View Full Version : Heat stroke. NEED EMERGENCY HELP
08-08-2021, 03:13 PM
I am located in Chester SC, I have squirrel here who has suffered a heat stroke. I'm trying to get him better. But I need help. I'm not equipped for this. If anyone can meet me? And come get him/her? Please. My number is 9808422955
Please anyone who can save her
08-08-2021, 03:41 PM
Nowhere near you, but...
You need to lower the body temp quickly but GRADUALLY. Easiest way is to throw an old towel in the bottom of something like a Rubbermade tote and put the squirrel in the tote. If you have air conditioning, bring the whole thing inside. Pour LUKEWARM water on the squirrel - 80 or so degrees, then tip the tote so the air conditioning is hitting it. If you don't have A/C, do the same thing, starting with lukewarm water, and every couple minutes, adding more, a little cooler each time, to bring the body temp down gradually. The towel will soak up the water and also help to cool the squirrel. and will add something for it to grip rather than slippery plastic. If it is a wild squirrel, make sure you watch it carefully and have a lid on hand for the container.
Good luck. You can do this.
08-08-2021, 04:18 PM
Thank you! It's a girl, and she's coming to. I got her body temp down, and I'm hydrating, her tail has fluffed back out and she's sitting up. She's still struggling. But we're doing it!! I really hope she makes a full recovery. And I will be sure to update!
08-08-2021, 09:43 PM
She's declining. I've tried so hard to get someone to help me. I'm still trying. I'm calling everywhere.
She's vomiting now. She's barely breathing or moving. I'm still giving her Pedialyte and water, I'm keeping her comfortable and not letting her get too hot or too cold. But I need help. Idk what to do. If you have or know anyone who can recommend any suggestions? Anything. It's getting worse and my heart can't take it.
08-08-2021, 09:52 PM
You are doing everything you can do. Heat stroke can damage internal organs. Can you get a small fan to help gradually cool her.? Squirrels help control body temp with their tail. Make sure the tail is wet and being cooled. Apply cool cloths that you continually change as they become warm. How long was she unconscious? The directions Critter Mom gave you are about what you can do.
08-10-2021, 06:07 AM
I don't know if you will still be checking the board - given that we didn't hear from you I fear that this went badly. And given the tone of your posts, I am guessing that you are probably blaming yourself for not being able to get vet help. I just want you to know that there isn't anything you did or didn't do that a vet could have. Regardless of whether it takes place in someone's living room or a state of the art fully appointed cutting edge veterinary hospital, the treatment would have been the same - cool her down as quickly as you could without shocking her and then hoping for the best. There aren't any medicines or treatments - success is decided totally on how much damage was done before you ever found her.
Was she a wild squirrel you just found or one you raised from a baby? Regardless, if this ended badly, know you have a group here that understands how you are feeling...
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