View Full Version : My girl attacked my mother in law

05-02-2021, 07:13 AM
Heya, I'm new here to the TSB, been following for years. Just haven't joined.
I have rehabilitated orphaned squirrels and released them for years.
However, this time is a bit different.
Someone reached out to me on facebook to come rescue a baby squirrel the mama never came back for.
Her eyes opened 2 days after I got her, I wanna say she was 5 weeks but the way her ears sat up and as much as she weighed at the time I'd honestly say she was 7 weeks...a late bloomer..with her I had to spend more time, and with that came an attachment to the point that I named her... Nuk..and now she's my little Nukkems. And is 4 months old.
I've never made a squirrel a pet, I've always done right by them, and released.
This time I messed up. With her it's different..she's so affectionate, she shows no food aggression at all. She doesn't even try to hide food. She cries if she's alone. She's been very dependent since the day she came to me.
She goes outside with me, I let her do her thing but she'd rather follow me around the yard.
She has a large indoor cage and an 10x 8 outdoor cage..but she really just goes freely.
I never grab her to restrain her other than putting her up at night. I honestly don't need to, she's such a good girl. And she comes to me on command.
But, yesterday the running freely came to end...as she attacked my mother in law for no reason. All she did was stand beside me and Nuk lunged at her. Biting her hands, I got her off of her but the she went back for more and started on her arm. There was blood everywhere. As soon as I grabbed her, and got her out of her sight, she immediately calmed down.
She has NEVER acted this way towards anyone. At all.
She even chatterd her teeth and flicked her tail at my husband. And she loves him.

Her nest boxes and cages are cleaned daily. Morning and night, she knows the routine. She doesn't even try to hide food. So she doesn't have any stashes. Which is a lot of the reason of why she is still with me today, she's a slow learner for sure and Id never release a squirrel who isn't ready..no matter the age.

If she's wilding up, I'm prepared for soft release...that's my job...it's what I do..
But what I'm really asking is, does this seem like she's wilding up or is this more territorial? Is she protecting me or
Is she gonna attack me like that?

I don't feel like she'll be self sufficient on her own in the wild. Even if I'd not have interacted with her in the beginning. Simply because since day one shes never shown the same characteristics as other Grey Squirrels.
I mean, she sleeps on her back sprawled out like a dog.

I'm being a little selfish here, I've falling in complete love with her...and I've literally stayed up all night saddened that I may have to say goodbye to my fur baby...I'm trying to find every reason not to, but I love her enough to let her go):

I've considered calling a a few friends whove rehabilitated longer than I, but she's so attached to me, I don't think she'd give another person the chance and become really depressed..I don't have the heart to do it.

Do you think if I just keep trying to soft release over time she'll get it? Or should I keep her and just deal with the consequences of my actions.

I just want what's best..

Charley Chuckles
05-02-2021, 07:33 AM
Sounds like she is protecting you and wants you all to herself. Doesn't seem she would turn on you, but then again hard to say.
My Charley Chuckles was a non releasable, and I WAS his only human, he would bite the 🤬 out of anyone else.
That said I just made sure no one tried to pet my boy😉
Attacking is another issue however and they are FAST!
Since you've raised many, you will know in your heart what is best.

I wish you good luck and praying you will find the answer ❤

Rock Monkey
05-02-2021, 08:39 AM
The older they become, the stronger their wild instincts become.

It certainly wouldn't be the first time that a squirrel bit someone who wasn't their caretaker. With squirrels 'fight or flight' is never too far below the surface.

For squirrels, territory and resources are things they are naturally inclined to fight over. Squirrels know where your attention is located and prefer to be the center of your attention.

The attack may have been provoked by some scent on your Mother-in-law, perfume, laundry detergent, shampoo that is unfamiliar, or even cleaning products. Their noses are far more sensitive than ours and strange scents have been known to provoke attacks.

The maturation process alters them. Mine went through a phase where she would pounce on my feet with her claws. I have yet to figure out a cause, I just worked through it.

If you slow release her, would you be able to do so in your own yard? If so, maybe you could still maintain some sort of relationship.

05-02-2021, 09:33 AM
Does your squirrel KNOW your mother in law - have they been pals up until now or is MIL a "new person" to your squirrel?

05-02-2021, 11:28 AM
Thanks for responding.. Nuk knows my MIL, she runs up her and plays with her often. Maybe it's because she walked up to me too fast..
I'm still trying to justify her actions lol.

If I did do a soft release, yes I would release her in my yard.

I have over 20 acres. And I walk it with her on my shoulder or following behind. I try to get her acquainted with her surroundings.

05-02-2021, 08:17 PM
Thanks for responding.. Nuk knows my MIL, she runs up her and plays with her often. Maybe it's because she walked up to me too fast..
I'm still trying to justify her actions lol.

If I did do a soft release, yes I would release her in my yard.

I have over 20 acres. And I walk it with her on my shoulder or following behind. I try to get her acquainted with her surroundings.

I think the attack is a start to wilding and her turning into a one human squirrel is normal. Rock Monkey is right in that it's happening, we just can't see til there's a bite etc. I don't think any mistakes were made in raising, it's just instincts. You are lucky she calmed down with you but don't be surprised if she does bite, she's just on autopilot.

Our situation was very similar and after reading nearly every story about aggression on the board I have a bit of a theory. With singletons that have lots of room; large enclosures, or ability to go outside, they feel the world is theirs so when they suddenly are flooded with hormones/instincts, they also perceive everyone but "mom" a threat.

I think she would change if slow released but it's one of those things that she can't really do without the opportunity. If you try and she never adapts, you can always change course or do something in between since you have the land, right? I know it really is hard when they are so close to us.:boohoo

05-03-2021, 07:51 PM
I'm wondering if MIL had new perfume or hair conditioner or something that made her smell strange so that you furbaby couldn't recognize her. They are terribly far-sighted and use their nose to "see" when they are close to something or someone. This is why I always tell people to hold their hand perfectly still when offering a nut (at the park).