View Full Version : Newbie / looking for input & advise

08-23-2021, 08:07 PM
Ran across this forum and wow what a great resource!

Squirt fell from his nest and the momma abandoned him... so we took him in.

Believe the little guy is maybe 2 or 3 weeks old (?)
He's currently weighing in at 46g ... is that a good size for him?

We've got him in a container with a heating pad 1/2 on - 1/2 off, as well as a fleece toboggan (which he loves!)


We've had him for a little over a week. He didn't seem very dehydrated, but we gave him pedialyte + Esbilac (exp 2/2023) for the 1st couple of days just to be sure.
He's now on pure Esbilac every 4 hours (around the clock) (1:45am, 5:45am, 9:45am, 1:45pm, 5:45pm & 9:45pm).
Should he be getting feed every 3 hrs ??? instead of 4 ???
From what I'm seeing / reading on the forum, we should be able to adjust those 6 feeds and skip the ~1:45am ??? or is it still a bit early????

He seems to eat well, as well as pees/poops every feeding ... but not sure if he might be bloated or if it's just his tummy ???



He also just started having dry skin (pic below) - is this normal / expected?
Read on here to use a couple of wet cotton balls, as well as coconut oil - started this today.

I'm sure I'm missing alot .. but appreciate any input!

08-24-2021, 07:18 AM
Still al little early to stop the overnight feedings IMO. I'd given him another week of overnight +/- a few days.

Dry skin: Is he in a cardboard box? If yes, switch to a plastic one. We see this happen a lot with card board box as it pulls moisture. Yes to using a bit of coconut oil on the dry skin.

Never mix Pedialyte with Formula. They should be given separately and at different times. Feeding and hydrating are opposite objectives and worked against each other. I am not sure you mixed the pedialyte directly with formula, but we cannot re-emphasize this enough for any readers of this thread.

I am attaching a feeding chart cheat sheet for the correct amounts (5% - 7% per feeding).

09-07-2021, 01:13 PM
Spanky - thank you for the information!

Squirt is now 5 weeks old (just opened his eyes on Sunday) and weighing in at 127g's.
Eating 7% of his body weight.

Assuming I should start him on blocks (from Henry's of course)?

The coconut oil did the trick, no more dry skin!

He's currently in a plastic bin, heating pad 1/2 on/off.
What about moving him to a larger cage .. is it time?

Little guy is getting to be very active .. atleast during feeding times!

I do appreciate any information anyone can provided!

Have a good day!

09-07-2021, 06:44 PM
So glad to hear he is doing so well.. you are doing a great job with him! :thumbsup

Yes, I introduce the block the week their eyes open. Just place 1/2 block in with him for now, he won't do more than gnaw them to little pieces for a while, but when he is ready for solids, they will be there for him!

You want to continue to provide the heat until he is staying off the heat by himself. Make sure there are plenty of fleece pieces for him to snuggle into both on and off the heat. At 5 weeks I still have them in a tall plastic bin or small cage. Maybe 7.5 weeks they move to a "big boy" cage.

09-19-2021, 03:59 PM
Thanks again Spanky.

Back with some concerns.

Squirt's poop is constantly yellowish, soft and/or diarrhea are times.
As well his rear-end is either really dirty from this and/or appears that his has blocked it anus due to dried poop.
At ~6 weeks, you can imagine he doesn't sit well to get cleaned-up.

I've been reading several threads, and haven't been able to get this cleared up.

He's weighing in at around 209G (7% / ~15ML).

Currently feeding him ~16ML of Esbilac (6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm & 10pm).
He still acts excited / hungry after, but we don't give him more.
That plus 1 or 2 Henry's original Adult formula healthy blocks (per day).
He was just destroying, but now he eats more than he leaves.


09-19-2021, 07:48 PM
IMO, at 6 weeks old your over feeding and too often.
The 6-7% represents the capacity of their stomachs, your already pushing that.
Add that to feeding 5 times it's not giving his system time to process what he's
eating and the results is going to be diarrhea. I would definitely cut out at least 1 feeding.
It is is recommended to feed baby right before going to bed, then first thing in the morning.
Small babies can go up to 6 hours at night, up to 8 hours for older babies 5-7 weeks.

Is this a grey squirrel? 209gms seems heavy for a 6 week old.
I would suggest cutting back on formula and hydrate some in-between feeds to flush his system.
Cut out the 5th feed and weigh first thing in the morning on empty stomach for an accurate weight.

09-19-2021, 08:46 PM
A picture tells a 1000 words. That would help us a lot.

09-20-2021, 11:38 AM
Thank you for your input!

Assuming he's six weeks .. going on 7, as he opened his eyes on Sep. 5th ...

Squirt after feeding this morning ... needs a bath!



Let me know if these pictures aren't helpful!

What do you suggest hydrating with, as I don't want to upset his stomach anymore than it already is....

Should I feed formula at 6am, 11:30am, 4:30pm & 10pm and hydrate between each and/or just once or twice daily?

Was also planning to start feeding him from group 1 of the Health diet for Squirrels this week, should I hold off on that?

Thanks again for your help!

09-20-2021, 01:08 PM
Thank you for your input!

Assuming he's six weeks .. going on 7, as he opened his eyes on Sep. 5th ...

Squirt after feeding this morning ... needs a bath!

Let me know if these pictures aren't helpful!

What do you suggest hydrating with, as I don't want to upset his stomach anymore than it already is....

Should I feed formula at 6am, 11:30am, 4:30pm & 10pm and hydrate between each and/or just once or twice daily?

Was also planning to start feeding him from group 1 of the Health diet for Squirrels this week, should I hold off on that?

Thanks again for your help!

Your just giving his system a little flushing out, not needing to hydrate with hydration fluid.
Just offer some water, you can sweeten with sugar or honey for taste.
Actually 7-8 weeks only need to be fed formula 3 x a day.
Is he on/eating some type rodent block? This should be his first solid food. You want him to
be eating block and eating it ahead of other foods.
I'm going to attach a link on baby squirrel care. You are ahead on a lot of the information
but it can still give you some ideas of where your at and where you want to be.

Baby squirrel care:
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.

Below is a generalized chart that can give you a better idea of where you want to be at with age and
weight when feeding formula.

09-20-2021, 01:58 PM
Thanks for the chart!

He's eating 1 or 2 Henry's original Adult formula healthy blocks (per day).
Did I order the wrong rodent blocks ... as they are 'Adult Formula'?
He was just destroying, but now he eats more than he leaves.

I'll plan to only feed formula (12CC MAX) * 3 a day, water in between - starting today.

Suggesting on what veggies to start him out on?
Again, don't want to continue to .. as you said .. flush him out :)

09-20-2021, 03:23 PM
Thanks for the chart!

He's eating 1 or 2 Henry's original Adult formula healthy blocks (per day).
Did I order the wrong rodent blocks ... as they are 'Adult Formula'?
He was just destroying, but now he eats more than he leaves.

I'll plan to only feed formula (12CC MAX) * 3 a day, water in between - starting today.

Suggesting on what veggies to start him out on?
Again, don't want to continue to .. as you said .. flush him out :)

Mine often eat the healthy blocks because I have an older squirrel and usually have more of them but
Picky blocks is the favorite with most squirrels and what I order especially for the younger/release crew.

The healthy diet gives one a lot of choices, I wouldn't purchase a lot of any one thing until you discover
just what hits his fancy,

09-21-2021, 10:28 AM
Now I've got one unhappy little guy.

Mixed 1 tps of honey to 1 cup of water ... he would have nothing to do with it.
Attempted on 3 different feedings, and nope ... doesn't want it and lets me know!
As well, 12ML for the morning feeding and wasn't happy with that either!
