View Full Version : No poop in a week!

09-04-2021, 02:23 AM
My baby Marty is about 4-5 weeks (just opened eyes yesterday). I’ve had him for 2 weeks, the first week hydrated (pooped twice). I started formula this past weekend. Been stimulating during and after feeding, warm bath and rubbing belly and back. I gave warm apple juice for the last 3 feedings, but still no poop! He does not feel bloated, he’s pretty quick to feed and curl into a ball for sleep (I continue holding him for a few minutes after feeding to stimulate and rub belly so he doesn’t bloat) and he is peeing great, no odor and he does it on his own at times. But I just can’t get him to poop. He seems to gurgle or purr when he’s curling up and getting cozy for sleep, could this mean something? (not sure how to describe the sound, reminds me of a sound you’d make while stretching)

09-04-2021, 04:49 AM
Hi, there!

Others will be along soon for detailed help. However, in order to offer appropriate advice there is some more information they will need; in the meantime we can get the basics out of the way:

To confirm, Marty did not receive any food/formula for the first week of care?
What fluids are being used for hydration?
How much and how often are you hydrating?
What formula are you using?
How much and how often are you feeding?
Do you know Marty's weight?
Pictures of Marty would be very helpful in order to assess body condition, hydration, etc.

If Marty is not already on it, please start him on Esbilac powdered puppy formula. You can find it at most chain pet stores. Do not get any other brand. Do not get the liquid. Make sure the expiration date is on or after 10/2021. Prepare according to directions: 1 part formula to 2 parts water. Mix thoroughly and it is ideal to pre-mix the day's batch the evening before to let settle in the fridge overnight otherwise it will have to settle at least a few hours prior to feeding.

Please read this 6 part guide on caring for baby squirrels: https://henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/

09-04-2021, 07:17 AM
thank you cassgrimm,
the first week as we weren’t sure about his hydration we did water & agave syrup for a couple of days, then moved to goats milk (our friends that found him live on a goat farm). then after heavy researching we saw Esbilac was the better way to go so we gradually changed him over.
He’s been on esbilac powder/water/heavy cream mix for the last 5 days.
Feeding 4-5 times a day,
Eating 3.5-5cc’s each feeding
He is 50grams as of last night, he’s gained about 4 grams this week.

We’ve been referring to henryspets a lot for reference!

Not sure how to attach pictures on here…?

09-04-2021, 07:20 AM
This might help with uploading pictures:

09-04-2021, 07:27 AM
Marty should be fed 5% - 7% of his body weight per feeding. If he is getting 10% (5ml for a 50gm squirrel) I am surprised he does not have diarrhea. I'd back off the apple juice after 3 feedings as well. They will sometimes start eating more than 7% formula after about 7 weeks of age or so... I am attaching a feeding cheat sheet.

They open their eyes pretty much right at 5 weeks.

I have had new intakes go 3 days before the first formula poop; formula poop is a golden color while poop from mom's milk is black. But 5 days is a bit worrisome. Pictures would be very helpful.

Are you absolutely certain there are no poops in his bedding?


09-04-2021, 03:10 PM
pictures attached from today and yesterday (I think lol)