View Full Version : Help & Advice needed!

03-18-2021, 07:23 AM
Hello! I have been taking care of two baby squirrels for about three days now. I just want to make sure that I’m using the correct method to feeding them and everything else too. So if you could review my steps it would be very helpful.

First, I use the formula Petlac. I haven’t really seen any good posts about using this formula, nor have I seen bad ones (so I haven’t worried too much) but I am trying to get the Esbilac. (I haven’t found any so I might have to buy it online) Please let me know if this is bad or not-

Before feeding them I warm the milk, and make sure they are warm too. After eating I let them take a quick nap-because I have to feed my dog-and then I come back to help them poo and pee.

I feed them every 4 or 5 hours, 6x a day.. is this good? I saw a list before making them a feeding schedule and the list said that they eat 6x a day. At first I thought it was too much, but I didn’t want to risk messing up.

Also- I gave them pedialyte the second day of taking care of em. I wasn’t sure if I could give them anymore after that first time, so I have waiting for anyone to respond on what to do. I have been giving them a bit of tap water here and then, but again- not sure if it’s ok to do this, and/or how often.

One of them cries a bit when I feed her. Not sure what is wrong-kinda hoping one of you knows. Please and thank you to those reading- if you could let me know if I’m doing ok or not it would mean the world! I don’t want one of em to die on me.

03-18-2021, 08:59 AM
Pet Lac is not recommended. Esbilac has been proven to work. Just be sure the expiration date is 10/21 or later. Tractor Supply sells Esbilac, but it’s cheaper online.

Yes, warming, and keeping, the milk warm is important. I use a coffee cup warmer with a cup of hot water on it and put my syringes in the water. If you don’t have a lot of syringes this method won’t work. You can put a little Pyrex bowl with water on the coffee cup warmer and float another small container of milk inside it and draw up the milk with your syringe.

I think it’s best to stimulate them to go to the bathroom before AND after feeding. Sometimes babies will eat better when they have eliminated prior to eating.

Feeding amounts and times are based on age and weight. How old are the babies? They should be fed 5-7% of their weight at each feeding. Get a gram scale at Walmart, if you don’t have one, and weigh them every morning. Then feed 5-7% of that weight at each feeding. Example a 100gr baby would be fed 5-7ml at each feeding. As they get older you can gradually increase the amount as they seem to want more, but you must do it slowly or they may get diarrhea.

They shouldn’t need more pedialyte. If you think they need hydration you can offer some slightly sweetened water BETWEEN scheduled feedings, NOT in place of a feeding.

I’m not sure why you have one that cries when eating. Try potting her before feeding like I suggested. She might also like being wrapped in a blanket and held for her feedings.

Here is the link for baby squirrel care. It’s 6 quick pages. https://www.henryspets.com/1-basic-setup/

03-18-2021, 09:02 AM
Here’s a picture of the coffee cup warmer I use.

03-18-2021, 10:04 AM
Ah ok! Thank you! The babies are around 3 weeks, almost 4 weeks probably, because they look like they’re about to open their eyes a bit. Do you recommend any other thing to use while I wait for the Esbilac formula to arrive?

03-18-2021, 11:42 AM
Here is a *temporary* formula I would use until you can get Esbilac (or order Fox Valley 20/50 from Henrys).

Homemade Goat Milk Formula:

3 tablespoons goat milk
3 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons heavy cream

Always discard any formula that was heated and not used / fed.

Babies are fed by weight, below is a cheat sheet to help with managing proper feeding amounts...