View Full Version : New Mom for Danny Boy

03-26-2021, 03:02 PM
Hello ya All.

About 3 days ago my daughter and granddaughter found a baby squirrel that either fell or was pushed from the nest in a very large Oak tree in our backyard.
They brought it too me wrapped in a towel.

This is the first time I have ever tried to help a baby squirrel.

I searched the net found PAWR.com but the Vet no longer helped ��️ left message for Wildlife Center.

In the meantime hubby went to our Neice got bottle nips and puppy formula as well as Pedialyte.

First night he cried loudly but he would quite down if I talked to him. And he snuggled in my hand while waiting for micro-buddy to heat up.
I fed him Pedialyte whenever he woke up he was so dehydrated he was skinny and sunk in.
The next day fed him ( fed him through out the night)
He was a bit better but thought to have his Mommy come get him.

Placed him in the basket under the tree once the Sun finally came out. Of course that day was colder and overcast. Placed my phone w Youtube video of baby squirrel calling Mom left him there for a hour only checked on him when he long video was restarted.
In over 4 hrs not 1 squirrel. Our backyard tree had at least 4 adults and juevinile. But no one came.

When the resident Crows came I brought him back inside.

We started on Puppy formula yesterday and he pooped. I was so happy...sounds weird but I felt like we overcame a big hurdle there.

Danny now looks more like a squirrel not as squished. He has rounded out more and according to his fur not much on belly and line on underside of his tail. Guessing 3.5 - 4 weeks old. But his size is much smaller then similar aged babies on YouTube.

Hubby was going to drive 100 mi to the one Wildlife Center in PA to see if they will take him.

We just want to do the best for him.
Nice meeting Ya All. Hopefully with Your guidance we can give him a good life until he can be released. Gonna need help alot then too.

03-26-2021, 06:17 PM
Buddy Thank You❣️

I thought You might like to see Danny.
The first pic is his first night.
The second was today. It is his 3rd day.

03-26-2021, 06:30 PM
Are you reasonably close to Lancaster, PA? We have an awesome member there who has a brand new facility called Acorn Acres. She currently has 3 other little ones close to the same age. It’s always nice for them to have siblings. :Love_Icon. Please consider getting your baby to her facility. You can reach out to her via private message on this forum. She goes by Milos mom.

03-26-2021, 06:38 PM
OMG!! Soooo cute!! :bliss :love

Milo's Mom
03-26-2021, 07:01 PM
Thank you Mel!
Okay, so, you're in Munhall...I'm in Millersville...complete opposite sides of the state.
If you want to drive, I will take incredible care of little Danny, but then there is the release issue. Not a deal-breaker but certainly does complicate things a tiny bit. So, removing my heart from the situation it is probably best if you locate a rehabilitator in your area of the state.

I see that you found PAWR. Great job!!

Is this the vet that you mentioned?

John Ashby Marshall
Moon Veterinary Hospital
991 Broadhead Road,
Moon Twp., PA 15108

Have you contacted HAR?
M,P,R, RVS,END, RA Katie Kefalos
Annie Beliles
Colleen Dougherty
Lee Ann Hill
Humane Animal Rescue Wildlife Center
6000 Verona Road,
Verona, PA 15147
412-345-7300 ext 500

My facility is so new it's not on PAWR yet. My listing will go up on April 4, under Lancaster County.

03-27-2021, 12:12 AM
I am about 30 min. from Pittsburgh PA.

Not sure about Lancaster PA will ask hubby. I do not drive.

Yes the Vet on PAWR.com gave me the Wildlife Center # 1-814-414-4224
As well as Humane Society in Verona PA
412-345-7300 ext. 500

I left messages as well as an e-mail. Have not heard anything. And the recording said not to feed him.

He would had died...
so really wish to talk to someone before taking him on a road trip. They also said to put him in a cardboard box. I read on the forum not to do that.

I just order bottles and nips for him. He tries to suck the syringe and becomes frustrated when it does not work.

Thank you all for your in put and guidance.

03-27-2021, 12:42 AM
Ginny, in the meantime while waiting for a solution for placement
click on the link below, this can be a HUGE help.
It's 6 pages long with the next button on the top right corner.


03-27-2021, 12:45 AM
I asked hubby he said Lancaster is about 3 hrs away off the PA Turnpike.

I want to Thank You for Your kind offer of homing and taking little Danny.

We will have figure out if we can make the trip and when. Many hugs.

03-27-2021, 12:37 PM
He's very orange for a grey. Is he a foxer? Didn't know there were foxers in Pittsburgh. Thank you for helping him! From your neighbor in Philly.

03-27-2021, 07:31 PM
He's very orange for a grey. Is he a foxer?

I think maybe he is... :thumbsup

island rehabber
03-27-2021, 08:15 PM
He is most definitely a beautiful little foxer boy. Soon as I saw him I thought "uh oh, this lady is out near Pittsburgh..." I pray that you can find someone nearby to help with this little one. He needs to grow up with other squirrels his age and be released in an area where he can thrive. Bless you for saving him!

04-02-2021, 09:41 PM
Thank You all. Much love too each of You
Sorry it has taken me awhile to respond back.

Danny opened up his eyes today. I have been receiving wonderful PM about meeting up and getting him to Besty at Acorn Acres.
We just have to sync up.


Charley Chuckles
04-03-2021, 07:37 AM
:thankyou Ginnylou for rescuing this little :grouphug
Oh Danny Boy would be in excellent care with Besty at Acorn Acres 👍
Acorn Acres first foxer :w00t

04-05-2021, 11:12 AM
Thank you all. Yesterday Danny, hubby and I were able to meet up with Jack in Sumerset. He is such a sweet guy. Danny was not eating yesterday and I was so grateful to get him.to someone that knew what to do

Jack drove lil Dan y all the way to Lancaster to give him a bright future. He can grow up with other Fox Squirrels.

I will miss him . He took a little bit of my heart with him.
But I only want to give him the Best chance.

I am so Blessed to have found him and each of You.

04-05-2021, 11:29 AM
Thanks for all you did for little adorable Danny! :w00t :Love_Icon

04-05-2021, 11:36 AM
It was my honor to have shared my heart and home with such a magical little guy.
I am Blessed having met him and everyone here.

04-05-2021, 02:58 PM
Yes, the are definitely magical creatures that leave squirrel magic in their wake. :Love_Icon

Milo's Mom
04-05-2021, 07:01 PM
Hey everyone, sorry for the silence.

Little Danny :Love_Icon had a really rough day yesterday and last night was touch n go for a bit. Jack did a phenomenal job getting fluids and meds on board. Once he got here we got some good SQ's in and started some dilute recovery formula and oral fluids (rotating). His urine is running clear, he is no longer genital sucking, and when this little guy is hungry he tells EVERYONE! Vocal and quite demanding when he wants to be.
We are not out of the woods, but I do feel that he is stable ATM. He's on a 3-hour schedule and he's taking 5-5.5% and he's 86 grams as of this morning.
Hopeful to increase the strength of the recovery formula and start some actual formula soon. We are just gonna go slow. His lungs are sounding clear but honestly, it's kinda hard to tell cause he grunts and grunts.

He is a foxer and we do not have them here where I am, however, I do have an associate that has them at her house and Danny will be transferred. Once he's stable and gaining by leaps and bounds he will go to her and he will be raised with others his age and likeness. I trust her implicitly (oh and Poppy likes her too). She currently has 2 bigger girls and today she put the call out for some smaller ones in preparation for Danny's arrival. (they all have to go thru quarantine so we have a bit of time)

Gotta run, it's time to feed. :grouphug

island rehabber
04-05-2021, 07:41 PM
Once again, it takes a village to save a squirrel. And when the villagers are Jack Grinderhead and stepnstone and Betsy at Acorn Acres, that baby gets saved nomatter what it takes.

What a beautiful little orange fellow. He reminds me of a princess so near and dear to my heart. :Love_Icon

Charley Chuckles
04-06-2021, 07:14 AM
Thank you all. Yesterday Danny, hubby and I were able to meet up with Jack in Sumerset. He is such a sweet guy. Danny was not eating yesterday and I was so grateful to get him.to someone that knew what to do

Jack drove lil Dan y all the way to Lancaster to give him a bright future. He can grow up with other Fox Squirrels.

I will miss him . He took a little bit of my heart with him.
But I only want to give him the Best chance.

I am so Blessed to have found him and each of You.

Once you found squirrel love your heart will forever be :owned :Love_Icon
Danny Boy was so lucky to come into your life 🤗
I agree, Jack is a very sweet guy :grin3
Thank you Jack :w00t

Charley Chuckles
04-06-2021, 07:16 AM
Hey everyone, sorry for the silence.

Little Danny :Love_Icon had a really rough day yesterday and last night was touch n go for a bit. Jack did a phenomenal job getting fluids and meds on board. Once he got here we got some good SQ's in and started some dilute recovery formula and oral fluids (rotating). His urine is running clear, he is no longer genital sucking, and when this little guy is hungry he tells EVERYONE! Vocal and quite demanding when he wants to be.
We are not out of the woods, but I do feel that he is stable ATM. He's on a 3-hour schedule and he's taking 5-5.5% and he's 86 grams as of this morning.
Hopeful to increase the strength of the recovery formula and start some actual formula soon. We are just gonna go slow. His lungs are sounding clear but honestly, it's kinda hard to tell cause he grunts and grunts.

He is a foxer and we do not have them here where I am, however, I do have an associate that has them at her house and Danny will be transferred. Once he's stable and gaining by leaps and bounds he will go to her and he will be raised with others his age and likeness. I trust her implicitly (oh and Poppy likes her too). She currently has 2 bigger girls and today she put the call out for some smaller ones in preparation for Danny's arrival. (they all have to go thru quarantine so we have a bit of time)

Gotta run, it's time to feed. :grouphug

:thankyou:thankyou Betsy :blowkiss

Charley Chuckles
04-06-2021, 07:18 AM
Once again, it takes a village to save a squirrel. And when the villagers are Jack Grinderhead and stepnstone and Betsy at Acorn Acres, that baby gets saved nomatter what it takes.

What a beautiful little orange fellow. He reminds me of a princess so near and dear to my heart. :Love_Icon

Jack, Step, Betsy :clap :clap :clap

04-06-2021, 08:36 AM
How’s Danny Boy doing today?

04-06-2021, 01:43 PM
Hey everyone, sorry for the silence.

Little Danny :Love_Icon had a really rough day yesterday and last night was touch n go for a bit. Jack did a phenomenal job getting fluids and meds on board. Once he got here we got some good SQ's in and started some dilute recovery formula and oral fluids (rotating). His urine is running clear, he is no longer genital sucking, and when this little guy is hungry he tells EVERYONE! Vocal and quite demanding when he wants to be.
We are not out of the woods, but I do feel that he is stable ATM. He's on a 3-hour schedule and he's taking 5-5.5% and he's 86 grams as of this morning.
Hopeful to increase the strength of the recovery formula and start some actual formula soon. We are just gonna go slow. His lungs are sounding clear but honestly, it's kinda hard to tell cause he grunts and grunts.

He is a foxer and we do not have them here where I am, however, I do have an associate that has them at her house and Danny will be transferred. Once he's stable and gaining by leaps and bounds he will go to her and he will be raised with others his age and likeness. I trust her implicitly (oh and Poppy likes her too). She currently has 2 bigger girls and today she put the call out for some smaller ones in preparation for Danny's arrival. (they all have to go thru quarantine so we have a bit of time)

Gotta run, it's time to feed. :grouphug
Just seeing this. Hooray for Everyone who made it happen!

Milo's Mom
04-06-2021, 07:39 PM
How’s Danny Boy doing today?

All good, getting slammed with cat attack intakes.

Charley Chuckles
04-07-2021, 05:43 AM
Are you reasonably close to Lancaster, PA? We have an awesome member there who has a brand new facility called Acorn Acres. She currently has 3 other little ones close to the same age. It’s always nice for them to have siblings. :Love_Icon. Please consider getting your baby to her facility. You can reach out to her via private message on this forum. She goes by Milos mom.

MEL :thankyou for heading Danny Boy in the right direction 🤗

Milo's Mom
04-09-2021, 09:41 PM

All good, up to 104g. Moving to full strength. Sorry so quiet, crazy busy, got clobbered with squirrels and bunnies this week. Went from 5 to 30 in 4 days.

04-09-2021, 10:01 PM

04-10-2021, 08:41 AM
Awwww, look at that precious baby!!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

Oh Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy we love you so!

island rehabber
04-10-2021, 08:51 AM
ooohhhh the tiny orangeness!

Charley Chuckles
04-10-2021, 04:45 PM
Absolutely precious :blowkiss