View Full Version : aggressive young squirrel

03-23-2021, 09:57 PM
Hey all,

I've been busy since my last time here.

The wild squirrels in the back have introduced three babies on my balcony last fall. I suppose the mother brought them here knowing i would feed her young, I thought that was nice.
Two of them were, are gentle (normal), but one of them is a nutcase and i can't figure out if it's crazy and dangerous, or just playful and will outgrow this really bizarre behaviour which i will describe.

Out of the three young ones, this one would perch itself on the side of my balcony and doze off (it seems). When i opened the sliding patio door, it stayed there. I held up a butter knife with peanut butter on the tip and the squirrel would move its head watching me. When i got close enough to its head with the peanut butter, it snapped like an elastic and literally attacked the peanut butter with both hands grabbing the butter knife. It did not approach the food slowly and very gently take the food away like squirrels do - it attacked it. It startled me.

I feed a few squirrels and i can't tell who they all are but i know this one young one has been coming back and dominating the balcony to keep the others away. I wasn't sure if it was the same one when i held out my hand to feed one of them, this day, but i knew it was him when he attacked my hand and bit into the food, and with both of his hands clutching onto my fingers. He came at me so fast from a very still position, it was like he was hunting.
When i felt him grabbing my fingers after realizing how quickly he rushed at me, and i saw how close his mouth was to my skin and in so little time - i instinctively flicked the squirrel off of my hand by quickly raising my hand (raising the squirrel up with my hand) and then throwing my hand down. The squirrel did a flip and landed on its feet.
When he landed, now get this, it looked at me, and quickly spread out his front legs and threatened me - rushing at me about 4 inches in my direction while "growing" or snarling at me. I thought, "Whoa! What's this?"
I never saw any of teh squirrels in these trees acting like this one does.

There's more.
I see it in the yard, sometimes, and it is literally rolling around with some piece of trash in the grass. It will attack it, then roll with it, jump up, run in the other direction for 12 inches and then attack the bag again and do this over and over again for a few times.

Late last fall, i shoved many several small plastic shopping bags into one shopping bag and put that "bag of bags" right next to my sliding patio door. As soon as i slide the door open a crack, that bag is right there, okay?
During the night, after sunset - it's DARK outside - i am at my PC and i have the patio door open.
I'm hearing something like plastic bags being moving around or something. I go to the sliding door and i open it about 1o inches and i hear something come out of the bag - and then it's quiet. I stick my head out to see what i can see and on about 5 nights in a row, that squirrel was the one there - at night. He scampered up the wall or past my feet when i would go out to investigate the noises i kept hearing. I had no idea what he was doing on my balcony way past dark. When he would scamper away, i would watch it run off into the night. What a daredevil, i thought. He was coming for food at night, i thought.
One time, i was on my balcony, and i took a closer look at that bag of bags and i noticed something (a hole the size of a squirrel had been burrowed into the bags and was made into a sleeping compartment.

I am not sure what to do with this squirrel. He might attack some child in the back if they should try to feed it. I tell you, what it does is not normal, or IS it?
What if it grows up and teaches its young this aggressive behaviour and then we have three or four more aggressive squirrels twice per year?

Tell me please, what to do?
Do i get rid of this one very different squirrel to protect everyone in the area, or will it outgrow this aggressive behaviour? He is still acting the same way since autumn-time, it's now almost spring-time.


03-24-2021, 07:22 AM
It sounds like this squirrel is in need of a nest. It obviously was using the bags as a place to hide. Have you seen it go to a nest in the trees?

Young/juvenile squirrels do play. Their play involves jumping and attacking things. If they have siblings they will do this with each other. If not they will play with what’s available. I’ve watched them on my roof jumping on and grabbing some low springy tree branches. They wrestle and tumble with them. They also play on a hammock chair that hangs from the oak tree with the same sort of attacking and wrestling behavior. The behavior lasts for quite a long time....a year or more.

Squirrels are aggressive where food is involved. They will come right up to you and grab it and will definitely chase other squirrels to get them away from the food source. This is normal.

What I’m really concerned about is that he appears to have nowhere to go at night. Could you construct or purchase some nest boxes for your trees and provide some secure housing? Multiple boxes would increase the chances that this little guy may get one. I assume your nights are still cold. Seeking shelter on your porch in plastic bags is heartbreaking. :sniff:sniff

03-24-2021, 02:17 PM
It has a drey, of course. It's just been coming for the food. The bags were there and he conveniently used them to sleep on the balcony to guard his "territory".

But what about the aggression? I have never ever seen a squirrel attack food when i hold it in my fingers. And how about when i flipped him?.. he came at me snarling with its front legs wide apart. That can't be normal from day one until now.
It comes right to my screen door and begs and waits for food. as soon as i open the door a bit and hold food, he ATTACKS it - he doesn't gently take it like all the others do.

So, what's up with this little one? He's got a lot of nerve.

Will it outgrow this bad behaviour of attacking the food in my hand?
I really don't want this terror teaching it's young (when the time comes) to behave the same way. We'll have more of him/her.

03-24-2021, 04:48 PM
Maybe it's best if i show a video of how it behaves. Give me a couple of days. It hasn't been back since two days.

03-24-2021, 05:16 PM
Young/juvenile squirrels do play. Their play involves jumping and attacking things. If they have siblings they will do this with each other. If not they will play with what’s available. I’ve watched them on my roof jumping on and grabbing some low springy tree branches. They wrestle and tumble with them.
I agree and i have seen them playing and even fighting and play-fighting - with each other, though - not with humans. They normally scurry away from humans. I feed this bunch, but this one squirrel is really dominant and vocal with growls and snarls. It bullies the others. It bullies me.

I once knew a squirrel that used to jump on my shoulder (in a different apartment). It would sit on my table in my kitchen and i would feed it nuts. It was cool. I would sit at the bottom step of my building and it would be all over me as i fed it. I don't know if what is happening with little Rambo, here, is going to blossom into a friendship, since i knew it when it was VERY young, or if this thing fell out of a tree at birth and has brain damage :dono
It was out at night around 10 pm. Ever see a squirrel out at 10 pm? What sort of squirrel does that for more than a week?
If i left the bag there it would still be there and maybe one day use it for a drey. My balcony would be off-limits to me at that point, i think.

Squirrels are aggressive where food is involved. They will come right up to you and grab it and will definitely chase other squirrels to get them away from the food source. This is normal.
Well, as i've said, i know they wrestle and are territorial with one another, i agree, but they usually run from humans. Also mentioned, every squirrel i have ever fed took the food gingerly. One time i fed a squirrel on my balcony, here, and it smelled my fingertips (which must have smelled like apple), the squirrel opened its mouth and had its teeth on my skin but was very gentle. Even when i yanked my hand back in fear and my elbow made the screen door rattle loudly, the squirrel just stood there and didn't run away. I was really surprised by that - but that was about three years ago - a different squirrel.

Seeking shelter on your porch in plastic bags is heartbreaking. :sniff:sniff
Nah, don't cry for him. He's a risk-taker and a bit of a menace and i don't like his attitude.
However, i never knew a young squirrel, before. So i am asking this group if its behaviour seems normal or does it seem a bit "off".

Sometimes, when i stuck my head out the patio door to see if i could see him, he had already heard the door moving and was already as high up the wall as where my head was - i stand (5'7"). I saw his bushy tail in the dark and just as i turned my head, he ran up the wall in the darkness and went onto the roof. That happened a few times. I was afraid if it would have attacked my face or something. I really took a chance.

03-24-2021, 06:08 PM
It could have been hand raised and released or escaped. Maybe it escaped and was too young to be on its own. Maybe it’s had to be as aggressive as it is to survive. :dono

03-24-2021, 07:45 PM
It could have been hand raised and released or escaped. Maybe it escaped and was too young to be on its own. Maybe it’s had to be as aggressive as it is to survive. :dono

Yes, if you search on aggression, there are many stories of released squirrels that turn aggressive once mature and/or released, or even in captivity sometimes. Mine did and acts much like this. I think he sees us as squirrels thus no fear. We just stay very clear of him, distanced feeding etc. If yours is male, you won't have to worry as they don't help in rearing.

03-25-2021, 10:49 PM
Yes, if you search on aggression, there are many stories of released squirrels that turn aggressive once mature and/or released, or even in captivity sometimes. Mine did and acts much like this. I think he sees us as squirrels thus no fear. We just stay very clear of him, distanced feeding etc. If yours is male, you won't have to worry as they don't help in rearing.

My original post says the mother dropped off three young. I don't know why you suggest this aggressive one was in captivity and was released. It's a wild squirrel. One of many in the area. None act like this one does - meaning, none have ever rushed at me. In fact, in the seven years i've been feeding squirrels, only a few have come to know me and got close, and they have all been rather polite when it came to taking food from my hand.

I think it's a male. I think i noticed testes.

The mother of this one, last summer, was following me around the building. I would give her walnuts, and watch her bury some, then, i would go over, as she watched me, and i would dig one up and give it back to her.

03-26-2021, 07:07 AM
I think you got the answer to your original post. I don’t think there’s anything “wrong” with this squirrel, he just has a more aggressive personality. Others have witnessed the same sort of behaviors in their released or wild squirrels as they reach maturity. Some of the wilds in my yard will run right up to me and lunge for food and some are more timid. I have wilds that jump on me for treats and take them from my hands and others that require the nut to be thrown in its direction.

Squirrels very, very rarely get rabies or roundworm. It wouldn’t display the behavior you’ve described anyway, if this was the case.

Male squirrels tend to move on over time. They have a strong desire to mate and are very territorial. He may be staking his claim on your area and therefore you’re witnessing the aggression.

I think if his behavior is concerning to you then you should stop feeding all the squirrels for a couple of weeks and see if he will move on. He’s certainly not going to leave if you continue to be a food source.

island rehabber
03-26-2021, 07:23 AM
I agree with Mel, here -- some are aggressive almost from birth and will come in like snarling hellions at 4-5 weeks old. This little devil thinks your entire home, and you, are HIS property.

You may have to stop feeding the whole gang for a week or two, as Mel suggested.
BTW, I never advise ANYONE to hand feed squirrels. All of them have one thing in common: they can't see directly in front of their faces and fingertips look a lot like nuts. Some of them, like yours, have alligator attitudes and nobody needs that. I always toss treats about a foot away from my feet, or door, and let them go get them.

Good luck with Rambo. I had a Rambo too, years ago. Great squirrel name. :grin2

03-26-2021, 01:49 PM
I never advise ANYONE to hand feed squirrels.

I don't hand feed my wilds or releases, even the most friendly of them.
I don't want them to think it's ok to get that close to a human.
There are too many cruel idiots out there that could attempt to harm
them or trap them.

03-27-2021, 06:30 AM
This is the one i befriended at my other place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNcoP2TAfC0

03-27-2021, 06:35 AM
Oh my! Where are the trees?? That doesn’t even seem like an area that squirrels should be living in! It makes me scared just to think of all the dangers for them with cars, etc. :eek:eek

03-27-2021, 07:59 AM
Oh my! Where are the trees?? That doesn’t even seem like an area that squirrels should be living in! It makes me scared just to think of all the dangers for them with cars, etc. :eek:eek

Yea, the squirrels in MY area can't afford trees and stuff like that. These are "city squirrels". On that street, in that video of me, there are trees where squirrels live. It's not a park - it's a city street
You see them in the trees eating corndogs, slices of pizza, Oreos.
The other day i put out just a little bit of really stinky blue cheese and Rambo ate it. I think he ate it only to get rid of it - if he didn't eat it, maybe some other squirrel would eat it and come back to see if there's more - Rambo can't have that.