View Full Version : Do grays calm down as they they older?

02-12-2021, 02:43 PM
I rescued Charlie when he was 4 weeks old which was back in August of 2020. I would like to think I have done everything that I can possibly do for my boy to grow into a healthy and happy furrball. I have read everything there is to care for him. Would I recommend a pet squirrel....NO!! It takes a lot of patience, loss of sleep, and love. By the time I realized that he probably should have been turned over to a rehabotor I fell in love with my boy. Went through every two hour feedings to every three; did the puppy formula to applesauce to nuts, etc. Now Charlie has a great diet (I think) of various nuts, fruits and veggies and hibiscus flowers. His cage (condo) is a huge cage of 5 feet, with a sleeping tunnel, feeding cups, a tree branch, litter pan, etc. He has free roam of the house and yes has broken things; chewed silk flowers, beads hanging from lamps, etc.; chases Bogey, my black 14-year-old cat (which initially I was so very worried that it would be just the opposite). Charlie has made two nests in the house and when he's finished with one he goes to the other and this is where my precious moments come in. I take him out of his nest and put him in his condo (cage) for the night, but prior to doing that my little boy is so tired I can hold him upside down and count his little whiskers and he continues to sleep...... this is where I get to give him lots of love which he likes even not asleep. My arms are all scratched because not only am I mom/dad but also a tree. His condo in on wheels so I wheel him outside cover the top so he doesn't get sunburn and he's in seventh heaven. His buddies, other squirrels, doves and Blue Jays visit him and it's a joy to watch. Couple of the squirrels that come to visit Charlie I have hand fed them so it's a nice relationship between these amazing creatures. I think he has started to act less wild.....am I imagining this or does this happen? Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself and my furrballs to this site and I am thankful to have stumbled on it. Looking forward to getting to know everyone. Have a blessed day. Halina

02-12-2021, 03:39 PM
Hello Halina, welcome to the squirrel gang! I have a ground squirrel, so I hope some of the grey squirrel people will address your question about that species. I'm sure many of us can relate to your experiences - sleepless nights of bottle feeding, falling in love, cuddles, scratches & mis-haps around the house, with other pets, etc etc Wouldn't trade it for nuttin


02-13-2021, 06:26 AM
Is your plan to release Charlie this Spring? Is there a medical reason that he’s not releasable?

As you’ve figured out squirrels make lousy pets. Yes, there are some that are very loving and affectionate, but once they reach sexual maturity they can change. They can become very aggressive in their quest for freedom. They are hard wired to procreate and live in the trees.

You mention that you feed Charlie nuts. I hope you are limiting it to no more than one or two a day. I didn’t see any mention of a rodent block. Captive squirrels must have some type of rodent block to stay healthy and prevent MBD. Many folks feed Henrys Picky blocks because they are well accepted. They are a supplemental block and you only feed 2-3 per day with an assortment of healthy veggies. They must be purchased from Henrys Pets online.

Harlan Teklad makes a hard extruded block that is less tasty, but 100% complete nutrition. Many folks grind them up and mix them with baby food, a small amount of ground nuts and coconut oil to make them more palatable.

I hope you will think very hard about what is best for Charlie and his future.