View Full Version : Post op Odontoma/teeth extractions

Snicker Bar
06-27-2021, 03:01 PM
We are nearly home from an unplanned trip to Dr. Emerson’s . We’ve been battling non healing wounds with Victoria’s tail and it was progressively getting worse. I felt like it needed to come off but wanted Dr. Emerson’s advice ; and my neuro/malocclusion Doodles also needed a recheck for an early Odontoma that was detected last October. Needless to say, I figured for her it would be just a brief exam/x ray sort of visit. Our appointment was last Friday and Victoria did so well; she looks like a little bunny now. I need to get a pic; this was her before pic:

They called to tell me she was in recovery and Doodles was being checked and that Dr. Emerson recommended extracting her misaligned teeth (that had to be literally trimmed weekly ) and to bring her back Sat am to discuss Odontoma surgery if she did well. I was very hesitant about this but it all came down so fast , and Sat she said the thing (Odontoma) would only get worse and become more difficult to operate , if delayed. So I signed the form and now all her yuck teeth and tumor are gone.
She has a stent I have to remove Tues. Here she is today in my lap on way home :

Right now she’s taking Fox Valley and banana baby food. She drinks well from her water bottle. When we get home I will be trying some of the smoothie recipes Resilie’s Mom was kind enough to share :) If others have some liquid meal replacement ideas, please let me know. She weighs approximately 600g (probably less now ; just not taking in enough calories:( ).

I want to thank the members here who were with us every step of the way...Some familiar, others I’ve never met or spoken to before. It was such such a blessing to have knowledgeable (and calming phone calls) to help at such short notice . I was fairly well rattled when I got the call Fri. about Doodles and all that she needed done??! About fell out in Target with a pair of flip flops in my hands !

Anyhow almost home; anxious to get to a blender and get her some real food in her.

Snicker Bar
06-27-2021, 07:12 PM
Here are some after pics of V tonight ,
Finally home !

She doesn’t miss that yucky tail one minute:)

06-27-2021, 08:23 PM
Your babies are blessed to have such an intuitive loving mama. In a week it’s all a bad dream and life will be SO much better for sweet squirrels and their beloved mom :Love_Icon

06-27-2021, 08:33 PM
Awwwww... the sweetie :) She's glad to have her mom around, I'm sure. I keep her - and the whole family - in my prayers for a prompt and gooood recovery. :hug

Re. the food for Doodles... sounds like that hand blender might come in handy after all ;)

Victoria's gonna look like a lil bunny wabbit hehe :grin3

06-27-2021, 11:17 PM
Just seeing this. Wow! You and your babies are really going through it, aren't you? So glad everything went well and they're on the mend!

Snicker Bar
06-28-2021, 06:56 AM
The fact I wasn’t aware Doodles would be having all this done, as in NOW/this trip was a mixed blessing as I tend to worry myself sick. The disadvantage is I am now totally unprepared for the days to come . And I was so rattled I forgot to ask half the things I should have :( Thank goodness for Resilie and all the ideas her mom has shared in her threads. I will call Dr. Emerson’s office today, but as I pack things to take to work (and Doodles) are there any new thoughts (since Resilie’s care) about a calculation for an Adult’s % body weight daily fluid requirements? And how do we calculate caloric needs? Can I just go by what any mammal (say a puppy/kitten ) would need? For now all I have on hand in the house is Fox Valley, Ultraboost, Henry’s Wild Bites and various baby foods , nuts, and dietary supplements .

Charley Chuckles
06-28-2021, 07:30 AM
I'm so happy your all home safe and sound🤗
I know this was all so stressful but it's all done now and you can breathe a little now :grin2
I'll continue prayers for everyone to heal perfectly 👍

As far as her food it sounds like you have that handled. Penny did wonders with her Resilie using the mix recipe she gave you.

My CC was a bunny butt too :grouphug

Snicker Bar
06-28-2021, 09:28 AM
Thank you for all the help while we were there! You were like an emergency, on call travel agent for food....water bottles... and most of all moral support :)

Charley Chuckles
06-28-2021, 09:38 AM
Thank you for all the help while we were there! You were like an emergency, on call travel agent for food....water bottles... and most of all moral support :)

It was truly my pleasure, just wish we would have got to meet, but most importantly your babies had all their issues taken care of 😘

Snicker Bar
06-30-2021, 12:20 PM

Today is day 4 post op for the Odontoma (and 5 for the three extractions ) I hope this looks ok, for this surgery?
This am she would not take her slurry . She fussed and wiggled with every drop :( I am keeping it clean and applying lidocaine and silver sulfadiazine to the skin around the hole. Maybe it “tastes/smells” bad idk?
Just worried ,
Will try adding applesauce to the mixture and see if she will take it better .

06-30-2021, 03:00 PM
I would use your puppy/kitten calculations. Any info you have on rats would be the same for squirrels.

So a while ago, a longtime member who isn't here too much wound up getting the same odontoma surgery on her squirrel from Dr. E. In this case, her squirrel wound up getting what was eventually cultured as a fungal infection weeks into recovery - pretty sure it was aspergillosis - INSIDE the hole. I have no idea how it was being cared for otherwise. She ended up losing her squirrel to the fungus infection. And it got me to thinking. I read an article last spring when all dentist offices were closed due to covid except for dire emergencies. To help mitigate the dentist's chance of getting infected, many dentists were having their "dire emergency" patients do nasal washes - like with a neti pot - using our old favorite diluted betadyne solution right before sitting in the chair! So I know it is used in the nose.

The silvadene is antifungal but it isn't likely getting INTO the hole - just on the outside. I don't think you would have to actually flush with it, but what about saturating a q-tip and holding it against the hole and letting the capillary action pull it in to the interior of the hole? You likely know the answer but if not why don't you run it by Dr. E?

Snicker Bar
06-30-2021, 03:48 PM
Oh gosh , wow; we don’t want that!
Yes , she did mention swabbing the hole after I pulled the stent. It’s kind of closing but I will definitely strip down a q tip and do that /let it wick down in. Glad you mentioned this case ; I hate that was the outcome but I will take extra care and monitor her. She’s just so not her self :( but guess considering all this I wouldn’t bounce right back either .

06-30-2021, 04:09 PM
What about some pain meds?

And that is diluted betadyne, of course...

Snicker Bar
06-30-2021, 04:57 PM
She still has two more doses of Meloxicam. Her last prescribed dose of buprenorphine was Tuesday,
I have access to more ; I’ll see what happens tonight and Dr. Emerson was very kind and willing to answer if I msg. Just know she’s so busy, but will if Doodles won’t eat . She’s drinking water /staying hydrated at least

06-30-2021, 05:10 PM
Have you ever tried Ensure - the meal replacement shakes? Many of them really like it and it has lots of nutrients and fat. It isn't a good long term solution but for the short term it may help get her over the hump.

06-30-2021, 05:13 PM
Just to let you know I'm following as much as I can, and am praying for you and the recovery of your babies. :glomp :Love_Icon

Snicker Bar
06-30-2021, 05:48 PM
Thank you Mm :) and that’s a thought; I’ve never used it but hear it works for some. Will pick some up; if Doodles won’t take it I could drink it ....

Charley Chuckles
07-01-2021, 05:05 PM
Sorry I'm late getting here.
Were you given the nasal drops?
How is she doing?

Charley Chuckles
07-01-2021, 05:11 PM
Also when Conker had his odatoma surgery I had drops to put in the port, it closed fairly fast, within I'm remembering a week maybe a little longer I just kept on till there was no hole to put the drops into.

Charley Chuckles
07-01-2021, 05:12 PM
Does it look infected to you? I can't tell with the pic

Snicker Bar
07-03-2021, 02:10 PM

Huge milestone today :) I had the smoothie warm and ready to go, but I thought what if we just try? And I got out her special food she’s used to eating; sort of a baked block/boo ball stuff. She likes small pieces rolled like tootsie rolls. She can eat on her own... But being neuro I hand feed her these twice daily to be sure she’s getting her vitamins and block. Up until today, she hasn’t been able to eat anything but gruel. But today, she discovered her molars still work!! So relieved ; this is just 7 days post op . And she’s coming back to herself; as normal as a neuro- DoodleBug can be :)

Charley Chuckles
07-03-2021, 03:18 PM
Marie I'm so thrilled how quickly she's recovering 👏
Great job mommy 👏
DoodleBug your just a sweet darling girl🥰
Get better and better with each passing day honey😘

Snicker Bar
07-07-2021, 06:33 PM

11 days post op; been letting her sister come in last two nights and have sleepovers so they can both be reassured they still have each other . They are very closely bonded. Dandies prefers to be outside during the day but Doodlebug will have to heal more.

Today her hole reopened; was sealed up , but its pink and no fluid so just keeping up the drops and Clavamox.


Charley Chuckles
07-08-2021, 07:08 AM
Sweet pics 😍
Possibly it had scabbed over and scab came off, however it still looks good from what I can see 🤗
Can take a little time to completely close.
Such darlings 🥰

07-08-2021, 08:48 AM
Watch Dandie. There are few things I can think of that squirrels like more than nibbling scabs, moles, callouses, or anything else that SHOULDN'T BE THERE! She may be the one responsible for the missing scab. They just can't help themselves!

Diggie's Friend
07-09-2021, 05:17 PM
There is a direct connection with Aspergillosis in the liver promoting cirrhosis and a secondary infection of Aspergillosis in the lungs developing from that which can lend to mortality.

Avoid housing squirrels is areas where hays and alfalfas are used for livestock, for moist hay promotes the development of Aspergillus fungus that produces deadly alfatoxins.

https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Orgins-Pycnogenol-Capsules-Count/dp/B00CLYNA14/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=healthy+origins+pycnogenol+30+mg.+60+coun t&qid=1625869605&s=hpc&sr=1-4

You can use this source 30 mg. reduced by 8 to support both healing and as a preventative for Aspergillosis.