View Full Version : Shedding and it's altering of food/water intake and energy expenditure....

05-26-2021, 12:48 AM
Hey all...hope you're well! Wondering if anyone can tell me firsthand if squirrels drink more, eat less, run warmer, and have extreme swings in energy/lethargy during their shedding "season"? My gray male is near 2 years old, and has done "this" all before, but for the last two weeks for him have been more trying it seems than last year. he has lost 10 ounces in that time. He has little to no interest in food veggie or block wise...unless it's a nut/fruit treat....which we know he can't live on solely. He drinks way more water than usual, too....as much in one day as he used to drink in a week...not that it's even been much. He runs like a madman in the am, then gets really tired in the afternoon/evening, and sometimes feels warm to the touch. Testicles are huge....again...and the shedding is off the charts, but fairly symmetrical...no bald spots aside from his armpit/groin area. Seems all hormonal, and I'm not sure what they feel during shed periods....or how long this should last? He just seems like he's on his own clock....isn't this late for shedding in the midwest despite it just now getting warm out? Any input would be greatly appreciated.....thanks!!!