View Full Version : ISO Neurological issue information

05-22-2021, 02:47 PM
I have a 7ish week old baby about 90-95 grams, he can not walk at all, just flops around, and barely crawls. He has head wobbles as well. I am not sure how to help him learn to walk, if i even can? Will he be able to eat on his own? Any information about neurological issues, or past experiences would really help out!

i can send anyone interested a video of him over snapchat or facebook messenger. file is too large to send over email.

05-22-2021, 05:58 PM
If you can post a like to a video in this thread we can watch that way. Vids and pics are always welcomed and helpful.

If we know more of his history, we'll better be able to help.

When did you find him?

What is his diet?

Was there a known trauma (fell from tree, caught by cat / dog, etc.)?

What was his condition when he found you?