View Full Version : 4.5 month old Growling and going after items in my hand

09-05-2021, 12:40 PM
I have a question, the baby I am raising (but will be released) is 4.5 months old now. We rescued her at 4 weeks, but the last couple days in the morning she has been more anxious when we take her out of her cage (still playful but moody), and in the evening she is super sweet and playful. So a huge different in personality from morning to night. I have noticed that when I am trying to get ready such as doing my hair and make up (I don’t spray any chemicals on my hair so that’s not it)- but for instance, putting makeup on my face, brushing my hair, etc- she will do a growl and at first I thought going after me but it seems more so going after the items in my hand, however with that comes accidental scratches. Any idea why she would be doing this all the sudden? I’ve been trying to do my hair and make up and she’s done this to me about four or five times already today. Mornings are almost not as enjoyable with her anymore because of how she acts but she’s completely different in the evening and not moody such as she is during the day.
She has also been peeing on my daughter and I lately again.

09-05-2021, 09:07 PM
If anyone could give some insight on this I would really appreciate it. Also she is developing white behind her ears and it is only September.

09-06-2021, 12:53 AM
If it seems to be bothering her can u do it without her near you? Maybe separate her from her triggers? And see if that helps change her mood?

09-06-2021, 08:41 AM
My first squirrel, throughout his entire life, who loved his mama dearly, would not tolerate me rubbing my face, running my hands through my hair, etc. He would ATTACK me - any number of times I had to run and sit in my closet to wait until he calmed down! You know how when you get home from work and wash all the makeup off, and it feels so GOOD you just want to rub, rub, rub your face? NOPE! I eventually learned to not do that and we were fine. It is my belief that he thought my hands were attacking me and was actually trying to protect me. My second squirrel couldn't care less - I remember doing it unconsciously once and freezing in terror at what I had done, but he genuinely doesn't give a hoot. Does he not care that mama is being savaged (by her own hands)? I have no idea.

Also, bear in mind that at this age, she is being flooded with hormones. These guys are totally ruled by seasons and hormones.

09-06-2021, 11:37 AM
My first squirrel, throughout his entire life, who loved his mama dearly, would not tolerate me rubbing my face, running my hands through my hair, etc. He would ATTACK me - any number of times I had to run and sit in my closet to wait until he calmed down! You know how when you get home from work and wash all the makeup off, and it feels so GOOD you just want to rub, rub, rub your face? NOPE! I eventually learned to not do that and we were fine. It is my belief that he thought my hands were attacking me and was actually trying to protect me. My second squirrel couldn't care less - I remember doing it unconsciously once and freezing in terror at what I had done, but he genuinely doesn't give a hoot. Does he not care that mama is being savaged (by her own hands)? I have no idea.

Also, bear in mind that at this age, she is being flooded with hormones. These guys are totally ruled by seasons and hormones.

I was wondering the same thing with my girl. This has been a very new behavior for her, like this morning she was entirely fine for the first time in a bit, then, my daughter went to dab her face with her towel and Murphy lunged and growled, but when she realized she was okay, she went and peed on her shoulder. She has been peeing on us lately not huge amounts almost like marking. She was doing that when she was younger and stopped and now she’s doing it again. Her cage is right next to one of our mirrors and so when she sits on top of it whenever we’re doing something in the mirror that’s when she seems to be very upset. She also seems to not be as loving when she is on top of her cage anymore. Perhaps she is being protective of that, and like you said, thinks our hands and towels are attacking us and trying to protect us. We will have to be more conscientious of this and not do these things near her.
Do the hormones ever calm down? Also, her fur behind her ears is turning white and her entire body is getting lighter, isn’t it to early in the season for this?

09-06-2021, 04:36 PM
...thinks our hands and towels are attacking us.
Do the hormones ever calm down?
When I was researching about our released squirrel suddenly attacking us, folks did say they that hands can be interpreted as another squirrel, so always hide your hands, which did help us.

I also wonder if she is seeing herself in the mirror and thinking there is another squirrel around? Maybe it didn't bother her "before hormones", but now she's reacting to "it"? IMO she is just at the age when instincts emerge. They can get distant, less cuddly or playful and well, just more wild. This literally happened with our male singleton overnight. Maybe like CM, you can figure out what might be triggering her (I'm amazed hers was only upset during the face rubbing time; so lucky) Although the hormones may back down a bit, once wild, they don't really go back to being tame from my experience and what I've read on the board.

09-06-2021, 11:53 PM
This is an interesting read. My first thought just from reading was that she figured out hair preening and makeup application means you are leaving, and maybe she doesn't like that, and she's peeing on you to "claim" you and make you stay, but that's probably not it at all. It's probably what CM and sundoesshine said about hands being "alive" and threatening.

As for the white earmuffs, well I see you are in upstate NY, so . . . Maybe her body is trying to get ahead?

09-07-2021, 02:04 PM
she figured out hair preening and makeup application means you are leaving

Oh wow, I didn't even stop to consider that one. Our dogs certainly know those cues. I had no idea why our new dog would get so excited every time I'd stir cream into my coffee til I realized it was one of the sounds I make before we go out for a walk in the am.

I also thought of another thing that folks mention and that is, quick movements. Maybe these are more triggering now that her instincts kicking in.

09-09-2021, 09:36 PM
This is an interesting read. My first thought just from reading was that she figured out hair preening and makeup application means you are leaving, and maybe she doesn't like that, and she's peeing on you to "claim" you and make you stay, but that's probably not it at all. It's probably what CM and sundoesshine said about hands being "alive" and threatening.

As for the white earmuffs, well I see you are in upstate NY, so . . . Maybe her body is trying to get ahead?

Very possible about her body gearing up for winter! Her entire coat is lighter too! She definitely wants to be out and around us-but, even tonight when she hadn’t seen me all day (my daughter was with her) she rubbed her body all over my hair, then climbed on my back and peed all over me ☹️

09-09-2021, 09:40 PM
When I was researching about our released squirrel suddenly attacking us, folks did say they that hands can be interpreted as another squirrel, so always hide your hands, which did help us.

I also wonder if she is seeing herself in the mirror and thinking there is another squirrel around? Maybe it didn't bother her "before hormones", but now she's reacting to "it"? IMO she is just at the age when instincts emerge. They can get distant, less cuddly or playful and well, just more wild. This literally happened with our male singleton overnight. Maybe like CM, you can figure out what might be triggering her (I'm amazed hers was only upset during the face rubbing time; so lucky) Although the hormones may back down a bit, once wild, they don't really go back to being tame from my experience and what I've read on the board.

It’s almost sad how they change so quickly! Although I know it’s good for their survival in the wild it makes me a bit sad because she went from so cuddly and loving to doing her growl and trying to be assertive at times, which we correct with a firm NO and she usually stops. I have stopped letting her out while I’m getting ready for work because of her going after me-well basically my hands and whatever was in them. She’s been a lot calmer the past few mornings, and at night super playful. Of course, her first time seeing me today she peed on me after rubbing her body all in my hair. Is this normal?