hello, everyone. Long time pet dad, but first time squirrel dad here. We were hit hard by Hurricane Ida last week, and the day after the storm, I found a baby squirrel on the ground under a large tree that had fallen. She’d been crying out all night, but it was too dark to find her. The next day we dug and dug under the tree until we finally found her. Based on what I could find online, she appeared to be about three weeks old. Cold and dehydrated. Of course, the city was crippled after the storm, so it was impossible to find what I needed right away. I spent the day warming her and made emergency substitutions (water/salt/sugar) for rehydration until finally tracking down a bottle of Pedialyte. Luckily it was very hot inside and outside all week, so keeping her warm was never an issue. We tried placing her out in a box near the tree with a video playing on loop of baby squirrel cries (found online) (she hasn’t cried once since we retrieved her) in hopes that mommy would come back, but it never happened. Two days after finding her, we were finally able to get Goat Milk Esbilac. She was thrilled and has been taking it every couple of hours with no issues at all. Regardless to say, the emotional attachment was unavoidable! We didn’t get power back at my house until today (10 days after the storm), but we’d traveled and bought a Zoo Med heating mat and aquarium to place her in once the power was back (since her housing was VERY makeshift up until that). She has been in the aquarium all day now - the heat mat adhered on the side rather than the underside (as suggested by the pet store owner), with lots of fleece bedding and a hot water bottle in a sock. Now that the power is back, though, and the AC is on again, we’re finding that she’s not as active as she had been. The inside of her housing seems warm enough (a thermometer reads 89°) but we’re really afraid that the temperature change is affecting her. Her breathing seems more rapid and she isn’t as rambunctious as she had been. She also ate less today than usual. Could this be the change in atmosphere? Can anyone tell me what a 3-4 week old baby should display re:

- breaths per minute
- heartbeats per minute
- body temperature
- amount of time sleeping
- general demeanor

Also anything else in particular that I should be looking for with sudden changes like these?

Finally - I placed a lid on the aquarium with holes poked in it — rather than open air — in case the AC is proving to be too much.

I’m worried that I may be overreacting, but worried nonetheless.

Thank you for all insight you may have for me. I love her!

09-08-2021, 09:34 PM
P.S. If there is anyone here on the board in New Orleans with experience who would be willing to chat, please let me know! I feel like we need all the help we can get!

09-08-2021, 09:45 PM
:Welcome to The Squirrel Board

Thank you for helping the baby during the difficult times that you’re experiencing yourself.
Here is a link to baby squirrel care.

When they get less active and the appetite decreases it worries me about the potential of aspiration pneumonia. Pick the baby up and listen to the chest. Do you hear a clicking sound? Even a faint clicking sound with each breath is significant.

09-08-2021, 09:48 PM
Also anything else in particular that I should be looking for with sudden changes like these?

Is she fully hydrated?
Babies are fed between 6-7% of body weight, do you know her weight?
What are you feeding with?
Has she ever choked on formula, had it come out her nose? Aspiration.
If you hold her chest to your ear like an old school phone can you hear a "click" with her breaths?
Is her formula staying hot enough throughout feeding?
Is the goat's milk straight goat's milk or with additives?

Can you post a picture of baby for an assessment?

Below is a link on baby squirrel care, this can be a HUGE help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.


Thanks Hrt, your faster then I...

09-08-2021, 09:49 PM
I know you were limited with the supplies you could get. Is it possible you could get a Sterilite/Rubbermaid type bin from WalMart or similar store? A heating pad without the auto shut off feature is also needed. The reptile mats can’t be regulated like it needs to be. A heating pad on LOW under half the bin would provide a more consistent environment.

09-08-2021, 09:50 PM
Any chance that she could have aspirated formula. Hold her up to your ear and see if you hear clicking. I wonder if she might have aspiration pneumonia. Other than clicking she has some signs of it, with lethargy, and more fussy about eating. If so, it is very treatable with antibiotics. Baytril/Cipro is best. You can use Clavamox/Augmentin. We need a weight on her and we can dose for you.

If it is AP, it moves very quickly and needs to be treated soon. Let us know what antibiotics you have.

09-08-2021, 09:54 PM
I read a lot about AP when first trying to learn everything I could, and have watched videos on what to look for and listen for. When I hold her against my ear, I hear her little heart beat, but the breathing seems normal.

09-08-2021, 10:10 PM
I’m sorry - I’m still learning the ins and outs of using this board. Please tell me if this photo attaches.


We do not have a scale, but based on what we’ve gathered online, she is 3-4 weeks.

There is no clicking sound - not even faint.

She eats warmed Goat Milk Esbilac with no additives for puppies. We give her between 3-4 cc every three hours using a syringe that we were able to get at the pet store (there aren’t a lot of things open post hurricane).

The funny thing is, as I am typing this, she has perked up 300% and is nibbling at my hand for a feeding (right on cue)…

09-08-2021, 10:12 PM
Oh - and fully hydrated. We do the skin pinch test often and she has been 100% since initially rehydrating her.

09-08-2021, 10:23 PM
I did not want to alarm you, but I know that a lot of helpers on TSB are headed to bed. Just wanted to alert you about AP. Good on you for doing your homework. Anyone trying to rehab a baby should always have antibiotics on hand, just in case.

Bless your heart for rescuing her. So glad that you are safe also. Pretty tough storm you had there.
It is very important to get a scale when you can. I can’t imagine what you have been through down there.

Just to check, is your formula liquid or powder? I’ll check-in in the morning.

Glad you found tsb.:dance

09-08-2021, 10:28 PM
Photo attached. Baby looks good. I would say 3 weeks.

09-08-2021, 10:51 PM
Let me start this reply by saying that she just had her 10pm meal and it was a wild success - she was as feisty as she’s ever been and did a great job! I don’t know - maybe she was kind of confused by suddenly having cooler air? (Even though, again, the two readings in the heated side of her habitat consistently read between 87° and 89°)…

To answer your questions: Most stores aren’t open yet - just a large chain pet store… But power is coming back little by little so hopefully the more specialized will open soon. Our primary vet is also not back to open yet, but we really want to take her in to see her (she’s safe - have been seeing her with our dog children for years and years). Hopefully we can get antibiotics to have on hand very soon.

The Esbilac is powdered. We make a new batch each night and mix it 1 part powder to 2 parts warm water and refrigerate overnight for the next day, heating each meal until it’s warm (but not hot) on the inside of the wrist.

Re: heating pad. Again, sources are currently very limited and we went to the one open pet store (about an hour away!) in hopes that we’d find the best option. The clerk seemed to really know a lot about squirrels (at least - he was asking all the questions that synced up with everything we’d already been reading about online) and put together a set-up for us, which included the Zoo Med heating pad. But now I understand it to not be ideal? (We also refill her hot water bottle with every feeding — which we now call her boyfriend pillow — and she pretty much stays cuddled up next to it all the time. Once we are able to shop normally - is there a particular heating pad to look for? All I see is “no shut off” anywhere I read about them, but nothing more specific.

Example - I have a heating pad that I’ve used when my back goes out (far too often) that has two heat settings - but I have no idea if it’s the proper kind!

If someone could even link to an Amazon product, we should hopefully begin receiving packages and mail again soon!

Thank y’all SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

09-09-2021, 05:25 AM
You can get a regular non-shutoff heating pad at Walmart, CVS, Target or Walgreens. It’s the type made for people and being non-shutoff is usually the cheapest priced one. I’m sure the ZooMed one you got from the pet store was pretty pricey, I hope you can return it.

Set the heating pad on low and place it under 1/2 of the container she’s in.

09-09-2021, 05:27 AM
No shut-off pads are preferred, but the ones I use stay on for 12 hours at a time. I find this to be a non-issue, since you've got to feed the ones that need the heat quite regularly and unless you sleep for more than 12 hours, you should be fine. :grin2


Make sure to keep the pad no more than 80-90 degrees as, in my experience, they tend to run hot. I always place about 1/2" thick fleece pads on the bottom of the container to ensure no one gets overheated. They snuggle under the fleece when they want the extra warmth, on top of it when they want mild heat, and on the other side of the container when they went none of it. Shredded up t-shirts are always a big hit for hiding away!

I have no experience with Esbilac's goat milk formula so I can't comment on its effectiveness or safety, but I do recommend ordering some Fox Valley 20/50 for your little one. You can order it from both Amazon and Henry's.

09-09-2021, 07:50 AM

There is still no clicking sound when breathing, but I’m very nervous about AP. If we are able to get the medications (still hard down here, but asking around), is it ok to give it to her in case she *doesn’t* have AP? As a safety measure? Still trying to figure out how to weigh her. Looking for a scale locally…

09-09-2021, 08:05 AM
Having the meds is your safety. Once treated with antibiotics, AP is healed quickly. Most people struggle with finding the abs in time.

We don’t recommend treating prophylacticly. Antibiotics can be hard on their system. The symptom that concerned me most with your baby was apathy and reluctance to eat. 99% of healthy squirrel babies have a feeding frenzy mentality. Dehydration can also give those symptoms. If you notice the above symptoms there is time to treat the baby.

The link Stepnstone gave you is a wealth of info and a great source of supplies.

Can you get mail?

09-09-2021, 08:26 AM
Here is a couple more options for heating pads from Amazon. The first is an economy one which is fine. The second is one that I personally have and I just love it. It has both STAY ON and AUTO SHUT OFF functions. It also has 6 heat settings. I use the 3 or 4 setting but of course you would determine the proper setting for yours.



09-09-2021, 08:48 AM
Can you get mail?

We were supposed to start seeing mail deliveries resume yesterday, but everything here is out of whack still. (There are entire neighborhoods showing “green” and on the power map for days which, in reality, still do not have power.) Nothing is back to fully operational yet.

I ordered some of the magic nipples from Chris’s Squirrels which were supposed to have arrived already - no idea where they actually are as of right now…

It’s all still such a waiting game here…

09-09-2021, 09:04 AM
Good morning Squirrel dad. :grin2
I went back and read your initial post and the part that stood out to me was when you mentioned your “emotional attachment”. Everyone here can certainly understand that. They are SO easy to love. :serene

Hey, I wanted to mention something as a just in case. Due to your current difficult situation I totally understand ‘getting what you could’ was critical in those first few days. Hopefully your life will return to some degree of normalcy but I do understand for some it will take years. I’m in FL so I definitely understand the difficulties after a hurricane. Even if your home is untouched, the loss of power for days on end is miserable. Of course hurricanes come when it’s 90 degrees and 100% humidity and NO AC! Take anything but don’t take my AC! :rotfl

This might not be anything at all but there are mumbling of a ‘problem’ with PetAg formulas right now. We will know definitively soon enough but I don’t want you to get blindsided by this IF there is indeed a problem. This is your ‘one and only baby’ and I want the best for you and your baby girl. Rehabbers that are doing dozens of babies will determine the nature of the problem OR if there is a problem at all. I would highly recommend that you add a small amount of heavy cream to your GME formula. Maybe someone can sound in on an amount of heavy cream per volume of formula. You don’t want to add too much or it can cause diarrhea. IF there is a formula problem, the added heavy cream will help to mitigate the problem. I would also recommend that you order FoxValley 20:50 as soon as you can. By switching formula you don’t have to be concerned about this at all. Here is a link. You will also find out that the FV is much cheaper than the GME. https://henryspets.com/fox-valley-day-one-formula-20-50-for-baby-squirrels/

I always use the FoxValley 20:50 and have had great results with it.
This information is precautionary. It would break my heart if a formula problem caused your baby to be affected in a bad way. The last time (2 years ago) PetAg products caused issues, babies were afflicted with MBD and had multiple broken bones. Many died. I would hate to see that happen to you. It’s best to just avoid it altogether and switch to a known safe product.

09-09-2021, 09:08 AM
Do we have any members within a reasonable distance of OP's area? Someone that would be willing to lend or let OP purchase supplies? I'm concerned about the store and mail situation due to the hurricane.

The only other thing I can think of to acquire supplies quickly is to call around local rehabs/refuges to see if they have any extra 1cc syringes, elongated nipples, FV, etc., that they would be willing to let go of/sell. I'm hesitant to even type that though, as I am unaware of Louisiana's protocols and laws concerning wild mammal rehabilitation. Anyone have knowledge on the area?

09-09-2021, 09:16 AM
Maybe someone can sound in on an amount of heavy cream per volume of formula. You don’t want to add too much or it can cause diarrhea.

I've had great success with 1/2 parts heavy cream added to the formula mixture.

OP, if you'd like to add heavy whipping cream (full fat cream) to your mixture, start out slowly. I usually introduce the HWC as 1/4 part and then give it some time to see if the little one is receptive to it. If there are no tummy troubles after a handful of feedings, I then move up to 1/3 part. If no troubles, I advance to the final 1/2 part.

09-09-2021, 09:21 AM
I am unaware of Louisiana's protocols and laws concerning wild mammal rehabilitation. Anyone have knowledge on the area?

According to the state wildlife department info we found, we are - in fact - doing something that we’re not supposed to be doing. Insert “yikes” emoji. We did try to reunite with mommy - I think she has totally left the scene (understandable, especially now that the scene is being cleared away and her tree has been hauled off little by little each day), and with travel so difficult, we decided to take this on and get her to a healthy place where she can eventually be let back out into our yard. We do not plan (nor do we have a desire to) keep her as a forever-pet UNLESS something happened which meant she was not able to be released. This was all super unexpected. We never imagined this would happen (though, we have always found squirrels adorable and do put out nuts for our yard squirrels because why would we not) and now we are so totally invested in her little life that the thought of having her taken away is heartbreaking.

09-09-2021, 09:28 AM
According to the state wildlife department info we found, we are - in fact - doing something that we’re not supposed to be doing. Insert “yikes” emoji. We did try to reunite with mommy - I think she has totally left the scene (understandable, especially now that the scene is being cleared away and her tree has been hauled off little by little each day), and with travel so difficult, we decided to take this on and get her to a healthy place where she can eventually be let back out into our yard. We do not plan (nor do we have a desire to) keep her as a forever-pet UNLESS something happened which meant she was not able to be released. This was all super unexpected. We never imagined this would happen (though, we have always found squirrels adorable and do put out nuts for our yard squirrels because why would we not) and now we are so totally invested in her little life that the thought of having her taken away is heartbreaking.

You guys have the heart and the little ones are so easy to love! :Love_Icon

You're in a tough situation. We can only do the best that we can do, and you guys are certainly doing the best that can be done in your situation. No one here is going to take issue with someone wanting to love and rehab a little one, and that puts in the time and effort and research. You're doing great!

09-09-2021, 09:39 AM
According to the state wildlife department info we found, we are - in fact - doing something that we’re not supposed to be doing. Insert “yikes” emoji. We did try to reunite with mommy - I think she has totally left the scene (understandable, especially now that the scene is being cleared away and her tree has been hauled off little by little each day), and with travel so difficult, we decided to take this on and get her to a healthy place where she can eventually be let back out into our yard. We do not plan (nor do we have a desire to) keep her as a forever-pet UNLESS something happened which meant she was not able to be released. This was all super unexpected. We never imagined this would happen (though, we have always found squirrels adorable and do put out nuts for our yard squirrels because why would we not) and now we are so totally invested in her little life that the thought of having her taken away is heartbreaking.

Not to worry friend. You’re surrounded by ‘squirrel outlaws’ here. :rotfl

I was never one to ‘let nature take its course’ sorta person, especially when I can help.
Frankly, when I see the state of our nation at this time, if they want to hassle me for saving a baby squirrel, just bring it on! :shakehead

09-09-2021, 09:47 AM

Well her demeanor has done a 180° and she seems to really be back to her previous self. She is very wiggly this morning and ate like a champ for her first two feedings of the day. Her pees are still amazing, though still haven’t got any (poo) today, which is concerning… (unless it’s somewhere in her box and I just haven’t found it yet. Haha)

Called my vet and they’re still not in. Hopefully they’ll be back in the next couple of days.

Not sure how else to get the medicine to have on hand or get her weight.

re: heating — I have a laser thermometer which reads temperatures on bodies, surfaces and rooms. Her body is 98° and her surface temps vary in spots — warm side: 88°, water bottle: 95°, cool side: 75° (she rarely goes over there)…

I will try and track down some heavy cream today (wish me luck!!!)

09-09-2021, 02:01 PM
The second is one that I personally have and I just love it. It has both STAY ON and AUTO SHUT OFF functions.
Just curious, does the controller on the heating pad remember your last settings by any chance?

09-09-2021, 02:20 PM
Just curious, does the controller on the heating pad remember your last settings by any chance?

No, it does not.

09-10-2021, 05:18 PM
Baytril: when seeking this out, I see on Chewy a few different versions. Can someone help me figure out which to get? I still haven’t been able to find a scale or way to weigh her, but I’m so so nervous about AP now… They have 22.7mg and 68mg. And am I going to have to have a prescription? We started receiving mail again so I want to get on top of this… thank you.

09-10-2021, 06:05 PM
Chewy does require a prescription.
Your best bet is to get an antibiotic from relatives or a friend. Many people have a left over antibiotic or even a single tablet that wasn’t used. Baytril is a veterinary antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin is a very similar human antibiotic. Doxycycline is another antibiotic that has successfully been used.

Now that you are getting more comfortable feeding her, the possibility of aspirating goes down. Stop stressing dad. :)

09-10-2021, 06:12 PM
Baytril: when seeking this out, I see on Chewy a few different versions. Can someone help me figure out which to get? I still haven’t been able to find a scale or way to weigh her, but I’m so so nervous about AP now… They have 22.7mg and 68mg. And am I going to have to have a prescription? We started receiving mail again so I want to get on top of this… thank you.

I sent you a PM with some info.