View Full Version : 1st timer

04-17-2021, 10:59 AM
Hi, this is my 1st time posting and only registered today. I have a 9 month old eastern gray squirrel that my son found under an oak tree in our front yard. I was extremely reluctant to bring in this baby( assuming he was 2-3days old since my husband found another baby 2 days prior while mowing the lawn- that baby was not alive) into my home. We placed him back under the tree and when the mother had not returned we brought him in when it got dark. Not having any supplies or any idea on how to care for this animal, we googled everything. All stores were closed so we made a pedialyte solution and with a little paint brush dabbed his mouth with a few drops every half hour throughout the night. I honestly never thought he would survive. Anyway now he is part of our family. I love him.. The plan was to do a release this spring,, but i am petrified that he will get hurt.. I want what is best for him and want him to live the way squirrels are intended but then there is my selfish and scared side. Need guidance??

04-17-2021, 01:57 PM
Welcome to the board! And I want to say "Join the club!" :grin2 There are a few of us here in the same situation; over wintered singleton babies and now it's almost release time and we're all very anxious and worried.

So we totally understand what exactly you are going through. :grouphug

Here's a post on soft release. I'd say start reading and keep asking questions. This is a great community and people will do everything they can to help you and guide you! :w00t


Also, everyone loves pictures of these magical little fuzzballs, so feel free to post some to introduce your little boy! :Love_Icon

04-17-2021, 05:19 PM

04-17-2021, 05:29 PM
Aww!! :klunk Super cute! :blowkiss What's his name?

04-17-2021, 05:38 PM
Thank you . So our squirrels name is Rocky. My 12 year old son named him - nothing to do with Rocky and Bulwinkle ,he knows nothing about cartoon. He named him Rocky because he said he had a Rocky start by falling from a tree.

04-17-2021, 06:10 PM
Great name! :w00t Cute photos! Thanks for sharing! :)

Rocky is a very lucky little squirrel! :Love_Icon

Charley Chuckles
04-18-2021, 08:01 AM
Rocky is so cute, thank you for rescuing him!
It's such a bittersweet situation with releasing.
He will let you know what he wants, and sometimes after they get a little older and want to have lady friends 🙄 they are no longer a pet and boy they will let you know 😬
Good luck and your not alone most of us here who ever had to release goes through the same anxiety :grouphug

Rock Monkey
04-19-2021, 12:28 PM
What you want to research is the slow release process. It allows Rocky, the wild animals that frequent your yard, and your family to slowly adjust to Rocky's transition to the outdoors.

In addition to a large slow release cage, many people also build or buy a house for their squirrel to live in once released. Ultimately this house, which the squirrel must be allowed to become familiar with prior to release, is placed at least 20 ft. up a deciduous tree which is interconnected with other trees. (Squirrels prefer to stay off the ground.)