View Full Version : Hives all over my body

08-01-2021, 11:04 PM
Hello please help. I found a baby squirrel 3 days ago. It almost got hit by a car so I took it home because there was no tree around to leave it for mom to get it and I didn’t know what else to do. I gave it pedialyte and puppy formula and although it looked healthy the poor guy died this morning for no apparent reason. On the second day of me having him (yesterday) he burrowed into my shirt and licked my body before I removed him. Later on yesterday evening I broke out in hives where he licked me and they’re very itchy and now spread all over my body. Do I have some type of a disease from it or is it just an allergic reaction to its saliva. Did anyone have this issue before please help I’m freaking out because I’ve never had any hives or allergic reaction to anything in my entire life, but now I’m worried that it’s something else. Please anyone with info leave a response. Thank you so much

08-02-2021, 04:59 AM
Hives that are all over you instead of being localized are usually caused by something you ingested - either a food or perhaps a medication you are taking. They can happen suddenly - some years ago, after having it be prescribed to me many times for various things, I popped an allergy to amoxicillin right in the middle of a prescription - had massive purple welts EVERYWHERE. Now I can't take it or any other "cillin" drugs. Food allergies can do the same thing.

08-02-2021, 11:01 AM
There is no possible disease a squirrel could have that would cause hive like symptoms in a human within 24 hours. It could be an allergic reaction to the squirrel, try Benadryl and see if that helps. Another possibility is bites from fleas (which squirrels often have) and that could cause an allergic reaction too.

08-02-2021, 12:15 PM
Hi Jpaylian,
All of us are unique, and can have interesting reactions to things. But do consider that this could be coincidental timing to something else going on in your body. Here are a few thoughts:

Many of us handle squirrels all the time. I have carried them in my shirt for months at a time, been bitten by accident and on purpose, and once had one drop from an overhead branch into my eye when I looked up. Ouch, I couldn't see for three days until that healed. I had one baby squirrel that just liked to rest with my finger inside it's mouth kind of like a pacifier. That was a little disconcerting, but it never caused anything. I've been bitten by many squirrel fleas too. None of that has caused any real harm, other than the obvious.

Is this the first up-close experience you have had with handling a squirrel? Because if you had any fears, conscious or unconscious, about touching or being touched by this unfamiliar wild animal, it is very possible that your body could react in a reaction like this, because hives can be triggered by stress. It would be normal to feel that way, so don't worry if you felt like that. The first time I was handed a squirrel, I ran for big heavy work gloves; as I had no understanding or experience with them and wanted to protect myself. It's natural. Now that I understand these sweet ones, I have come to love and respect them, and I kiss the babies when I can. In general they are very clean animals. I'm just writing this to give you some perspective in which to gauge your experience and figure out what you need to do.

08-02-2021, 08:48 PM
Hives that are all over you instead of being localized are usually caused by something you ingested - either a food or perhaps a medication you are taking. They can happen suddenly - some years ago, after having it be prescribed to me many times for various things, I popped an allergy to amoxicillin right in the middle of a prescription - had massive purple welts EVERYWHERE. Now I can't take it or any other "cillin" drugs. Food allergies can do the same thing.

Thank you for your response! Nope I haven’t taken anything different and I eat very clean almost vegan but mostly vegetarian diet. Maybe I just have an allergy to rodents..

08-02-2021, 08:52 PM
Hi Jpaylian,
All of us are unique, and can have interesting reactions to things. But do consider that this could be coincidental timing to something else going on in your body. Here are a few thoughts:

Many of us handle squirrels all the time. I have carried them in my shirt for months at a time, been bitten by accident and on purpose, and once had one drop from an overhead branch into my eye when I looked up. Ouch, I couldn't see for three days until that healed. I had one baby squirrel that just liked to rest with my finger inside it's mouth kind of like a pacifier. That was a little disconcerting, but it never caused anything. I've been bitten by many squirrel fleas too. None of that has caused any real harm, other than the obvious.

Is this the first up-close experience you have had with handling a squirrel? Because if you had any fears, conscious or unconscious, about touching or being touched by this unfamiliar wild animal, it is very possible that your body could react in a reaction like this, because hives can be triggered by stress. It would be normal to feel that way, so don't worry if you felt like that. The first time I was handed a squirrel, I ran for big heavy work gloves; as I had no understanding or experience with them and wanted to protect myself. It's natural. Now that I understand these sweet ones, I have come to love and respect them, and I kiss the babies when I can. In general they are very clean animals. I'm just writing this to give you some perspective in which to gauge your experience and figure out what you need to do.

Thank you for your reply! No I don’t and didn’t have any fear or anxiety I love all animals and never once thought of what harm it could do to me. I was also kissing it and cuddling with it because it was just so cute and sweet. I’m assuming just An allergy and nothing serious. I took Zyrtec so let’s see if it works. It’s very itchy at night where I feel like things are crawling on me and I can’t rest well..

08-02-2021, 08:54 PM
There is no possible disease a squirrel could have that would cause hive like symptoms in a human within 24 hours. It could be an allergic reaction to the squirrel, try Benadryl and see if that helps. Another possibility is bites from fleas (which squirrels often have) and that could cause an allergic reaction too.

Thank you for your reply! Great point! It was infested with fleas and I washed it and combed them all out I believe so maybe it was the fleas or just an allergy to the squirrel itself since I never handled a rodent I may just have a allergy to them 🤞🏼

08-02-2021, 09:00 PM

This is how they look

08-02-2021, 10:25 PM
I would get hives when I interacted with dogs fur, so could just be an allergy to the squirrel fur, but have also had this happen when changing body washes, detergent, and lotions as well. Good luck!

08-03-2021, 09:07 AM
I bet they are flea bites. I got that all over my body after I found Jack.

They were really itchy, but a few days later, they went away. Coconut/Salt rubs and Oatmeal bath seemed to have helped.

08-03-2021, 09:13 AM
Look like flea bites!


This is how they look

08-03-2021, 06:07 PM
I would get hives when I interacted with dogs fur, so could just be an allergy to the squirrel fur, but have also had this happen when changing body washes, detergent, and lotions as well. Good luck!

Thank you!

08-03-2021, 06:08 PM
I bet they are flea bites. I got that all over my body after I found Jack.

They were really itchy, but a few days later, they went away. Coconut/Salt rubs and Oatmeal bath seemed to have helped.

Thank you! Will try that, I also been using tea tree oil but no difference yet

08-03-2021, 06:10 PM
Look like flea bites!

Thanks! I hope it’ll go away soon. So itchy and kinda scary looking to me

Diggie's Friend
08-03-2021, 07:43 PM
It could be fleas, but not hives, as that ain't them.

It's mosquito season again. I just got 6 bites scattered on one area the other day after I pruned back our large vine. The only possible concern is if you have West Nile Virus in your area. If you develop flue symtoms, it may not be from Covid.

Charley Chuckles
08-04-2021, 09:23 AM
The skeeters have been horrible here with all the rain, I use CBD cream really works fast I'm sure it would help flea bites and hives as well👍

08-04-2021, 10:28 AM
Also, in some areas we are dealing with Oak Mites right now.
