View Full Version : Are my squirrels okay?

08-04-2021, 02:41 PM
My neighbor brought me two infant squirrels, saying the mom had died. We think she fell out of the tree during a storm. One is male (Zayne) & one is female (Jayne). I tried calling wild life rescue but they were not accepting ssquirrelsso I took it upon myself. I've now had them a little over a week.

I don't exactly know how old they are and they seem emaciated. Could someone please look at my photos and help me determine an age and if they look too thin?

Jayne: 38g
Zayne: 39g

Jayne: 46g
Zayne: 45g

*Esbilac powder every 3 hours.
*Pedialyte at first morning feeding to prevent dehydration. I did this to help with constipation.
*They eat about 2 1/2 to 3 CC.

Image 1: Zayne.
Image 2: Jayne.
Image 3: Zayne.
Inage 4: Jayne. (the white fluff on her face is bedding, she had enough of me so I allowed it)
Image 5: Before feeding. Jayne is on top.

08-04-2021, 03:34 PM
They look about 3 weeks old and they do seem a wee bit thin.

Are you feeding them through the night?

Here is a link to a 6 page long primer on baby squirrel care. Please read this then ask any question you might have.

I am including a cheat sheet on feeding amounts (5% - 7% of weight per feeding).

We recommend mixing up 2 days supply of Esbilac ahead of time. It is best to allow it to sit overnight (6-8 hours) before using it for a feeding as this provides more time for the powder to fully dissolve making it easier for babies to digest (never rewarm formula for feeding.. anything warmed but not used should be thrown out). You can store the mixed formula ins the fridge for 2 - 2 1/2 days.

I am sure there will be questions, but that primer will provides lots of great info!


08-04-2021, 04:05 PM
Thank you! And this sheet is very helpful.

I was not doing night feeding and I just started pre-making formula. Hopefully these two adjustments will help them put on weight.

RIP sleep.

08-04-2021, 04:08 PM
Also! If you look at Jayne's palm, it looks like the pad on her palm is bubbly, is that normal?

I hope it's not pox.

08-04-2021, 04:59 PM
Thank you! And this sheet is very helpful.

You are most welcome and :Welcome to TSB!

I was not doing night feeding and I just started pre-making formula. Hopefully these two adjustments will help them put on weight.

Yes, the night feedings are most critical and necessary until eyes open at about 5 weeks. This change should make a huge difference.

RIP sleep.

Welcome to our sleepless world! (Could be worse, could be a few dozen to feed overnight instead of a few / two!!!:rotfl

Also! If you look at Jayne's palm, it looks like the pad on her palm is bubbly, is that normal? I hope it's not pox.

I don't think that is pox, but keep an eye on her. Hopefully we'll get more than just my opinion.

Rock Monkey
08-05-2021, 02:21 PM
Is there a no shut-off heating pad on moderate heat under half of their container?

By putting the pad under half of the container this allows them to get away from the heat if it is too much. A squirrel which is not sufficiently warm will have some difficulty digesting the food given. In the wild they spend most of the day snuggling with mom. She provides them body heat which they are not fully capable of generating themselves.