View Full Version : Is it normal for a squirrel to eat a baby squirrels face?

09-01-2021, 11:46 AM
I wish I had found this site sooner because I probably could have saved this poor squirrel.

Yesterday morning I heard a baby crying on and off for hours behind my home. Finally, I walked over to where the sound was and saw a baby walking around looking for it’s mother. I don’t know how old (I have pics) but definitely older than a month.

It came right up to me and seemed very friendly and curious, so I waited for a while and played a video of a baby screaming for help to see if the mom will come for it. After a while, it became clear she wasn’t coming, so I grabbed a stick with leaves for the baby to cling onto and brought it over to my yard

I have a squirrel house up in the tree in my yard with a mother nursing her young in it, and I read that sometimes a mother will take in a baby from another mother, so I left the baby on the ground right below the squirrel house.

After she heard the cries of the baby, she ran down to approach it. It looked like she was trying to groom it and pick it up with its mouth to bring it back into her house, or so I was hoping.

I stayed way back and tried to video all this so I have some video, but the sun was really bright so I couldn’t really see what I was recording until i got inside in the shade.

After a while of her looking like she was grooming it over and over and rolling it around like they do with their young, she just left it and walked far away from it.

At that point, I was able to walk up and see what’s going on. I was horrified at what I saw. She wasn’t grooming it as I thought she was. She was killing it and then eating it’s face off.

Had I know they do this, I would have never brought it over to her. Everywhere I looked online, no where did I read that squirrels eat other squirrels. Especially a baby.

I feel very awful for doing that and feel like if I didn’t bring it to my yard, it still may be alive. It wasn’t hurt, but it did have flys flying around it, so not sure if it was sick. It wasn’t acting sick at all though and was walking good.

After all that, I came across this site and wanted to share this with the pros here to see what you think about this because as I said before, everything I’ve read online says that squirrels aren’t like gerbals, hamsters or rats that eat each other, so I’m very confused by this..and why did she just want to eat it’s face?

I have a couple of pics and videos that I will post once I figure out how too since I just registered to post this.

09-01-2021, 12:58 PM
OMG how horrible. :eek

I had read on a FB squirrel group that mother squirrels will adopt others babies. To me that didn’t sound right as I have never heard of that ever. So much of what I have seen on those groups is just not true. There is so much misinformation on the FB sites I can’t even go there. It’s mostly the blind leading the blind and they are willing to fight about it. :shakehead I have heard that flyers will adopt other babies but frankly, I’ve never seen a definitively documented case of that either. I know for a fact that flyers will eat other young flyers or even their own babies. It is a disturbing part of ‘nature’ that we would rather not know about. Your case is the first documented case that I’m aware of like this. I am so surprised that she attacked a larger baby. I would have thought you would have seen a struggle as the baby was being attacked in this horrible way.

I am horrified by your story. For future reference, it is very common for babies to approach humans when they are in need. If mother squirrel doesn’t come home, they will leave the nest. They will even crawl up your leg. They are asking for help. It is common for these babies to be successfully rehabbed and released when they fall into the hands of caring humans. Those that approach heartless, cruel people aren’t so lucky.

I think your experience (as horrible as it is) can serve as a teaching tool. I wonder if this was her baby and she had rejected it. We will never know. I want to do some study on this. I know that even domestic animals will sometimes eat their young.

I’m sorry you had to experience this. What a nightmare. :sad

09-01-2021, 01:06 PM
I am sorry and horrified for that poor baby. :(

I am also sorry you had to witness this.

Squirrels are known to occasionally eat other critters (baby birds, baby squirrels) but this behavior is unusual. Momma squirrels have been known to adopt an orphaned baby and I think it was worth a shot to see if this baby would be accepted by the momma squirrel even though it was along shot. It is even possible that this baby had some weakness and the momma had tossed the baby out, in other words this mother squirrel might have killed her own baby. I will certainly learn from your exoerience and be extremely cautious if trying something like this.

I don't really have a specific answer for you. Mother squirrels are very stressed and become very territorial while they raise and defend their pups.

Godspeed little squirrel. :(

09-01-2021, 01:28 PM
It didn’t take much reading for me to realize that infanticide in wild animals is a common, well documented occurrence. It seems counter intuitive for survival of the species but when resources are limited (in nature they are always limited) those resources are selectively given to the stronger, most capable of surviving. This would be analogous to kicking the runt from the nest or abandoning it.

As humans, we like to think of nature as warm, cuddly and fuzzy when in fact it is all about survival. If a baby is sickly or basically a hinderance to the group, it will selectively be removed. Sometimes the mother will ensure her own survival by eating the entire litter.

This just hurts my heart. Just so you know, we don’t see a lot of this on TSB but I know for a fact, it has happened. I guess we become blinded to the ‘ways’ of nature as we try to save them all.
I can’t even watch shows like National Geographic where predators/prey interactions take place. I understand it happens but I won’t watch it.

09-01-2021, 01:29 PM
OMG how horrible. :eek

I had read on a FB squirrel group that mother squirrels will adopt others babies. To me that didn’t sound right as I have never heard of that ever. So much of what I have seen on those groups is just not true. There is so much misinformation on the FB sites I can’t even go there. It’s mostly the blind leading the blind and they are willing to fight about it. :shakehead I have heard that flyers will adopt other babies but frankly, I’ve never seen a definitively documented case of that either. I know for a fact that flyers will eat other young flyers or even their own babies. It is a disturbing part of ‘nature’ that we would rather not know about. Your case is the first documented case that I’m aware of like this. I am so surprised that she attacked a larger baby. I would have thought you would have seen a struggle as the baby was being attacked in this horrible way.

I am horrified by your story. For future reference, it is very common for babies to approach humans when they are in need. If mother squirrel doesn’t come home, they will leave the nest. They will even crawl up your leg. They are asking for help. It is common for these babies to be successfully rehabbed and released when they fall into the hands of caring humans. Those that approach heartless, cruel people aren’t so lucky.

I think your experience (as horrible as it is) can serve as a teaching tool. I wonder if this was her baby and she had rejected it. We will never know. I want to do some study on this. I know that even domestic animals will sometimes eat their young.

I’m sorry you had to experience this. What a nightmare. :sad

Thank you “ HRT4SQRLS” for the reply.

This definitely wasn’t one of her babies because this baby was way behind my house where a lot of other squirrels live.

I don’t even think she’s traveled to this area since she’s given birth. She stays very close to the squirrel house I have up in the tree and is extremely protective of my yard and won’t let any squirrels come near my yard ever since her babies were born.

She lets me come up to it though since she’s known me since she was just a baby herself. And This is her very first litter since maturing.

I agree, I’m surprised the baby didn’t scream from being attacked. It all happened so fast. I video taped it because I was hoping to get a video of her adopting it and carrying it into her nesting house.

But looking back at the videos I took, when I zoom in, I could see that her mouth is reddish and in fact she’s not grooming it as it looked while filming it, but actually attacking it at its mouth.

I didn’t know any of this though until after she just walked away from it and then I walked up to it and I was horrified!! I can’t even re watch any of the videos I took now that I know what she was really doing to it.

I googled over and over if squirrels do this and the only thing i came across was someone mentioning a grey eating a bird, and males sometimes.

even National Geographic (I think-I read so many different articles) said squirrels don’t eat each other.

I tried to post a video where it looks like she’s grooming it, but it kept saying invalid file. But now after I saw what it looks like zoomed in, I’m glad it didn’t get posted because it’s very disturbing.

Thanks for getting back about this.. take care

09-01-2021, 01:42 PM
It didn’t take much reading for me to realize that infanticide in wild animals is a common, well documented occurrence. It seems counter intuitive for survival of the species but when resources are limited (in nature they are always limited) those resources are selectively given to the stronger, most capable of surviving. This would be analogous to kicking the runt from the nest or abandoning it.

As humans, we like to think of nature as warm, cuddly and fuzzy when in fact it is all about survival. If a baby is sickly or basically a hinderance to the group, it will selectively be removed. Sometimes the mother will ensure her own survival by eating the entire litter.

This just hurts my heart. Just so you know, we don’t see a lot of this on TSB but I know for a fact, it has happened. I guess we become blinded to the ‘ways’ of nature as we try to save them all.
I can’t even watch shows like National Geographic where predators/prey interactions take place. I understand it happens but I won’t watch it.

That makes sense… I’m also wondering if it was sick. Looking at another picture (posted in here) it’s eye doesn’t look right.

But she just attacked it’s nose and mouth..nothing else and then walked away. Her whole nose/mouth is still red today from all that 😢319292

09-01-2021, 02:57 PM
So sorry to read this...such a horrible thing for you to witness.

I have had both happen to me, the adopting and the killings.

My neighbor had trapped one of my momma squirrels that lived in my yard and if I recall correctly it was the next day that another one of my resident momma squirrels adopted all of the other momma squirrels babies, raised them all as if they were her own (at the time it happened I had posted all about it in one of my threads).

The next year or so this same momma squirrel, who at that time was again nursing, got killed overnight by a raccoon and the next day one of my resident adult male squirrels (who was actually her son) started killing all of her babies. I was only able to rescue two babies (they were about five weeks old). Out of those two one did not make it as the adult male squirrel had already started biting/killing it.

Again I am sorry you had to witness this, nature at times is so cruel.

09-01-2021, 03:19 PM
So sorry to read this...such a horrible thing for you to witness.

I have had both happen to me, the adopting and the killings.

My neighbor had trapped one of my momma squirrels that lived in my yard and if I recall correctly it was the next day that another one of my resident momma squirrels adopted all of the other momma squirrels babies, raised them all as if they were her own (at the time it happened I had posted all about it in one of my threads).

The next year or so this same momma squirrel, who at that time was again nursing, got killed overnight by a raccoon and the next day one of my resident adult male squirrels (who was actually her son) started killing all of her babies. I was only able to rescue two babies (they were about five weeks old). Out of those two one did not make it as the adult male squirrel had already started biting/killing it.

Again I am sorry you had to witness this, nature at times is so cruel.

That is amazing how that mother took in those babies and raised them as her own.. I read that
Females/ mothers will sometimes do that which is what I was hoping would happen to this little guy..

I read that males will attack babies, but this is a female and a mother who is nursing a litter of her own right now, and the baby she killed wasn’t a tiny pinky, which just really shocked me.

I always thought the females were more of the gentle ones but not so sure anymore.

Today I found a video on YouTube of another squirrel attacking a baby and eating it’s face, but this baby was very tiny, unlike this one.

Someone commented on why just the face, and one person wondered if it’s for calcium?

I’m just wondering why just the nose/face myself and wanted to throw it out here for everyone on this forum..

09-01-2021, 04:37 PM
Just took this picture of the mother squirrel that did this..


09-01-2021, 06:40 PM
One of my releases has three 7-8 week old babies. I found her ravenously chewing on what appeared to be a sternum bone. I am not sure what animal the bone is from, it was reduced to nothing by the time she finished with it. She was so into chewing on the bone that she ignored her favorite treats when I offered. Breastfeeding takes a toll and supplemental calcium might help to offset any bone density loss the child birthing/rearing process might cause. I don't think this is necessarily the cause of the attack you witnessed but it could be a factor. My guess is that this was more of a territorial thing, that momma squirrel is not going to tolerate anyone she sees as an intruder near her nesting babies. In any event, this behavior is VERY unusual which is a blessing.

Procyon Lotor
09-01-2021, 07:53 PM
this is the most metal topic Ive seen in a while. sad but kind of cool at the same time, nature can be brutal at times, just look at parasitic wasps.

09-01-2021, 11:02 PM
this is the most metal topic Ive seen in a while. sad but kind of cool at the same time, nature can be brutal at times, just look at parasitic wasps.

I thought it was cool when i was filming it and it looked like she was licking it over and over and cleaning it and rolling around with it playfully, but once I walked up to it and saw what it actually did to it, i was horrified.

The video just looks like she’s licking it to death but once I zoomed in after the fact, I could see what she was actually doing. It all happened so fast, but wish I could have seen what she was doing as I was filming it so I could have stopped her right away.

I am glad this happened while I was there so I didn’t come across the dead baby later on and think it was killed by some other animal, because there’s really not a lot of data out there showing that “female” mother squirrels do this.

I had gerbils and hamsters that ate their babies and each other.. especially the males, but there’s not a lot out there about squirrels doing this..

I now know to never try this again.. now I see why mother squirrels won’t let any other squirrels even in the same yard as their babies are in..

I took a screen shot from the zoomed in video that clearly shows but from the video, because it plays so fast, it totally slipped by me. Not sure if it’s appropriate to post.

09-02-2021, 08:06 AM
I suspect she considered this juvenile a threat to her litter. He was compromised, and if he was crying that means he presented the potential of calling in predators... which of course, momma does not want to happen.

I have never seen a mom seriously injure a juvenile, but I have seen them relentlessly chase juveniles (probably a bit older than this baby) that wander too close to their nest trees.

I'd suspect any adoptions would be of similar aged babies, just my opinion...

09-02-2021, 04:28 PM
I suspect she considered this juvenile a threat to her litter. He was compromised, and if he was crying that means he presented the potential of calling in predators... which of course, momma does not want to happen.

I have never seen a mom seriously injure a juvenile, but I have seen them relentlessly chase juveniles (probably a bit older than this baby) that wander too close to their nest trees.

I'd suspect any adoptions would be of similar aged babies, just my opinion...

This is what I’m thinking as well seeing how protective they are of their nest and maybe she went for the mouth to stop it from crying.

This has changed my perception of them a little because what made me love squirrels so much was that they weren’t like the typical rodents that eat babies or each other and seeing how loyal they are to their babies and how the mom would come back hours after being separated from their young even if it was handled by a human, I just admire.

This mother is very protective too. As soon as I play a video of a baby squirrel crying, she comes running from where ever she was right into her nesting house.

Just Today I played a little part of the video I found on YouTube called “baby squirrel in distress” (a very good video for people to play when they need a mother squirrel to come get their babies btw) and she came flying right by me and jumped off the deck onto the ground to run up to her house.

She jumped so high and so far, that she almost made it right to the tree which is not that close. I never saw a squirrel leap to the ground from so high up before on purpose like that. Usually they take the stairs or crawl down the poles. So she is acting fiercely protective of her babies..

This year as been a little strange with the squirrels in my area. There’s usually around 20 or more and lately all that’s close by is around 3 adults..

All the babies I fed the last few years have disappeared. Except for this one mother.
I know they find different areas once they get older and when the female gets pregnant again, but it’s never been this quite for squirrels in my yard ever..

and All those babies got the best food/nuts avocados etc from me which makes it even stranger that they aren’t around any more..

09-03-2021, 10:27 PM
The other night "Ida" or what was left of "Ida" came right across our corner of N. Alabama. Lots of wind and rain.

The next evening I was out visiting with Coco and all the other wilds and I noticed a young mother, I think it was Clementine, running across my yard with something dangling from her mouth. I realized it was a baby and she was relocating it to an empty nest box near where I was. I continued watching as she came back down right away and went back to the tree I think she was living in. Looking for more babies I guess. She searched around a bit then came back to her new home where she put her baby and went in.

I assume the dray got damaged in the storm the night before.

As I headed back in the house, I stopped by the tree she was searching around. There was a perfectly healthy baby squirrel body laying there. From it's size I would guess about 4 or 5 weeks old. And mama, I guess, had completely eaten the baby's face off just as described here. I assumed it got injured from a fall from the tree.
Freaked me out a bit.

The next day or two, she stayed close by the new next box and she would let me get close enough to toss treats to her. I haven't seen her the past two days or so. I'm wondering if the other baby died also now.

Nature is HARD!