View Full Version : I'm a NEW Squirrel Lover

06-27-2021, 10:36 AM
Hi All, I recently came upon a hurt Squirrel. I was eating some peanuts on my back porch and a limping Squirrel came up
to me ,he got very close, i think he smelled to peanuts. i noticed he could not walk on 1 leg and a 3inch scar on his back.
it looked like it had been stitched. I gave him some shelled peanuts ,he ate some then stared hiding the rest...lol:blowkiss
He kept coming back and his foot is better and the scar is completely cover with hair ,also his tail is filling in...
Yesterday I gave him some Avocado, because i read it on this site, HE LOVED IT!!!!
Glad to be here :w00t
318715 "SQUIRRELER " thats his name

06-28-2021, 09:56 AM
Ooh, a foxer! Welcome to the board! They are really tough little guys. A human would be flat on their back and they are out still taking care of business... I am sure he appreciates the help!

Since you read it here I am sure you also saw the part about not feeding skin or the seed of the avocado.

06-28-2021, 12:21 PM
Ooh, a foxer! Welcome to the board! They are really tough little guys. A human would be flat on their back and they are out still taking care of business... I am sure he appreciates the help!

Since you read it here I am sure you also saw the part about not feeding skin or the seed of the avocado.

I didn't read about Avocado seeds I read about apple seeds.. do you have the link where I need to go? I was just lucky when I found it before...
Thank you

06-28-2021, 01:03 PM
Avocaso skin and pits have a chemical in them called persin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persin)

It is one of those things - one avocado may have very high levels and the one next to it has relatively low - but they look the same. So the safest course is to simply always peel and pit them, and if you actually have a squirrel running around inside the house, as many of us do, you need to put the pits and skin OUTSIDE in the garbage because they can smell the avocado and hunt them down!

What applies to apple seeds BTW applies to all "stonefruit" seeds - peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, etc., can also be toxic.

06-28-2021, 02:09 PM
Hi all, can I give my Squirrel Rasins?

06-28-2021, 02:15 PM
I wouldn't - in fact I don't feed any dried fruit. They have a ton of sugar, even if there is none added, since they are dehydrated down. Also, I have noticed problems with swallowing thin, sticky stuff like that - gagging on the skins, etc.

06-28-2021, 02:38 PM
I wouldn't - in fact I don't feed any dried fruit. They have a ton of sugar, even if there is none added, since they are dehydrated down. Also, I have noticed problems with swallowing thin, sticky stuff like that - gagging on the skins, etc.

Thank so much :w00t