View Full Version : Food intolerance in squirrel?

02-23-2021, 11:07 AM
Is food intolerance something others have experienced with a squirrel?

When we raised him and his sister, the boy eventually seemed to develop an intolerance to commercial hard block (e.g., Mazuri, Oxbow). We had him treated for worms and coccidia (which he had). But then he continued to have persistent diarrhea. Once we switched him to Henry's Healthy Block, everything improved and seemed fine for a few months. However, now he seems to be struggling again.

Our male has been licking his paws a lot, rubbing his bottom on the cage shelf wire, and just itching a lot. We think that he developed MBD. However, he and his sister were getting the same diet.

We are just perplexed and trying to figure it out. I am not sure what else I can feed if he can't have Henry's or other block.

02-23-2021, 03:46 PM
Have you tried Envigo Harlan Teklad block? It is the block that is fed to lab rodents, so I’m assuming it’s tolerated well. It is a 100% nutritionally complete block.

Benadryl can be given if you think his licking is an allergic reaction. If you want to do that someone on here can help you dose it.

02-23-2021, 04:43 PM
I’m not sure where you’re located, but there are several vets that see squirrels along the Eastern seaboard, from Florida to New York.