View Full Version : Diarrhea in 5 mo old

09-03-2021, 11:30 AM
I have a 5 mo old gray squirrel that has a naked booty hole. Sorry for the racy photos, but he developed this about a month ago & we gave him Revolution as a spot on, which seemed to fix the issue. His poo is soft, stinky, & he's dragging his anal region on everything! I gave him Revolution again yesterday, but while his stool is firmer (I found 1 poo), he still seems uncomfortable. I don't see fleas, lice, mange spots, or anything like that. Last month his belly developed a dirty tinge where he pees as he's been "scenting" things when he's inside & he seems pleased with himself. Definitely did not appreciate my efforts to clean him up!

09-05-2021, 09:59 AM
I have a 5 mo old gray squirrel that has a naked booty hole. Sorry for the racy photos, but he developed this about a month ago & we gave him Revolution as a spot on, which seemed to fix the issue. His poo is soft, stinky, & he's dragging his anal region on everything! I gave him Revolution again yesterday, but while his stool is firmer (I found 1 poo), he still seems uncomfortable. I don't see fleas, lice, mange spots, or anything like that. Last month his belly developed a dirty tinge where he pees as he's been "scenting" things when he's inside & he seems pleased with himself. Definitely did not appreciate my efforts to clean him up!

So in my limited experience with sticky poop..if they have diarrhea and get poop in their hair they will drag their bum and pull the hair and poop out resulting in a naked bum. Next question is what is his diet? How long have you had him?

09-07-2021, 09:36 AM
I have had him since 4/28 when he was dropped by we think a cat outside of a friend's apartment. He was fed Esbilac to start, then Fox Valley. He eats 3 Henry blocks a day, plus a varied combination of vegetables and wild foods I harvest from my land and know to be squirrel safe (seeds, leaves on branches, grasses, etc), also some fruit and some nuts as treats. He was very unimpressed with the heavy rains, unrelenting heat, and steamy humidity of Florida summer, so we are shooting for another release attempt in early Fall as he is showing better signs of wilding up. His poops are normally fine, so the diarrhea was really unexpected.

09-07-2021, 10:50 AM
I have had him since 4/28 when he was dropped by we think a cat outside of a friend's apartment. He was fed Esbilac to start, then Fox Valley. He eats 3 Henry blocks a day, plus a varied combination of vegetables and wild foods I harvest from my land and know to be squirrel safe (seeds, leaves on branches, grasses, etc), also some fruit and some nuts as treats. He was very unimpressed with the heavy rains, unrelenting heat, and steamy humidity of Florida summer, so we are shooting for another release attempt in early Fall as he is showing better signs of wilding up. His poops are normally fine, so the diarrhea was really unexpected.

I would say in my limited experience that it would be a food based diarrhea, I would go back to the basics. Banana gives Tuff diarrhea every time. So we stick with blueberries and melon as a fruit treat. Occasionally an avocado, he eats yogurt everyday. That’s for his gut flora balance along with the Henry’s x2. I’m super careful with my boy. I would say if it is just soft and sticking in his hair, try the basics first add one wild thing in at a time and see which one does it. Then eliminate that one item if it gives him soft poops. Do you think it might be parasitic? Or the change in the environment of the soft release cage? Check and make sure he doesn’t have a stash of yucky blocks. Because they do go bad and this heat is terrible in MS also.

09-07-2021, 11:00 AM
I haven't noticed any parasites, but a block stash may be an issue. We have his "release condo" set up so he can go outside or back into his indoor pen. I will check Joe's Apartment for food stashes. He may well have a decked out drey that I hadn't paid enough attention to. Thanks