View Full Version : Sick
09-11-2007, 12:43 AM
ok, I'm new to the forum and to squirrels. I have now had this little one for about 3 weeks-1 month. He is probably 8-9 weeks now.
He has also lossed some weight. He only weighs about 120-122 grams. My degus weigh more than he does. He WAS putting weight on, and he seems to have gotten bad over the day/night. If he/squirrels work like most creatures, then I missed the signs of the problem earlier. Or the little guy hid the problem..
He had pasty poos the last time I posted. I gave yogurt, and poos started turning brown, and were looking better. Now the little one has diarehhea (sp?).
It also hurts him to move around tonight. So could it be calcium problem??
His top teeth still have not came in very much. I offer the rodent pellets (Mazuri) to him, have for 2-3 weeks. He nibbles on them, but that is about it. His bottom teeth are long, but not the top....they are barely out still.
He went from being active, to not being active. Yes, he is still gave the Esbilac. He takes about 18cc's (three 6cc syringes) a setting at about 4-5 times a day.
He also won't eat as much as he normally does. I've done good to get about 12 cc's a setting, about 3 times today.
He has sneezed a bit today..
He also has an odor which has me worried...
He also licks me more, before he did that, but now maybe it means something more???
He also goes into a state of being in a trance....kinda weird.
I am NOT a rehibilitator, but I can not find one local either. I was told that they don't treat mamals by one of them that I contacted. I do have a local vet that will see him, but my exotic vet is about 3 hours from me. I have been running a bad cold, so can't do that drive right now. I have been wearing my face mask, so that I don't make him worse.
I'm holding all rapped up right now..
I care very much for this little one, so please if anyone can help, please try! I don't want something stupid I did to be the end for him..
I'll check back, check my pm's, and my cell number is 812-890-9273. I should answer it right away (no matter the time) if not I WILL call you right back.
09-11-2007, 01:07 AM
hello hilly! i'm so sorry your boy isn't feeling too well.
these are some serious signs that to me either denote sickness or something you've been doing wrong. we'll see if we can eliminate the latter.
the only thing you said that perked my ears is the formula- usually by now, my babies are mostly weaned, though i offer them formula soaked bread twice a day. i would try weaning him soon.
2 questions- what did he weigh before, and how quickly did he make this weight change?
if the sneezing continues, tell us.
is he getting full spectrum light for an hour or more each day? the ONLY sources of this are the sun and certified full-spectrum lights, which can be bought in most areas.
what have you been feeding him besides formula and rodent block?
in the "trance", how long does it last? does he respond when you speak or touch him? is there any movement associated with it?
finally, what kind of cage are you keeping him in, and what's inside it?
thanks for answering these. i have to go to sleep now but this info will help in the morning, or for the next rehabber.
09-11-2007, 02:04 AM
Thank you so very much for the reply!
He is peeing which is very yellow.
Poos are more liquid than anything now, sometimes mushy. They range in color from a white color to brown now... all the different shades of brown. Each poo is different it seems. They were just white and pasty before I started giving the yogurt.
His fur by his bum is kinda nasty tonight because of his diarrehea. The odor may be coming from there. I don't want to give him a "bath" because I don't want to make hime worse. I am keeping him wiped up. Giving him what I call a puppy bath, which is bathing him the way you would a baby pup.
His top gums have been irritated. They have also been swollen, I though that with teeth coming in it was normal.
The bottoms are very long, so that had/has me worried.
He didn't weigh a lot before, but it had been increasing. I believe it was 140-144 grams two nights ago. Which is quite a bit to lose IMO.
He is also being gave veggies. Things like broccoli, a few other greens whose names aren't coming to me, small pieces of carrot, and some stuff from a frozen veggie mix in the bag. I have not offered fruit yet, because of the poo problems. He doesn't really try to nibble the veggies, though they are offered. I have also tried feeding them to him by hand. He acts like he CAN'T eat them, or like it hurts.
Lighting yes, he is getting sunlight an hour a day.
I have been keeping him in a big dog kennel, during most of the day. If he isn't out that is, which is when I am not home or I am in the kitchen. I don't like the idea of the kennel, but it is all I had to put him in while I get/got his other cage together. He is normally very active, so something like a box wouldn't work. The big real cage, has to be put inside his room. His is put in a wire cage, when he gets his sunlight. The wiring is small, so that he doesn't get hurt. I have full a spectrum light on order.
I have him on bedding (aspen), he has his fleece blanckets, and towels in the keenel as well. He has a water bottle and the pellets at all times. I have also gave him paper towels to see if he'd be interested in ripping them up, he has not shown any interest to do so. His kennel is cleaning several times day.
The trances that he goes into have been happening for a while, like with the poos. It is/was a concern I was worried about if I decided to do a soft release. He'll hold real still, eyes wide open, his fur sometimes twitches, and his breathing slows. Looks like a stuffed animal, so all stiff. When he does this, no he doesn't respond. You can try talking to him, but no noise gets to him. If you physically touch him he will sometimes come right out of it, sometimes it takes a minute or so. He then carries on with a burst of energy, and seems fine.
His fur looks more ruffled and up a animal with a cold would like. The sneezing just started recently, about the last 2-3 days. We have been having weird weather. The sneezing isn't contant just here and there.
I hope this helps. I'm sorry if my spelling is off tonight.
09-11-2007, 02:21 AM
First, remove the aspen bedding. Many squirrels have problems with this type--it can cause sneezing and worse.
Okay? Then I think you should do a few simple tests on him. What's his name?
09-11-2007, 02:24 AM
Can you go to Chat? It's easier to talk there.
09-11-2007, 02:41 AM
Ok, I'll try to get a picture. I just took another look at his gums/teeth. The top gums ARE swollen and red.Sorry, I should have looked at them again earlier before I replied.
The bottoms are about an third of an inch long.
They are not growing into the top yet. I know what that looks like from having pet rats and degus.
He is now off the aspen, and on newspaper.It's soy ink, is that ok?
He's sluggish and wobbly tonight, but we can try simple tests.
I've been calling him Monkey.... Has has always been active, and reminds me of a monkey.
I don't know how to go into a chat on a forum, but if someone can tell me I'll try.
09-11-2007, 02:43 AM
In the blue band above, you see "User CP" then "Chat" then "FAQ" etc. Just click Chat. Then click "The Lobby" and your on.
09-11-2007, 04:29 AM
Just to let you know what happened with Hillybean's baby. (I happened to be up and no rehabbers online.) We quickly moved to Chat.
You can read her first post but the gist is: 7-8 wk baby (NOT 8-9 wks) fed Esbilac by very caring squirrel mom (18 ccs per feeding 5 x per day). No solid foods except rodent block, which he didn't like. Recent weight loss (from 140 grams to 123), diarrhea, rough fur, less active, wobbly, yellow pee. Was cuddling for warmth and seemed cold. Also seemed to be teething (swollen gums). Baby had not had a heat source recently, but mom had put the heating pad back since baby seemed cold. Baby also sneezing. Baby was bedded on aspen (basically pine chips).
Got rid of the aspen bedding as it seemed likely that was causing the sneezing.
Diagnosis: 18 ccs per feeding was way too much. Overfeeding caused diarrhea, which caused dehydration, which caused the weight loss, lack of activity, rough fur, yellow pee, getting chilly etc.
Mom had watermelon and grapes on hand, plus knew how to make homemade rehydrating solution. Had mom try baby with a cube of watermelon which he loved. Got heating pad under half the box. Mom made a rice buddy which baby loved. (Bedding is now newspaper with fleece.) After the watermelon, baby took 6 ccs of warm hydrating solution. Baby pooped and it was still loose but more solid than before. Mom now reported baby became perkier. He ran up her arm which he was unable to do earlier tonite, but used to do before.
So the care plan for the rest of the nite was: No more formula tonite. Instead alternate every half hour THROUGH THE NITE with a syringe of warm hydrating fluid, a cube of watermelon, or a grape (peeled). Keep baby very warm and check back in the morning, when TSB rehabbers will be online. I told her they would advise about care and feeding going forward.
09-11-2007, 07:32 AM
4skwerlz, I think you are right on the mark with your diagnosis. I would have said exactly the same thing.:thumbsup
She needs to continue with the heat source and as the diarrhoea starts to clear up she can slowly re-introduce the Esbilac at about 8ml per session, 4-5 times a day. Keep weighing him and adjust the amount of formula accordingly.
Keep an eye on those teeth, as this can put baby of it's food. Try offering soft fruit, i.e peeled grapes...these are good for him!
You're doing a great job!:thumbsup :thumbsup
09-11-2007, 08:46 AM
i'm just glad the baby didn't have a disease!
hilly, keep us updated on your little one! PiCtUrEs ToO!
09-11-2007, 09:01 AM
Way to go 4skwerlz! :bowdown You handled it like a pro. And good work Hillybean too for noticing something was wrong and getting your baby the help it needed. Sounds like you both had a long night. I hope Monkey is doing better today. It can be VERY scary when they get sick like that. I agree with everything 4 skwerlz told you.
Is the baby still on newspaper? There have been some sad stories of color ink killing baby squirrels. Is there any way you could use t-shirts and baby blankets only? That would be much safer and more cozy for Monkey.
Did you get a plan for what to do with Monkey today to keep him on the road to recovery?
09-11-2007, 09:41 AM
Monkey is doing so VERY MUCH better. He is active, and responding this morning.
I'm rotating the melon, rehydrating solution, and the peeled grapes.
His poos for quite a few hours now, have been apple sauce like. Here and there, with a tint of brown. They're thicker, and constant in color. I'm not getting surprised with something different with each, which is good.
He is on the newspaper, but I can switch him to an old towel/towels if that is better.
I don't think that we have came up with a plan yet, but I'm positive one needs to be made. Main goal last night was to rehydrate, and see if he improved any.
If I can find my memory card to my camera I'll take some pictures of him and his teeth. I've been looking for it for a few hours, and just can't seem to find it.
Thank You,
09-11-2007, 09:46 AM
It's better not to use towels as they get their feet tangled in the loops. Have you got an old blanket or t-shirt? something along these lines would be best!
Glad to hear he is doing better today, keep up the good work!:thumbsup
Jules. :Love_Icon
09-11-2007, 09:53 AM
Silly me, I just found my memory card.... It was in the camera, but not pushed in all the way. I'll blame it on not feeling well, worry, and lack of sleep :) .
I do have some old shirts, so I'll get them and switch him out now.
09-11-2007, 09:57 AM
White PAPER towels work, too, especially for the potty area, at least til his poops are "neater" again. Also, he might like the paper towels to nest in (sep. area :D )
09-11-2007, 10:19 AM
I would go with the t-shirts and baby blankets, that will be best for Monkey. The paper towels aren't a bad idea either, they will keep the cage a little neater. I reread the post and caught something I didn't notice earlier. You said Monkey's poops were sometimes white. He may be lactose intolerant and having trouble digesting the formula.
For today, I would slowly put him back on formula and watch his poops. Keep providing the grapes and whatever else you have as far as fruits and veggies go. Try feeding him milk every 5 hours (for 4 feedings a day). In between the milk feedings, give him 3-4 ccs of pedialyte. That will be a nice little drink for him to keep him hydrated but not fill him up so much that he loses his appetite. As for the feedings of milk, start off giving him just 7-8 ccs of formula at each feeding. I think 18 ccs was just way too much for his little body to handle. If his poops are still white with the lower amount of milk, let me know because there is something you can add to the milk to help him digest it if he is lactose intolerant. Also, keep an eye on his weight, if he continues to drop in weight or doesn't gain, let us know and we will need to adjust the plan.
09-11-2007, 10:35 AM
Yep, for the longest time they have been white and pasty. While adding yogurt the color changed.
Yes, I feel bad about that. The little guy was getting WAY to much to eat.
When (about what time) would you try giving formula? I was thinking of holding off on it till this afternoon, and just keep up on rehydratong till then.
I'll also check his weight later on today, and get some pictures/post them.
Sounds like you are doing great!! :thumbsup I would start back on a dilute formula only after you feel baby's hydration is good. Then work back to full strength formula over the next couple of days. Feed baby by the 5% rule - 5% of his body weight in grams = #ccs per feeding. As he is older you can cheat this a little but stay within 5 to 7%. Never feed more than 7% per feeding and you should be fine. Keep the yogurt in the formula for all feedings - it's good for him. :) If he has eyes open for at least a week I would feed only 4 times a day then after another week or so drop that to 3 times a day at 7% per feeding. We are now in the weaning process and baby should be enjoying some solids. Check out the many lists we have available for ideas of foods for him and introduce them to him slowly - giving him something new every other day or so.
Hope this helps.:)
09-11-2007, 01:33 PM
do you plan to release or keep? this will help us to help you make a long-term plan for the little guy. :)
09-11-2007, 03:11 PM
Ok, so I took a hour nap. I went to clean him up, so that I could give more fluids, and freaked for a minute. He had red coming from his poo area,I think it was the watermelon. What do you think??
I guess keep, he already has a light, and stuff on order. He already has his own room, soon will have his huge cage in there. Never really thought about squirrels as companions before, but I'm sure I can handle what ever he can dish out personality/habbit wise. I already care very much for the little guy.
He is VERY active now, so I think I might now try a start feeding the formula (6cc's). He is also holding heat in better today, and isn't as cold. I still have the heat mat on half the kennel, and I am keeping the rice buddy warm for him.
I'll try to get pictures here in a minute, and post them. He is active again, so I'll have to have someone handle him or my camera. I also want to get pictures of his gums/teeth.
Thank You,
09-11-2007, 03:22 PM
So glad he's doing better today!
Red poop must have been scary! I'm not a rehabber, but my inclination is if you think it looked like the watermelon, it probably was. Considering his problems last night, the watermelon could have passed thru his system pretty quickly and not really been digested. Is that what it looked like? Stringy or pieces like "leftover" watermelon?
He probably would appreciate a little formula -- just make sure he's warm before you give it to him.. If he isn't maintaining his heat away from the heat source, wrap him in a blankie, maybe even a warmed blankie, or with his rice buddy.
09-11-2007, 03:33 PM
Yep, that exactly what it looks like. Watermelon that just went through his system.
Even though he is active, he has lossed weight..:(. He is about 114 grams, that is a HUGE loss already today. Why is he losing weight?? I had him get on the scale several times, to make sure I didn't mess up the reading. It's a digital scale (gram/oz). He's active, so it was hard to get him to hold still.
What is he getting for calories? There is none in watermelon, few in rehydrating solutions. Until he gets back on the formula he will not be getting enough calories to maintain his weight.
09-11-2007, 04:34 PM
also, logically, animals often lose weight when they're sick. humans sometimes do, too. you should probably very slowly reintroduce formula, very diluted. see what he does with a little bit, and if his poops stay/get better, you could give him a little more.
09-11-2007, 04:56 PM
Can I start offering the rodent pellets again?? I took them out when I switched bedding earlier.
Here are some picture of him, they were just taken. I'll get some better ones of his teeth, the ones that were taken are too light (had the flash). ( ( (
09-11-2007, 05:49 PM
i can already tell he's a bit emaciated for his age.
(fun fact just so you can tell too, hilly; even if a baby doesn't get food, their skull continues to grow at the same rate. his head looks a bit too big for his body in those pictures)
you've done a very good job though, don't blame yourself.
i think if his stools continue to show improvement, you should offer him one cc of diluted formula (probably 1 to 4) tonight. he needs some calories. after you give him that, observe his stools tomorrow morning, and if they're ok continue to give him small amounts of diluted formula.
does he seem eager to eat the watermelon?
09-11-2007, 11:59 PM
I pmed LynninIN, last night like some of the members recommended. She was about 2 1/2 hours from me and called me today. We talked about Monkey, what she could do to help.
She offered to take Monkey for a week, or so.. into her care. It sounded like the easiest way to do things, so for Monkeys health and safety I said yes. We met up, and now Monkey is in Lynn's care.
LynninIN, was recommended by several people on the board and she offered, so I took her up on the offer. She has more experiance than I do with squirrels, so I thought it was the best thing to do.
I'm sick right now, so caring for him with him being sick is even harder. I'm not giving up on him. I think Lynn is best choice right now. I care about him, and right now he can't afford to have me mess up on something, because it could cost him his life.
I'm going to check in on him often. I am curious to find out if he has an infection, parasites, something I did, or what. Plus, I REALLY want him to be ok...
Thank you all for your help! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!
09-12-2007, 12:02 AM
oh hilly :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
you made the right choice! i gotta tell ya, i have a lot of faith in one time/newbie rehabbers, but sometimes it's just a relief to put the squirrel with someone who can fix 'em up for sure!
lynn will do a fabulous job. :D she'll do so well, i bet you'll hardly recognize your little monkey!
Hilly, Lynn will take very good care of Monkey!! You made a very good decision. I know you will miss him, but I bet Lynn will keep you and all of us updated on Monkey's progress.
Try to rest and get better :grouphug ...Monkey will be home before you know it!!
09-12-2007, 12:25 AM
:wave123 Hilly
The little monkey is doing well. He just ate 5 cc of Esbilac mixed with baby rice cereal. He is in pretty good shape, just a little under nourished from the diarrhea. Only a little diarrhea and stringy watermelon once since I picked him up. His urine is clear. His problem may have been you loving and feeding him a little too much for his weight. I really think he will be just fine. His mouth looks okay, his top teeth are just coming through. Boy, can he climb!! And eat!!! He was fighting to hold onto one syringe and trying to grab the next at the same time. He is sleeping with his rice sock and a heating pad on low under 1/2 the carrier now very peaceful. I will alternate pedialyte and formula with rice cereal at approx. 5 cc every 2 hours throughout the night and let you know how he is tomorrow. I'm off work on Wednesday's.
He's a doll baby! :Love_Icon
09-12-2007, 12:35 AM
Thank you ALL for the encouragement, and nice words.
Lynn thank you so much for the update.
I can now go get some sleep, knowing that he is ok. Yep, he is a climber, and a jumper ;).
I'll look forward to an update on tomorrow.
09-12-2007, 02:14 AM
Hilly, you did a wonderful thing when you took the help that Lynn offered. I know it was hard for you to do - it takes these babies about three seconds to work their way into your heart! If more people would put the well-being of the squirrel babies before their own wants, we would lose a lot less babies.
A lot of people get mad when we keep saying "take them to a rehabber" over and over again. The ordinary person that finds a squirrel and wants to raise it might very well be able to IF the baby is healthy, and IF the person is truly aware of the cost and time and trouble it takes to raise one. But if that baby has problems of any sort, a rehabber stands a much better chance of saving it, as they already have the equipment, medication, and experience. Most rehabbers would welcome the help from someone that wanted to become a rehabber (especially during squirrel season!). There are far too few rehabbers around - we always need more! I picked up a baby grey from a lady tonight that sounds like she might want to get into rehabbing, and she is going to come up and see what all she needs to learn. The baby appeared to be in good shape, so if things go right, she will probably get him back in a few weeks and care for him until she can release him in her own yard.
I'm sorry - I'll get off my soapbox now :D
Thanks again for doing the right thing for the little one.
09-12-2007, 06:09 AM
:wave123 Hilly
Thank you so much for caring for Monkey, you made a hard decision, and putting your feelings aside, thought of what's best for Monkey right now to get help for him. This is a true show of love :Love_Icon ....You are awesome my friend!!! :grouphug
Lynn will take excellent care of Monkey, and you can get some much needed rest to help you feel better too...a win-win situation...
:Welcome to TSB
mjs Monkey is adorable.
Hi Hilly,
It takes a lot of love to let Monkey go to someone else for a while. There would be less baby squirrel deaths if more people followed in your footsteps. You did the right thing.
09-12-2007, 09:22 AM
i think the BEST thing about this situation is it's balance.
i really and truly enjoy seeing people rehab squirrels for the first time. it's an accomplishment that, when done right, will stay in your heart forever.
on the other hand, if it's done wrong, it's a very sad thing, because people usually try so hard to do the right thing.
so the great thing about THIS is that lynn can fix 'im up gooooood and when he's all re-energized and over his sickness, hilly can complete the final stages of rehab and be able to release him where he came from!
does my heart good. :)
09-12-2007, 07:24 PM
Some pictures of Monkey from this evening. He is doing well but still has some diarrhea. He is eating 5 mL of Esbilac mixed with baby rice cereal 4 times a day, pedialyte, baby applesauce, probiotics and cheerios.
09-12-2007, 07:32 PM
awwwww what a CUTIE!
i'm glad he's at least improving. ;) we'll take care of that diarrhea in no time!
09-12-2007, 08:27 PM
There's my little guy!
I have missed him SO much today. I was able to keep busy by doing a lot of different things, one of them was making a doctor appointment for myself.
I know how it is to be caring for an animal, and have the other care taker or owner call you up a thousand times a day. I didn't want to be like that. lol!
Knowing that he is doing ok helps a lot.
Thank you for the pictures!
09-12-2007, 08:36 PM
What a cutie!! :Love_Icon -- Checking out his new Auntie, it looks like! :D
I'm sure Lynn has made him quite comfy :thumbsup . And I see he as a friend in the background. Hope he's better in no time!
Hillybean, you should pat yourself on the back for making the right choice for Monkey! He's in good hands. Hope you also are feeling better soon!
:grouphug :grouphug
09-13-2007, 12:20 AM
Great pics! Wow, he does look like a scrapper. :thumbsup
i'm no expert, but perhaps the applesauce might be a bit too acidic at the moment? :dono
09-13-2007, 04:14 AM
Cute little Monkey:) ! I'm sure he'll be feeling better soon :thumbsup !
Just FYI: Applesauce is what's given to baby opossums to stop diarrhea and it works great! I stop all my squirrelys diarrhea before it starts by giving Probiocin (similar to OTC Benebac) to everyone once a day for at least three days when they first arrive. So far, it's worked for me 100% of the time :peace .
Get well quick, Monkey! :grouphug
09-13-2007, 09:10 PM
Monkey is doing very well tonight. He is up 10 grams in the last 30 hours. He is more active and his poo is more formed. I'll try to get more pictures in the next 2 days.
Bravo, you are correct about applesauce being more acidic (Ph 3.5 to 4.5). The pectin in the apple is a natural stool binder. It is part of the standard B.R.A.T diet for humans with diarrhea, well known for children. B=bananna R=rice A=applesauce & T=dry toast.
09-13-2007, 09:15 PM
:wott :wott :wott Great job Lynn! (not that I'm surprised) How did you get him to gain weight so fast? Has the little monster gotten used to you yet? :D
09-13-2007, 09:20 PM
i love it when stuff works out.
09-13-2007, 09:32 PM
09-13-2007, 10:22 PM
Great work Lynn! You are amazing. You did the right thing Hillybean by giving monkey up for a little while so he can get healthy! He is in excellent hands now and should make a speedy recovery. Looks like he is already well on his way!
09-14-2007, 01:10 AM
Monkey has to be doing well, and with him gaining some weight it shows :D .
I never thought about the baby cereal (the baby rice), or the apple sauce. lol!
I've rehabed and cared for a variety of animals (mainly birds, but some mamals, some exotics, and others), but him being my first squirrel, not exspected, and my mind went blank. I then didn't want to give him the wrong thing and make it worse. I also have probiotics and anti-biotics. My vet is great with working with me about animals, but this one... He needed someone that KNEW how to care for him already.
You are right about me loving and caring a TON about him. I'm not going to to lie, I miss him daily! BUT I know that if he was to die I'd miss him forever, and I don't think I could with myself, unless I tried EVERYTHING possible to help him. I was lucky, and Lynn was one of my options :) . Like I told Lynn, he was so much more important...
A BIG "Thank You" to you ALL for your support, because of you I was able to contact Lynn.
Thank a TON!
09-14-2007, 01:35 AM
:thumbsup HILLY:thumbsup
09-14-2007, 10:04 AM
:thumbsup We can tell you love Monkey because you gave him up when things first started to go wrong. The ones that claim to love their babies but don't really are the ones that see the signs that things aren't going good and refuse to give them up because they "love them too much to give them up". Those are the people that are being selfish and don't have the squirrels best interest at heart. The ones that truly care about the squirrel know what is best and do it. Just like you did. Good work and soon you will have Monkey back good as new and you can enjoy caring for a healthy baby! :thumbsup
09-14-2007, 01:07 PM
:goodpost I agree, Hilly. You made a hard choice because it was the right thing to do.
The pectin in the apple is a natural stool binder. It is part of the standard B.R.A.T diet for humans with diarrhea, well known for children. B=bananna R=rice A=applesauce & T=dry toast.
Never knew that... make sense tho, and it's obviously working. :thumbsup
09-14-2007, 09:49 PM
Monkey's weight is up to 150 grams :wahoo He was 120 grams 54 hours ago and probably less the night before. A majority of the weight gain was fluid replacement in the beginning. Now he is gaining like a regular little squirrel should.
He's trying to crack an almond right now. :) :monkey
09-14-2007, 10:54 PM
Sammy saw Monkey and took off to the highest spot possible and sat on his back legs with his front legs tucked under in begging position. Sammy sat like that looking down at Monkey like....... WTH is that.
A formal introduction is still a few days away. Even if they like each other, the plan is not to let them get cozy because Monkey is going back to Hilly for release. I don't think Monkey is an indoor type of squirrel.
09-14-2007, 11:44 PM
Wow, he is putting on the weight so very well!!! :jump
I miss him so much...BUT I'm so happy he is now putting on the grams!!
09-15-2007, 07:15 AM
Hillybean, I'm so happy for you!!! :monkey looks great, Glad to hear he's putting on some weight, :alright.gif Lynn
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