View Full Version : Maloclusion problem

08-20-2021, 02:16 PM
Hi, my name is Michel. I rehab baby squirrels since 2018 with a group from Québec, Canada.
I have a 4 years old eastern grey without control of his front hands. He is doing well...

I received a 6-7 weeks old baby in mid may.
He was sneezing at this time and still is now.
I noticed after a month that upper incisives were not out yet.
I had to cut twice her lower incisives.
I am ok to keep her and help with her incisives.
When she sneeze she sometime has white liquid coming out of her nose.
Upper incisives still not there...
I understand her life could be short

Beside sneezing, she is in top shape and run like hell in the house

Is there something to help or i just hope for the best

Many thanks

08-23-2021, 10:29 AM
If the teethe continue to grow, she won't be releasable. I would try some antibiotics ASAP. She could have a sinus or upper respiratory infection. I usually use SMZ-SMP for squirrels.