View Full Version : HELP!! Raccoon Roundworm info?

05-25-2021, 02:32 PM
Please forgive me if I’ve posted in the wrong place. I’m very new here and new to squirrels!

My questions are regarding Baylisascaris procyonis(raccoon roundworm.) Does anyone know how long a baby squirrel can survive with this if they were to contract it? Is there any defining symptom that would separate this infestation from other neurological issues/injury? Is there dcurrently any test that can be performed(antemortem or post mortem) to diagnose this parasite?

A little background on my situation...I have been given an orphaned squirrel to care for from a friend of a friend. They found this baby on 5/2/21 and has been caring for it for the last few weeks. Their circumstances changed and they were no longer able to care for it. I somehow ended up with it. That’s pretty typical lol

This baby is about 5 weeks old. I apologize that I have very little info regarding the care schedule it’s been on the last few weeks. I will include all that I know in a list at the end.

I’m growing quite concerned about the baby. It has what appears to be obvious neurological issues going on. From what I’ve been told, it has always been a bit “off” since it was found. Symptoms I’ve noticed: shaky, unsteady, doesn’t walk normal, can climb but is very uncoordinated. I am not confident in its ability to see/hear also. I think there may be some eyesight and hearing but may be diminished. I plan on exploring that later this evening to get a better idea. And will try to get a video of its behavior and walking/climbing to show you!

I live in South Eastern Wisconsin. I believe raccoon roundworm is considered plentiful in this area but I’m not positive. Any info/help is much appreciated. I’m pretty nervous/scared right now. 😢
Things I do know:
-Had fleas when found. No longer present I believe.
- was being fed Pet-Ag ESBILAC puppy formula. I stopped that when I got it 3 days ago in order to treat for dehydration. Then I fed a bit of the formula alternating with the rehydration. Dehydration is much improved. Also offering little chunks of Picky Eater squirrel blocks.
-being given Baytril for aspirate pneumonia. This will be the second day of it and already seem to show progress!!
-im pretty sure it’s a bit underweight but I have to get a scale to check weight still.

05-25-2021, 06:53 PM
So I am going to say, based on what you have written, that it is really unlikely this is RR. So, the raccoon carries the parasite but isn't affected by it. It poops and then the parasite is shed in the poop. It then has to dry for a period of time, and then if a squirrel stumbles into it and accidentally ingests some of the spores, it will proceed to become ill with the neurological effects of the parasite, and will eventually die from it. All of this takes some time though - even once ingested it takes a while before the animals show problems. From his size and age I don't see how he would have been able to be infected with it. Baby squirrels aren't rooting around in dirt - they don't get to even put their feet on dirt until they are a lot older. I can't find anything about it being transferred from adult to baby via nursing, either.

It is much more likely that if he has neurological issues it was caused by a fall from the nest. Their heads are the biggest, heaviest part of them at that age and they hit the ground first, unfortunately.

Have you ever raised a squirrel? I ask, because 5 week old babies are pretty bumbly and stumbly, and their noggins are so big and heavy they shake and get all unbalanced trying to move around with that giant head. He wouldn't be the first baby we have seen here that was thought to be neuro and was just really young and still uncoordinated.

Neurological issues can sometimes be helped with prednisone - the same thing humans take. If you can get your hands on some and are confident you are seeing neuro symptoms, someone here can help you with properly diluting and dosing the medicine.