View Full Version : 2-3 week Squirrels not eliminating waste.

07-31-2021, 04:04 PM
I'm stimulating Zayne & Jayne (2-3 weeks) before and after feeding with a wet warm Q-tip. Jayne used to be a rock star with eliminating but now she and her brother never poop or pee.

I have tried warm pedialyte, trying to rehydrate. I always do warm water lower body baths and stimulate as well as the tummy. No go. I tried warm apple juice.

The tummy doesn't appear bloated and there are no hard spots. Sometimes I see some hints of possible bowel movements in the cage, is it possible they're going after stimulated? 2 days ago I switch from a kitten formula to the recommended puppy one (E something). Could that switch be causing these issues? Also, their heating pad shuts off every 2 hours, while I feed every 3 (new unlimited heat pad comes in today). Is that cooling off affecting them? Never appear or feel cold though.

I actually have never seen Zayne void and I've had them for 5 days. They did have a spurt of diaerria with the kitten formula but that passed. I've seen them both pass brown BMs since then, just not in the last 3 days.

I'm really confused here. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

07-31-2021, 08:31 PM
I'm stimulating Zayne & Jayne (2-3 weeks) before and after feeding with a wet warm Q-tip. Jayne used to be a rock star with eliminating but now she and her brother never poop or pee.

I have tried warm pedialyte, trying to rehydrate. I always do warm water lower body baths and stimulate as well as the tummy. No go. I tried warm apple juice.

The tummy doesn't appear bloated and there are no hard spots. Sometimes I see some hints of possible bowel movements in the cage, is it possible they're going after stimulated? 2 days ago I switch from a kitten formula to the recommended puppy one (E something). Could that switch be causing these issues? Also, their heating pad shuts off every 2 hours, while I feed every 3 (new unlimited heat pad comes in today). Is that cooling off affecting them? Never appear or feel cold though.

I actually have never seen Zayne void and I've had them for 5 days. They did have a spurt of diaerria with the kitten formula but that passed. I've seen them both pass brown BMs since then, just not in the last 3 days.

I'm really confused here. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Yes, the formula switch can sometimes cause issues.

Dehydration can be a big problem. Can you upload pictures of them?

Never feed a cold baby squirrel. Period. Or give it anything (water, hydration) by mouth if they are cold.

Are you using Esbilac puppy formula? If yes, are you using the powdered version and not the liquid one (they are different, as strange as that seems)? The powder should be mixed hours ahead of feeding to allow it to more fully dissolve.

08-02-2021, 02:03 AM
Zayne started having BMs today, like 2 or 3 of them, so hopefully he can be regular now.

As for being cold: I have a thermometer in their cage with a consistent heat source. It stays at about 104°F to 110°F, so I feel like that potential issue is resolved.

I haven't been mixing hours ahead of time, I can start doing that. Could it be possible if I mix a whole days worth and store it in the fridge? (It is the powder Esbilac)

I will try and get a good picture of them and upload it.

Thank you.

08-02-2021, 09:56 AM
Zayne started having BMs today, like 2 or 3 of them, so hopefully he can be regular now.

Good news. :thumbsup

As for being cold: I have a thermometer in their cage with a consistent heat source. It stays at about 104°F to 110°F, so I feel like that potential issue is resolved.

I mention this about feeding cold babies because your first post indicated (at the time) the heating pad was shutting off every 2 hours. Feeding a cold baby, even water, can kill them... I wanted to make sure this note was included in the thread for anyone reading.

I haven't been mixing hours ahead of time, I can start doing that. Could it be possible if I mix a whole days worth and store it in the fridge? (It is the powder Esbilac)

Yes, mix up 2 days worth of formula ahead of time using very hot water. I even let it sit out for 45 minutes (+/-) and shake it (others use a whisk) a few times before putting it in the fridge. Allowing it 6 hour or 8 hours to more fully dissolve helps make the formula more readily digestible, especially for pinky babies. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 48 hours.

Never re-use formula once it is warmed up for feeding; throw it out. Most of us use very hot water in a insulated cup or coffee mug (some even use coffee warmers with it) and submerge the syringes into the water with the nipples and all for about 1.5 - 2 minutes to warm for feeding.