View Full Version : Tuff with the yellow poops

05-24-2021, 08:41 PM
So my boy has the yellow poops...I have pepto pills. I fed him a piece of banana a couple times this week, nothing else new. Appears to have started today, he pooped on my leg thank goodness it wasn’t in my hair. He seems ok and energetic. Maybe add a little more probiotic to his yogurt? He’s gonna be the death of me or vise versa. I know I know no more banana.

Rock Monkey
05-25-2021, 08:42 AM
I also would suggest carefully scanning his environment and see if he asked gotten into something. They try to be independent and try to find their own sources of food and for the most part the things they find and try to eat in a well kept home aren't good for them, aren't food. Pay special attention to any sort of containers.

Banana is treat food, give small overall quantities and cut it into small pieces, smaller than his mouth. For some squirrels, banana can be a choking hazard, though generally young squirrels, who tend to inhale things, tend to be at much greater risk.

Yes, they are good at giving grey hairs. I guess they like to live life on the edge. :)

05-25-2021, 09:11 AM
I also would suggest carefully scanning his environment and see if he asked gotten into something. They try to be independent and try to find their own sources of food and for the most part the things they find and try to eat in a well kept home aren't good for them, aren't food. Pay special attention to any sort of containers.

Banana is treat food, give small overall quantities and cut it into small pieces, smaller than his mouth. For some squirrels, banana can be a choking hazard, though generally young squirrels, who tend to inhale things, tend to be at much greater risk.

Yes, they are good at giving grey hairs. I guess they like to live life on the edge. :)

I worked on his outside room this morning sweeping cleaning really good except for the top of the cage. Found poop from this morning and it’s soft but doesn’t have the yellow to it anymore. I would say it was the banana at this point. He got a little extra yogurt, and a touch or probiotic added. Energy level is still high and so is his mischievous level. He cracks me up most days. He was a little extra loving this morning and he let me know how displeased that my shirt had no hoodie pocket. So rule of thumb no more banana or butternut squash for him since it seems to upset his tummy. I fed him his full breakfast with 2 Henry’s blocks. He hasn’t been eating as much since the world has heated up here. Which worries me a little. I do my best with mixing up his diet but I am limited to options here in the south. Thanks Rock Monkey for your help. It’s always appreciated!!!! I hope Helen and her babies are all well, waiting for the next update. It makes my heart happy to see her flourishing in the wild.