View Full Version : Unknown eye infection/condition

05-18-2021, 04:17 PM
Hello Everyone,

I'm Sarah. Chance is my little girl and she has an eye problem. Her vet who is a wildlife vet has never seen this before and she's a very very good vet!! Dr. Emerson is a squirrel vet and between her and I we have tried ab's, eye drops, steroid eye drops-which helped at first then nothing. Her blood work comes back ok. So it originally started in her left eye and now it's started in her right eye. Not too long ago. Chance is Half Wild. Yes, half wild. She goes out all day and then comes in for fresh water and brushies and Mommy loves and then goes to bed. She's ok inside for a day or two. After that she not only gets cranky but she gets upset that she can't go outside. She's NOT really good with staying inside all the time. She doesn't like it. If anyone has seen this before please email me. I am attaching a picture of her left eye she was almost ready to go to bed and that's when I was able to take the picture. But she'll only hold still for brushies and Mommy loves. Thank you

05-18-2021, 04:24 PM
Here's my email, sorry about that. huntredneck@gmail.com. thank you again and have a great night. 🐿️🐿️❣️