View Full Version : Funkygrl squirrel girl

08-06-2021, 08:42 PM
Hi there!

Rehabbed for about 1.5 years in Nampa Idaho. We recently lost our founder of AID Animals in Distress (heartbreaking).....

I’ve only rehabbed squirrels as of yet. I’ve done the locals and recently rehabbed two sets o pine squirrels and boy are hey full of it haha.....red pines and Douglas fir pines. Lots of fun to be had there....

Right now I have a squirrel about 5 months of age that was found in an alley and there’s just no telling what happened to him. I start out with warm water and keeping him warm for the first couple days. Then I start him slowly on concentrated mixture of fox valley formula for squirrels. Over the past 5 days he seems to be improving slowly. He has what looks like a possible soft tissue trauma just above his left hip. Today, he seems to be feeling more uncomfortable and feeling less like eating. I wondered if he could feel better with a couple days of Motrin to see if it helps the swelling /inflammation and pain......I have been icing the area for about 5min here and here but honestly was afraid of doing that too much because I wan him to stay warm. So then I’d warm up the rice socks. Haha....I have no idea on safe dosages.

Suggestions? Dosage recommendations?

Thank so much!

08-06-2021, 09:02 PM
Check your PM's for Ibuprofen dose info.

If you could post pics of this guy's injuries that may help

08-07-2021, 07:53 AM
Right now I have a squirrel about 5 months of age that was found in an alley and there’s just no telling what happened to him.

Any chance he was cat caught? If so antibiotics are warranted even if there is a remote chance is was a cat attack. I know it has been a few days, which is a good sign that it is not a cat bite but I might be considering antibiotics; fresh cat bites (and scratches) can be almost impossible to identify with a visual inspection.

Augmentin, Baytril, Bactrim (SMP/TMZ) are a few that are effective...

08-24-2021, 06:24 PM
I’m really technology illiterate and still trying to figure out this sight. Thankfully I recognized the sight when I googled squirrel forum. For the life of me I can never remember where to go to post and when I do I can’t remember how I got there….🤨

5month old squirrel boy is still hanging in there. I read cat puncture wounds can be difficult to see so I can’t say for sure he hasn’t been caught by an animal but it looks more like he fell from a tree, power line? He had bruising around his abdomen, swelling about the size of a ping pong ball, in ability to move tail or legs.

Since then, about 3 weeks last Sunday, he’s been sleeping most of the time. After a week and a half he was more alert, lifting his head and opening his eyes. Eating only formula and a couple tiny nibbles from a walnut. With each few days he exhibited positive improvements. Diet improved. Eventually wanted solids. Bruising all but gone. Swelling still a bit visible. Started moving his left leg but not the right. He seems to wince when his right leg was touched at all. I decided to lightly wrap to hopefully stabilize a bit.

Two days ago he was caught with his tail up by his back and he was up on both knees….hooray! He continues to slowly increase in weight. He’s eating apple, monkey chow, seedless grapes, walnuts.

I massage his feet to encourage blood flow and sometimes he will curl his toes around my finger so we now have movement in both feet however slight.

All along he has appeared to have a little bit of abnormal breathing. I’m thinking maybe because of pain, he may have bruised a lung or injured a lung…..all speculation. Closer inspection showed some tiny clear bubbles just inside the nasal cavity. When it’s there, it’s obviously harder for him to breathe and I start hearing the sound of his tongue moving up and down against his roof of mouth I assume. I got a suction device and have been suctioning for about 4 days maybe 5. But about day 2 it wasn’t clear tiny bubbles. Now it’s like discharge but it is copy paper white. There’s no color to it at all but white. There was a day and a half where I thought it was turning a tinge of green so we all tend to think infection. I put him on antibiotics (amoxicillin) for 4 days. It’s there but completely white and has stayed that color with the exception of that day and a half…..I don’t know WHAT to make of this discharge. Anyone wanna take a stab at it?

I’ll see if I can’t get a picture of him just for the sake of seeing him. Obviously it’s not going to be of much help in finding answers but I’ll see if I can figure that out.

I still have his one leg lightly wrapped between ankle and knee. That seemed to be where the bulk of his pain is right now.

01-13-2022, 01:46 PM
Just curious what the outcome was for the little guy, and if you got any answers on the white nasal discharge?