View Full Version : Very Ill Squirrel in Yard

05-06-2021, 12:00 PM

A couple days ago I noticed a squirrel with odd behavior in the yard. Looking closer, the front of his body is covered in lumps, both eyes are swollen shut, and his legs are covered in lumpy bald spots. I am guessing its Squirrel Pox? I am wondering what I should do about it. I have several other squirrels in the yard, is there a risk of virus transmittal? I put out water and some food specifically for him, but after 3 days he looks the same.


05-06-2021, 04:00 PM
That does look like Pox. There is some risk that other squirrels could get this. A good squirrel rehabber might try antivirals. Other treatment is often just supportive (food, water, extra vitamins, ABs for secondary infections). Poor little guy, he looks in rough shape. :sadness I know that member Island rehabber recently, successfully dealt with some pox cases, you might try PMing her to see what she suggests. If both eyes are affected, he will not last out there for long on his own. :(


A couple days ago I noticed a squirrel with odd behavior in the yard. Looking closer, the front of his body is covered in lumps, both eyes are swollen shut, and his legs are covered in lumpy bald spots. I am guessing its Squirrel Pox? I am wondering what I should do about it. I have several other squirrels in the yard, is there a risk of virus transmittal? I put out water and some food specifically for him, but after 3 days he looks the same.


05-07-2021, 12:57 PM
Update today - Watching it sitting in the yard it has its tail up over the top of it and nose in the ground, looked like it was sleeping for a long time. Went closer, it heard me and scampered off to a tree. Looks like it is having a hard time climbing, using mostly front legs and hopping the back along. I put out food and water, but doesn't seem to be helping. Is it time to put it down? I'm just worried because if it has babies, it may somehow be caring for them still? Maybe not considering it can barely find a tree and once it finds it can hardly climb. IDK what to do. I felt terrible when I saw him sit on a tree knot and try to rub his eyes open with his front paws.. :( :Squirrel

05-07-2021, 01:14 PM
Poor thing! :( :Love_Icon

Can you tell if it's a female? I wonder if she can care for her babies, if she has any, in this condition.

More compassionate thing might be to put her/his out of his/her misery... but I am not qualified to make that call at all.

Maybe things look worse than they actually are and he/she can be cured. Or maybe the opposite... :(

05-07-2021, 01:29 PM
Not sure about its sex, just guessing from looking at it, maybe a male - but I'm not a squirrel expert.

I feel the same way about putting it out of its misery. 5 days with no improvement, I'd say it is getting worse. Hoping someone with Squirrel Pox (assuming that's what it is) experience can chime in...

05-07-2021, 01:49 PM
Yes, hope one of the admins or experts can advise soon!

05-07-2021, 01:54 PM
The only way to really help this squirrel at this point is to trap it and bring it inside. With rest, relaxation, food, water and meds, it might recover. If it is a mom, the babies will die when mom is trapped but the babies will also die if this mom dies from Pox. Try to see if you can figure out where its nest is? In that condition, the nest should be located nearby.

05-07-2021, 02:12 PM
We have a cat and 2 small children, not sure I can bring him inside and risk someone somehow getting sick.

There are a few nests close to where he is, but they are about 40' up in the trees. I'll keep an eye on it and see where it goes. Might come down to putting it down I guess.

05-07-2021, 03:07 PM
Just so you know, there is no known case of a person catching squirrel pox. This despite that fact that rehabbers see this fairly often.

05-07-2021, 03:51 PM
Thanks TubeDriver! :w00t It's great to know it's not contagious to humans. If he or she can recover, obviously that should be the goal. Is there anyone who might help on how to treat?

05-07-2021, 04:19 PM
If he or she can recover, obviously that should be the goal.
Is there anyone who might help on how to treat?

This forum covers a lot on squirrel pox and the meds used to treat it: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?165-Squirrel-Pox
It may be a challenge to treat in the wild but it deserves the chance of trying
if someone can get hold of the meds for you and your willing to make the effort.

05-07-2021, 05:44 PM
There are many posts... some are pretty old and the links do not work, but I found this here: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?64394-Sweet-girlie-has-POX-need-medication-how-do-I-get-it

First, see if someone you know can give you some acyclovir or valacylovir. It is commonly prescribed for herpes and occasionally for chicken pox lesions. If they can help you, snag as much as you can get.

Second, you want to get some Equine ivermectin (1.87%). It can be purchased at Tractor supplies and online places like horse.com, jefferspet.com, valleyvet.com. If you google "equine ivermectin" you will find dozens of places to order this. It is quite cheap. Read the description carefully - some manufacturers add other wormers to their ivermectin because doubling up makes it easier for horse owners. Most of them are only ivermectin though, and that is what you want. Feel free to buy the cheapest one - no need for big name brands as they are all the same.

Anyway you can try to get these medicine mentioned above? Ivermectin doesn't require rX. It's a very strong medicine for horses; so it needs to be given a very tiny little amount; like no more than 1 rice.

05-07-2021, 05:55 PM
I also found this. A really bad case of pox with a happy ending! And looks like mostly with good/nutritious food, and lots of love! :Love_Icon


island rehabber
05-08-2021, 08:02 AM
I will continue to try to help mikeh with this poor squirrel. In my experience from last year, with 3 pox kids, I believe it was the combo of acyclovir and Nutri Feron that really helped them turn the corner after 5 weeks of slow progress.

05-08-2021, 10:20 AM
Thanks for all the replies and help. I haven't seen him in a day or so, nature may have taken it's course on him. But if I see him again I'll see what I can do to help him.