View Full Version : A squirrel has adopted me
02-05-2021, 08:56 PM
So after my dog day this past year I started feeding birds and squirrels. The neighbors probably think I'm crazy because when I see a cat stalking the squirrels I will go outside and chase the cat away lol. Anyhow there's one squirrel that after months always seems to get closer and closer. After a while it takes nuts from my hand. I feed them from my window. Well one day the squirrel tried grabbing for my hand but I was reluctant to let it touch me. The next day this squirrel jumped on me and crawled all over me then jumps on my window sill and looks at me. I let it warm up a minute then coaxed it back out. But after it left there were alot of little pinhead sized reddish brown bugs. I noticed the squirrel has a bald patch. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they think it's mites or lice and is there some way I can help the poor guy out? And should I be treating myself for something? Any helpful advice would be appreciated 😌
02-06-2021, 06:30 AM
Those sound like squirrel lice. They don't really mess with people much, they prefer squirrels.
There are two medications that can be used to treat him. Kitten Revolution or 1.87% Ivermectin paste. The past is very inexpensive and can be ordered online or purchased at feed stores for about $5.
Both are VERY toxic if too much is given (place on a nut treat) so please let us know if you get either one and we can give you exact dosing directions. This is very important as the wrong dosing amount can be very dangerous for him.
So after my dog day this past year I started feeding birds and squirrels. The neighbors probably think I'm crazy because when I see a cat stalking the squirrels I will go outside and chase the cat away lol. Anyhow there's one squirrel that after months always seems to get closer and closer. After a while it takes nuts from my hand. I feed them from my window. Well one day the squirrel tried grabbing for my hand but I was reluctant to let it touch me. The next day this squirrel jumped on me and crawled all over me then jumps on my window sill and looks at me. I let it warm up a minute then coaxed it back out. But after it left there were alot of little pinhead sized reddish brown bugs. I noticed the squirrel has a bald patch. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they think it's mites or lice and is there some way I can help the poor guy out? And should I be treating myself for something? Any helpful advice would be appreciated 😌
02-06-2021, 07:02 PM
Thanks so much for the response. I ordered the paste. I will definitely let you know when it comes the poor squirrels must be going nuts with them lice.
02-06-2021, 07:17 PM
Great! Just check back after you get it for dosing directions. Too much could actually be lethal so just want to make sure he is dosed correctly.
He will feel so much better after he gets treated!
Thanks so much for the response. I ordered the paste. I will definitely let you know when it comes the poor squirrels must be going nuts with them lice.
02-06-2021, 07:57 PM
Such a smart squirrel to have adopted someone as nice as you, to be her personal physician! I swear they know how to ask for help.
02-08-2021, 12:19 PM
I think he was trying to ask for help. Maybe he thought if I give her some she'll see what my problem is lol. I'm still waiting for the medicine to come though I should've just went to the store for it.
02-12-2021, 10:10 AM
Okay I have the medicine and the nuts. 😁 Whenever you have a chance to give me the dosage also there are several squirrels with similar looking bald patches should I give them all meds?
02-12-2021, 11:34 AM
Which medicine did you get?
02-12-2021, 12:54 PM
I think you said you got the paste. Double check - it is 1.87% ivermectin only?
If so, the dose is a bit of the paste the size of an uncooked grain of rice, which can be deposited in the wrinkles in the back of a pecan. It is pleasant tasting - usually apple - so they don't normally balk, and it is a REALLY small amount.
Squirt a tiny blob out and use a toothpick to separate out your "rice grain." I suggest you look at an actual dry grain for comparison - it is quite tiny.
You will want to redose - same amount - in 7-10 days, and if possible, again 7-10 days after that. Ivermectin kills adult bugs but often not eggs, so multiple doses timed to catch newly hatching bugs eventually wipes them all out.
02-12-2021, 05:47 PM
Yes ivermectin 1.87 and I will use the rice for comparison thank you.
02-16-2021, 09:22 PM
Anyone ever offer a nice large bathing pan with Diatomaceous Earth in it? My chickens love it, and Tinkerbelle went nuts rolling and burrowing in it. She must have been holding her breath, because she never sneezed, although there was a positive white cloud rising from the pan. Anyway, supposed to be a natural killer of all kinds of parasites, and other wildlife could come and enjoy it as well. Non-toxic too.
02-26-2021, 09:40 AM
So I have given all the squirrels I noticed with bald patches the medicine. Their hair has started to fill back in except the one I was trying to treat. I gave her two doses so far and she's lost more hair. Also now one of her eyes is about swollen shut. I'm starting to think she may not make it she is also the skinniest one.
02-26-2021, 10:36 AM
Can you take a picture and post it? There is a condition that’s called pox that affects the eyelids of squirrels as well as other parts. It is treated differently and very hard to contain. Ivermectin should take care of mange and other parasites, so I’m baffled about what may be going on with this one.
02-26-2021, 05:12 PM
Can you take a picture and post it? There is a condition that’s called pox that affects the eyelids of squirrels as well as other parts. It is treated differently and very hard to contain. Ivermectin should take care of mange and other parasites, so I’m baffled about what may be going on with this one.
After looking up squirrel pox I believe this may be the issue. She does have a new lesion on her back between her shoulder blades that I was wondering if she can even reach it. I was looking at her closely the other day her "fingers" on her front hands looked kind of deformed and hairless. Her eyes do look crusty and look smaller than the other squirrels. She doesn't run and play like the other squirrels. A few of the other squirrels had lesions but they seem to be in better shape. I will try to get a picture tomorrow morning when she come. :-(
02-26-2021, 07:13 PM
Squirrel pox is very difficult to treat. Send a private message to Island Rehabber she recently got several squirrels over pox, although they were in her care. It’s contagious, which is why your other squirrels have it too.
Supporting her with nutritious food like Henrys Picky eater blocks, fresh avocado (no skin or pit), fresh coconut chunks and even some fresh corn on the cob chunks will help her keep her strength. Not having to forage for food will help her while she’s not moving as well.
A picture would be helpful.
island rehabber
02-26-2021, 09:01 PM
Hi Cstna. You can do a few things to help this girl. Try to get some acyclovir (brand name Valtrex ) Used for treating the herpes virus in humans a lot of people have some at home because they get fever sore outbreaks. Ask around then I can help you dose it ...another thing you can do is order some nutri-feron from Amazon; Excellent immune system booster and you will make a paste from it and can dose it on a nut for her every day. The eye poxes are the worst; It will take weeks and weeks to heal. Again if you can get some baytril or SMZTMP that will help. Pox is slow
and tedious...hang in there!
02-26-2021, 09:46 PM
I can get the Valtrex not sure how much tho. I will have to order the other stuff. I can try my best with her untill about April early may and then we are moving. My neighbor feeds the squirrels too but not sure if shed be willing to go through the trouble to continue treatment. Is there a specific type of baytril I see some for dogs and cats and different strengths. Thank you all for all the advice.
02-27-2021, 08:10 AM
Here are a couple pics I took of her today. She wanted to jump on me today but she was pretty dirty. I felt bad she looks like she needs love.
02-27-2021, 11:12 AM
She looks pretty rough. :(
So she has had two doses of rice sized Ivermectin 1.87% gel? or paste? 7-10 days apart?
If so, I would offer her a third dose 7-10 days after the last dose you gave. The active ingredients can settle in the past form of 1.87% ivermectin so try kneading the tube a bunch to get it mixed up, I don't think this is as much of a problem with the gel form but can't hurt to knead the tube with that one too.
I would continue to support her with food. I would normally say put out a water bowl daily with fresh water but I would be concerned thst could spread Pox to other squirrels so maybe hold off. As was mentioned, IslandRehabber has successfully treated Pox squirrels recently so follow her advice.
If you have a squirrel proof cage, that squirrel would probably benefit from a 1-3 weeks of rest inside your home to put on some body weight, rest up and recover her strength.
02-27-2021, 11:49 AM
I gave her 3rd dose today. I do not have a squirrel cage and I doubt my husband would be on board with bringing her in. He is good with buying the foods and meds for her but he is worried about diseases. He's on the paranoid side when it comes to germs. I actually have been keeping a water bowl out but she rarely drinks from it and I bring it in and wash it daily. If you think I should stop I will. There is a tree across the street with a hole in it I kind of think at least a few of them live in it together. They may be passing it to each other that way.
02-27-2021, 07:02 PM
I am a germaphobe too but these days I worry more about squirrels getting COVID from people. Thousands of squirrels have been rescued by folks on the TSB, I can't think of a single case of anyone catching anything from a squirrel.
As long as there is recent rain or snow, water should not be in short supply so the water bowl is probably not needed. If you have a dry spell, maybe put out the water again.
Hopefully, the ivermectin will help and also with weather starting to get warmer, natural foods that are part of their diet will start appearing again. I just noticed that the tree in out front yard is starting to bud, hopefully this starts where you are too. Winter can be hard on smaller, fall babies but she has made it this far so maybe with your help, meds, and food she can hang in till spring comes along. :grouphug
Do you have any rehabbers located near you?
I gave her 3rd dose today. I do not have a squirrel cage and I doubt my husband would be on board with bringing her in. He is good with buying the foods and meds for her but he is worried about diseases. He's on the paranoid side when it comes to germs. I actually have been keeping a water bowl out but she rarely drinks from it and I bring it in and wash it daily. If you think I should stop I will. There is a tree across the street with a hole in it I kind of think at least a few of them live in it together. They may be passing it to each other that way.
02-27-2021, 07:43 PM
I can get the Valtrex not sure how much tho. I will have to order the other stuff. I can try my best with her untill about April early may and then we are moving. My neighbor feeds the squirrels too but not sure if shed be willing to go through the trouble to continue treatment. Is there a specific type of baytril I see some for dogs and cats and different strengths. Thank you all for all the advice.
Let me know if you need additional Valtrex or Baytril. I have both and will send them to you. Send me a pm with your address.
Thank you for looking out for this little one. It breaks my heart to see them with this dreadful condition.
03-02-2021, 08:35 AM
Her eye is looking better and she seems more energetic. I do have the Valtrex if someone could let me know how to dose it. She doesn't seem interested in the avocado though. I'm gonna try coconut next.
03-02-2021, 09:06 AM
Thanks a million for helping this beautiful little girl (and others)! :Love_Icon :w00t
03-11-2021, 11:40 AM
Today my neighbor left a note on my door. The squirrel was also coming to her door trying to come in her house. Then it was following one of the stray cats she feeds. It wasn't scared of the cat. She did find the squirrel dead this morning in front of her cat igloo. I'm so heartbroken over it. The squirrel just want love from something. She says she will no longer feed the squirrels on her porch. I just thought I should let you guys know.
03-11-2021, 01:09 PM
That’s heartbreaking. 😢 Did a cat get it or did it die from another cause? Pox will eventually kill them.
03-11-2021, 05:07 PM
I am so sorry your little friend did not make it. This world can be cruel and hard.
Thank you for showing this little one some caring and love. :grouphug
Godspeed little squirrel, you were loved and will be missed.
03-12-2021, 01:33 AM
Today my neighbor left a note on my door. The squirrel was also coming to her door trying to come in her house. Then it was following one of the stray cats she feeds. It wasn't scared of the cat. She did find the squirrel dead this morning in front of her cat igloo. I'm so heartbroken over it. The squirrel just want love from something. She says she will no longer feed the squirrels on her porch. I just thought I should let you guys know.
OMG that was a sock in the gut reading that. Thank you for caring for this poor dear.
03-13-2021, 07:55 PM
That’s heartbreaking. 😢 Did a cat get it or did it die from another cause? Pox will eventually kill them.
It seemed to be doing better but there were no signs of attack.
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